After Yang Feng gained Jiuxi spiritual realm, he never met such powerful enemies. They were also subdued by Yang Feng by some means, which was not the submission of force, because at that time, Yang Feng was not the opponent of others alone. At this moment, when he met savages, Yang Feng suddenly raised a sense of pride and wanted to compete with this guy, He uses arrows, Yang Feng also uses arrows, he uses fists, Yang Feng also uses fists.

"Bang!" the two fists intersected. Yang Feng and the savage withdrew their hands at the same time. Yang Feng's whole arm was numb. It seems that the savage is not as good as there. When competing archery just now, Yang Feng had a mutual understanding of power, so Yang Feng dared to risk boxing with the savage.

As soon as they retreat, Yang Feng and the savage no longer fight hard, but use a flexible way of fighting. The two people's fists and feet move very quickly, but the move is also fast. They often move their feet, withdraw immediately, and the fist goes out.

The eighth master looked at it as if he were watching the fixing. Slowly, as Yang Feng and the savage accelerated, he couldn't see the moves of the two people. In fact, the two people didn't have any moves. From the beginning, they were fighting with the most basic instinct. The eighth master didn't see the degree of no moves and no moves, but he felt that Yang Feng and them at this time, This is the realm of winning without moves. All fancy things in this level of battle are useless. Any change in the body, no matter how subtle, is also for the purpose of making moves. Consciousness and reaction have been brought into full play. There is no time to think about how to make the next move and what move it is. Under the strong power and fast speed, Any part of the body can cause damage to the other party, so there are no moves.

The eighth master is a Wulin expert in this era. It is because of this ability that he can lay a foundation in the capital. However, he also knows that there are people outside the people. In this world, there are many better people than him, most of whom are semi hermits. For example, he knows the Luo family and the Tang family, which have appeared in Shanghe village, but he never thought about it, People can be so strong that the combat effectiveness of Yang Feng is that people of their level of one armed monk come. I'm afraid it's not enough. When people are strong to a certain extent, they can be called Superman. The two in front of them are made of animal skin and one is wearing camouflage clothes, but they are the same as the guy wearing underwear.

An ultimate duel became more and more intense. Yang Feng played to the extreme in terms of speed and strength. Tianyan was grasping without any slight change, which was able to block the savage's attack. Over time, the two people were rapidly consuming physical and mental strength. This level of battle is not only determined by physical strength.

Half an hour, an hour, three hours passed. With the four fists of Yang Feng and the savage, the savage and Yang Feng fell back at the same time. They were not injured but tired. They had no strength at this time.

The eighth master didn't see it. When the savage and Yang Feng fell, they all showed a very strange smile. Yang Feng knew what the savage was laughing at. Yang Feng didn't know what Yang Feng was laughing at. But it didn't matter, because the opponent didn't exist immediately.

The figure of Huoer flickered and fell on the savage. The little claw was placed on the savage's neck and shouted, "don't move, surrender and don't kill."

Yang Feng laughed, as like as two peas were coming to the next stage, suddenly they were stunned. In the woods nearby, three men dressed like wild men came out. If the three had the same strength as the savages, they would be finished.

"Chirp!" there was a light sound in the air, and blue ice flew down. Yang Feng didn't dare to take it lightly during his trip to Shennongjia. The team he took was relatively large.

After the blue ice came on stage, the little fox turned into a white shadow and rushed to Yang Feng. The savage, like the eighth master, was stupid. As an instinct, he felt the strong breath of these small animals. He didn't understand where they came from. He didn't find them on his land.

"Ow!" with a loud howl, doodle came out of the forest slowly. Although he walked slowly, each step could make the ground tremble, which made the three approaching savages stop. They could ignore the blue ice and the little fox, but they would never dare to ignore doodle. The powerful breath on doodle can be felt by everyone, Especially the visual impact.

"Hey! Can you understand?" the savage was silly. It was Yang Feng's turn to appear. The great village head Yang sat up and asked with a smile. The savage didn't speak and was silent.

"Eighth master, bring me a bottle of water to drink." people don't speak, and Yang Feng doesn't insist. Sitting on the ground, he has high-quality mineral water in one hand and stewed chicken legs in the other. What he eats is called a fragrance!

"Dudu, throw them over." Yang Feng shouted. Under the strong pressure of Dudu, the three people didn't dare to make much noise and stood not far away.

After receiving the order, doodle, like a hill, quickly rolled over the three savages. The three savages were busy drawing bows and shooting arrows. Doodle dodged flexibly, but he couldn't move forward and was pushed back step by step.

"Blue ice, take care of them." Yang Feng said with a smile. With a loud cry, blue ice flew quickly to the three savages. His wings shook and hit him. The strength of the three was much worse than that of the one who was captured by fire. Although his archery was not bad, it was difficult to hit the extremely flexible blue ice in the air. As soon as they were hit, they flew out respectively, Dudu took the opportunity to run up. With a wave of his claws, the three people rolled on the ground like a ball.

"That's good." Yang Feng smiled and said to the savage, "I know you can understand me. If you don't want them to die, you'd better be honest."

"Intruder, what do you want to know?" the savage no longer stubbornly resisted, glared at Yang Feng, asked in a hoarse voice, and his words had a strong Sichuan flavor.

"I don't know. Simply talk about the situation here." Yang Feng smiled. It's human, there's human nature, and even savages are no exception.

"In your mouth, this place should be called Shennongjia, but in our mouth, this is the original mountain. I don't know why you people want to enter here." the savage said arrogantly.

"I'm curious because of mystery, okay?" Yang Feng asked.

The savage nodded to show his understanding. Yang Feng asked, "you did it through some ability, didn't you?"

"How do you know?" the savage was surprised and asked.

"What you've done is too obvious. There's something to hide. How many people are there in your race?" Yang Feng smiled and asked.

"Thirty eight," replied the savage.

"When did your ancestors enter here?" Yang Feng asked again.

"I don't know. Our ancestors have been here for generations," replied the savage.

"Who is your ancestor?" Yang Feng asked when he didn't doubt the savage's words.

"Xuanyuan family." the savage replied proudly.

"The Xuanyuan surname of the Yellow Emperor?" Yang Feng was stunned and asked.

"Hmm!" the savage moved his head.

"Huo'er let go of his handle. As Chinese people, there's no need to kill each other. I'm here to get something, not for your Xuanyuan clan." Yang Feng said with a bitter smile.

"The Chinese people should read it separately. Emperor Yan is Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang is Emperor Huang. I don't know how history records it, but Yan and Huang are two opposing clans, like enemies." the savage's righteous words popularized knowledge to Yang Feng.

"By the way, Emperor Yan seems to be Shennong. If you are opposite, how can your Xuanyuan family enter Shennong mountain to continue their blood?" Yang Feng suddenly thought of it and asked.

"Hum! The original mountain is not owned by anyone or any clan. It can be named Shennongjia. I think the descendants of the Yan family used the means. This is their usual trick." the savage said disdainfully.

"Ha ha, the sea area!" Yang Feng became interested and asked, "tell me what you know about the Yan Emperor and the Yellow Emperor."

"We can't talk about our ancestors. Although Emperor Yan is the sworn enemy of our family, he is also a great man," said the savage.

"Oh! I thought you were going to say that Emperor Yan was a mean man!" Yang Feng smiled.

"Gathered here, Emperor Yan is very tall and not small at all." Yang Feng was stunned by the savage's retort and smiled bitterly. There is a gap in cultural knowledge! Villains are actually short people in their language.

As a last resort, Yang Feng explained the villain's modern moral. The savage nodded and said, "if you say so, it's still more real."

"Since you are Xuanyuan people, you must know what happened between Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor and Yan Emperor, as well as your two tribes. Tell me." Yang Feng is very curious. Most of the historical records are guesses. There is no exact record of what happened 6000 years ago.

"There's nothing to say about this. It's a war between the two ethnic groups, with many deaths and injuries. For the continuation of the two ethnic groups, we had to stop the war, form an alliance, and then fight again until the rise of the Japanese tribe. The Yan Family and Xuanyuan family were defeated successively. We had to enter the Yuanshan mountain for refuge. The Yan family didn't know where they were." the savage explained.

"The tribe of the sun, when did it happen?" in the history book, Yang Feng asked curiously.

"I don't know." the savage's simple answer made Yang Feng helpless. I don't know. Does he deserve his ancestors?

"You have been in Shennong mountain all these years?" Yang Feng asked.

"Every hundred years, we will send several outstanding clansmen out of the original mountain to contact the outside world. Few people can return. Through the news of the returnees, my ancestors knew that they had been fighting outside all year round, so they continued here all the time." the savage replied.

"Then how do you solve the problem of population reproduction? I mean that your offspring will have some congenital problems without foreigners." Yang Feng said, trying to use the common words of ancient and modern times.

"Blood inheritance naturally has its uniqueness. According to the records of our ancestors, our people will increase some every once in a while, so that we can continue our blood." the savage's answer made Yang Feng think of a possibility. These guys won't rob women for the sake of inheriting their families.

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