When they came, the boss told them that when they arrived, they had to obey orders except to kill them and destroy their appearance. Even if they were asked to run naked around Yang family castle or find a group of big men to turn them around, they had to completely implement and accept them. Therefore, none of these people had any objection and gathered their own things, Put a note on the box, then went into the room and took this road. It was not fate, but their choice. In the final analysis, it was for one word - money. It's normal to give a high salary here, eat some hardship and suffer some crime. You can still meet that kind of abnormal guests in the field.

A meeting room is a meeting room. Park Shiyin gives people a meeting here. Her face is not so strong. It's not pleasing to their eyes, but she feels so tired. If it's not done well, it will lead to the rigidity of facial muscles, so she slows down a little. Park Shiyin said: "Let's sit down casually. No matter what reason you come here, I hope you can finish the next task. The task is very simple and you must be competent. Otherwise, we won't come to you. I just say one thing about the whole task. At any time, we can't disclose the inside information to others. If anyone violates it, I don't know the conclusion What will happen, because so far no one will violate it, and I won't say anything to scare you, because death is not terrible at all. "

"Manager, what is our task?" someone asked provocatively. Seeing the obscurity of Park Shiyin's words, she always felt that she was shy. Don't you know that park Shiyin was leaving them a little dignity.

"Sleep with me and fly together." Park Shiyin answered very simply and calmly, which disappointed the questioner. Park Shiyin added, "if you have any questions or requirements during the task, you can come to me, but I hope it is reasonable and reasonable. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude. I'll find you a bull with green hair."

Park Shiyin's words made the women rolling in the romantic arena look at each other. They didn't know what it was like to face a bull, but it was definitely not the scene they wanted. Park Shiyin's words might scare them, but they believed it was true, because this is Yang family castle. Without mentioning the external rumors, the boss said a word to them when they came, "Risks and opportunities coexist. It's up to you. Don't make trouble for me. If the people who hire you dig a hole and bury me, there will be no situation."

They didn't know who the boss was. They began to think that the boss was alarmist. In such a big Haixi, some people dared to bury the boss alive. However, when they learned that their destination was Yangjiabao, they knew that the boss was not a joke, but a big truth. Yangjiabao was undoubtedly a terrible existence in their mind, because they didn't listen less Some dignitaries mentioned this place and their understanding of this place is much higher than that of ordinary people.

The purpose of hiring people like them is nothing more than to eat, play and sleep with them. For this, they have already been psychologically prepared. Let alone Shuangfei, it is even more exaggerated. When they enter this industry, they are ready. Therefore, when Pu Shiyin said that sentence, there is no surprise. There is only a faint sadness at the bottom of her heart. It is not easy for people to die for money and birds for food!

In the evening, after drinking Bai Jiao's blood, ten people transferred by the security department entered the room one by one. Looking at the two beautiful girls in the room, they were suddenly stunned. They were a little embarrassed. For those who came suddenly, the two waiting in the room were also somewhat unexpected. They always thought they would be an old man or someone, but one of them was young and well-balanced They can call them handsome boys, which makes them a little unacceptable.

Compared with them, this young man is obviously a good family woman and man! Most of them feel at a loss, but these young men are also relatively strong and don't shout to sacrifice their lives for justice. A similar picture appears in their mind. These days, they haven't eaten pig meat and haven't seen pigs run! Anyway, village head Yang has paid for it. Don't use it for nothing!

I don't know whether it was Bai Jiao's blood or his instinctive reaction. In each room, there was a scene of undressing. One party's professionalism and one party's vitality soon sparked. A unique movement played in each room. If you open the doors of all rooms, you can hear a kind of joyful sound one after another.

At first, I didn't understand. Later, I understood that the ten people selected by Yang Feng were undoubtedly blessed with sex. When the lower body broke out, their upper body was not idle. I thought a lot of questions in my mind. I guessed part of the strange action of village head Yang.

"Don't stop until you can't move your arm again." let everyone enter the swimming pool. Yang Feng shouted in the middle of the swimming pool.

"Yes!" people began to act, and the whole swimming pool began to rejoice. Yang Feng saw that they didn't swim very fast, and a smile appeared on his face. He quietly put two electric eels into the water. They were not very thick, but Yang Feng's arms were thick and thin, with a length of five or six meters.

"Ah!" the body was numb and painful. People couldn't help crying. Looking back, the first reaction was to swim forward with those who didn't want to die. This was lively. People lined up in a circle. If anyone dared to fall behind, he would have to get electricity.

For almost two hours, collapsed people lay in chairs. Don't talk. Even breathing was a little hard. Yang Feng looked at them and left the swimming pool with a smile, leaving people covered with fog.

At night, there was another bottle of special preparation. People who were tired like dogs immediately became lively after taking the medicine for more than half an hour. They threw away their armor and begged for mercy after killing two girls who had been on the battlefield.

At dawn, it was fluttering in the swimming pool again. People slowly found that today seemed to swim a little faster than yesterday, and the time was a little longer. They were full of joy. Finally they understood the effect of that special medicine and worked harder. Yang Feng looked at it and nodded with satisfaction. This is a person with brains who understands thinking.

Day after day, I took the medicine for three days in a row. On the fourth day, I didn't take the medicine again, but the swimming continued. Some data were summarized to Xuexue. Xuexue was doing analysis, and seven days passed.

The girls with high fees and enjoying the upper class life returned to normal on the fourth day after three terrible nights, but this normal day is also relative to those three days. Compared with any normal man, this man is very strong. They doubt that village head Yang found such a group of people from there. It's too abnormal, But this normal day, just four days later, they ushered in a crazy night.

Not many people have seen the blue bull, and these girls have never seen it. When Park Shiyin said this object that day, they were still imagining what it was like, but now they saw it, red eyes, as if they were going to tear everything in front of them, and collided with them.

"Ha ha! How cool!" the people who shouted this were not in bed, but in the swimming pool. They punched in the water as if they could hit the water into a vacuum area. They knew what this meant.

"Ah!" he was so excited that he was a little forgetful. Accidentally, he was electrified by the electric eel. Like a frightened fish, he swished to the front and began to swim dead.

The blood analysis sample was handed to Xuexue. Xuexue looked at it for a long time, compared it with some data, and said: "we can't give them medicine for the time being. Let's observe it for a period of time. We always feel that their capacity has reached saturation. If we take it again, there will be side effects and even explosion."

"Can you feel it?" Yang Feng asked curiously.

"Yes! Put all kinds of data together and see the results through the activity of cells in the blood." Xuexue answered seriously, which made Yang Feng laugh. Professional people, he can't compare. He also saw the pile of data, but he can't see anything.

Xuexue's experiment has entered the second stage. These ten happy animals volatilize energy on two beautiful bodies without money every night. Swimming during the day consumes physical strength. In the next few days, rice is not simply swimming, but teaching them something to practice with the resistance of water. It will have extraordinary results, which was discovered by Yang Feng, In fact, Yang Feng also experimented with some theories in martial arts novels.

Time is here to enjoy and be enjoyed. In the past day by day, Yang Feng and his family stayed in Haixi and carried out secret closed door activities, but the eighth master was suffering. If there was no hope for anything, he would not want to, but once this hope appeared, his heart would be as painful as a cat's scratch. If they did not achieve their goal, they would not eat well or sleep well, Yang Feng seems to have no end for his vacation. What he cares about most every day is whether village head Yang has returned to Shanghe village.

The eighth master almost couldn't help going to Haixi several times, but through most of his life's experience, he told him that Yang Feng's vacation in Haixi was not as simple as vacation, so he didn't dare to disturb him. He had to wait and wait for Yang Feng's closure. On the day he left the customs, in order to show his intention, he donated 200 million to the project department for the first time after the start of the greening the Great Wall project, At first, he thought he had acted fast enough and donated enough. But when the project department announced the list and number, the eighth master knew that he was a tail gas and had to increase the amount of donation.

Situ Qingyun and his team are very efficient. From the registration of the company to the completion of the team building, that is, one week. When the greening the Great Wall project was launched, they also specially held a small activity in Badaling. They said that they didn't invite too many leaders to attend. They said that there were a lot of business celebrities present, especially Liu Yan, The donation ceremony at the event site told the world Yang Feng's determination to this event.

Yang Feng's 30 billion yuan is the largest sum, which was brought by Liu Yan himself. Next, there are a group of one billion households. They are dizzy when they see Lele. They have always heard that village head Yang has a good relationship with these enterprises, but they didn't expect it to be so good. It's obvious that they threw money and didn't report back. All these people opened their pockets to pour money.

Master Li, Wu sisters, Qin family, Jia family, Qi Shi, Ma Dequan and other more than a dozen people are all heroic. Lei Heng despises them very much. When drinking at night, he said unconvinced: "let you laugh for two years and see how brother bullies you after two years."

Everyone laughed together. These people can have their current wealth and are inseparable from village head Yang. However, because they are engaged in different industries, the outbreak speed is not comparable. Take Ma Dequan and Qi Shi for example. Qi Shi comes entirely from reselling stones. They are naturally not comparable. However, these people are different. That's why, Just let the eight masters' two hundred million show that there is really nothing.

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