"Good sword, it's an ancient divine sword." after watching Xuanyuan sword for a long time, long Xuanyu pressed down his excitement and exclaimed.

"Tell me! What do you want? If you destroy the gods, you don't have to say." long Xuanyu naturally knows that the girl didn't bring Xuanyuan sword for him to appreciate the gods.

"I want to ask you to imitate a Xuanyuan sword. For some reasons, we need a fake, a fake that can confuse the fake with the real. I think only master long can do it in this world. I've seen some works made by the master, and the master should be able to restore the charm of Xuanyuan sword." Yun Tian said.

Long Xuanyu didn't speak, but looked at Yang Feng. Yang Feng smiled and didn't speak. It was up to long Xuanyu to decide everything. He was only responsible for bringing people here. If it weren't for the particularity of Yun Tian, he wouldn't intervene more in this matter. Shanghe group has a department specially responsible for forging cliffs, but even if he came in person, he doesn't care about other things except the responsibility of leading the way, If Yang Feng could accompany others, he might help, but Yun Tian is neither close nor familiar with him. It's not necessary.

"I shouldn't blaspheme the ancient treasure. If Miss Yun wants to make weapons, I should promise to make them fake. Miss long, you'd better ask for advice." long Xuanyu refused. For nothing else, just for the feelings in his heart. Since ancient times, the foundry in the world doesn't take it as the ultimate goal to be able to personally forge divine soldiers. For this reason, some people don't hesitate to cast swords, Every master who casts magic weapons should be respected.

"I see. Thank you for telling me." Yuntian was a little surprised, but it seemed that the result was reasonable again. Yang Feng was relieved when he smiled, but the next sentence raised his heart again.

"Can master long create a spirit soldier?" Yun Tian asked. The so-called spirit soldier is a weapon with spirit, just like ancient famous swords such as Xuanyuan sword and fish intestines sword. These swords can last forever, on the one hand, because of their quality and on the other hand, because of their spirit. Take the Yanlong in Yang Feng's hand, the quality is no worse than Xuanyuan sword, But there is always a huge gap, that is spirituality.

"No." long Xuanyu shook his head until he knew Yang Feng and reopened the casting furnace. His casting method was improving. With the materials and materials provided by Yang Feng, he was about to build a weapon comparable to divine soldiers. The only thing missing was spirituality, which he couldn't understand.

"I know some relevant information. In order to create a weapon with spirituality, in addition to the necessary worldly treasures as materials, there must also be a special material - Soul jade. The so-called soul soldier is not born with spirituality, but because of the relationship with soul jade. After being stained with too much blood and killing a large number of creatures, soul jade has the ability to absorb the power of soul Strength, slowly condensing, will form the spirit of the weapon itself, "said Yun Tian.

"Thank you, Miss Yun!" long Xuanyu said solemnly. If it weren't for Yun Tian's message, he wouldn't understand it all his life. He even wanted to forge a sword.

"Master long, you're welcome. I told you this. In fact, I wanted to ask you a favor." Yun Tian smiled and said.

"Miss Yun, please speak." long Xuanyu was stunned. Looking at the tranquility of Yun Tian's face, he suddenly understood in his heart. Yun Tian won't mention Xuanyuan sword again.

"How about I provide materials and master long build a spirit soldier for me?" Yun Tian asked.

Long Xuanyu was stunned. He didn't expect such a thing. After thinking about it, long Xuanyu didn't directly agree, but looked at Yang Feng. Since he met Yun Tian, Yun Tian gave him a feeling that although he was very indifferent, it was like seeing through the world, long Xuanyu always had a special feeling. Yun Tian seemed to be hiding something. Compared with Yun Tian, Yang Feng had a lot of contacts with him, Can make him absolutely trust.

"Since Miss Yun is interested in this, master long will take over the business. There will be an evaluation of the specific price of the swallow." Yang Feng smiled faintly. Yun Tian used this move to retreat for progress very well, but his doubts were greater.

"Village head Yang and master long rest assured that the specific expenses will be paid by the Bureau." Yun Tian smiled gently, took out a drawing from his bag and said: "This is an embryonic form. Some things can't be expressed on paper. I'll explain to master long in detail. Before we officially start to build, we must determine the final form. Because of the particularity of this weapon, master long can't play freely. I hope master long will forgive me."

"No harm, this is what I should do." long Xuanyu smiled naturally, picked up the drawing and looked at it. The weapons Yuntian wanted to build were a pair, just like a pair of half moon machetes, but the structure was much more complex. Yuntian explained that the final picture of the weapons appeared in Yang Feng's mind. It was very beautiful and strange.

"It's a bit like the sun moon wheel," Zhang Daofeng said suddenly.

"Sun Moon wheel, what is it?" Yang Feng asked curiously.

"I don't know. I haven't seen it. In my world, the sun moon wheel is the first-class divine weapon in the world. It is said that it is the weapon of the holy fairy. The moon wheel devours the soul, the sun wheel burns the sky, and the sun and moon combine to destroy the sky and the earth." Zhang Daofeng said.

"Is it so exaggerated?" Yang Feng doubted.

"I don't know! It's a legend, but the saint fairy is very powerful," said Zhang Daofeng.

"Set the material cost of the model in advance. I think village head Yang can let the little woman owe temporarily?" Yun Tian's question interrupted the nonsense of Yang Feng and Zhang Daofeng.

"Yes! In order to achieve the best effect, I will definitely not use scrap iron for Miss Yun. I will count the relevant material costs to miss Yun at that time." Yang Feng smiled.

"Village head Yang is really the same as the rumors outside!" Yun Tian said with emotion.

"Die for money!" Yang Feng said disapprovingly, and the three laughed. Because Yuntian wanted to stay and discuss things with master long, Yang Feng had to go back by himself. "Alone" walked in the mountain and asked Zhang Daofeng about his world. Yang Feng had never asked before, afraid to hurt Zhang Daofeng's young heart, However, Zhang Daofeng took the initiative to mention it today, and Yang Feng didn't have that kind of scruples. Unfortunately, because Zhang Daofeng's identity and status in those years were just like those of small employees in small private companies today, he knew a lot. Most of them were hearsay and legend.

"If only there were a network in my world." Zhang Daofeng sighed so that Yang Feng didn't know what to say. In a pure world, there can't be a network. The network is a quagmire. Anyone who comes in has to leave some or take some away.

"Where's Yuntian?" seeing Yang Feng alone, Dong Yuxin asked suspiciously. She understood Yang Feng's mind and was a little worried about whether something had happened in the mountains. Yang Feng directly killed Yuntian.

"Mengmeng guessed right when discussing with Uncle long about building weapons. Yuntian's recruitment is to do something convenient. Building weapons is her first step. What do you say?" Yang Feng smiled and asked.

"Didn't notice the abnormality, are you sure you didn't make a mistake?" Dong Yuxin had to doubt that Yang Feng was a little neurotic in this matter.

"I also hope I made a mistake." Yang Feng smiled helplessly. Now even the Yin and Yang wheels ran out. He didn't know how to think. He sighed: "soldiers will block the water and cover the earth!"

No one can understand how a zombie can attract so much attention. More than 2000 tickets worth millions of dollars have been sold. Shanghe Village online mall, as the only selling point, can let people see an accurate data. If it is anything else, it may cost money, but Shanghe Village online mall will never think so, because it is unnecessary.

There are no similar products and no competing merchants. One is not the crown and the other is not the drill. There is no point in making false information. Since the first commodity was put on the shelves in Shanghe village mall, Shanghe village mall has maintained a detached state. Whether you buy it or not, I am there. The price is determined to remain unchanged, there are no activities, no celebrations, and some are just one day throughout the year, Some are just denitration and some are just out of stock.

Since the first commodity, all the goods in Shanghe village mall have been out of stock. Books and CDs with a price of dozens of yuan, boat tickets with a price of tens of millions of dollars, and now zombie tickets are the same. Every sales is an unprecedented classic, which also makes many manufacturers want to keep their products on the shelves of Shanghe village, Even if they were ruthlessly rejected by Liu Yan, they would come to negotiate as soon as they had the opportunity. What they wanted was a first in qualification when the Shanghe village mall was completely opened, but it is estimated that their idea has failed day after day.

In winter, the most popular food in Shanghe village is hot pot, and the best of hot pot is Shanzhen hot pot. Under many complaints, Yang Feng and his colleagues made a news that inspired countless food. The secret hot pot soup has been put on sale in the mall. The soup is divided into three flavors: spicy, spicy and three delicacies, which can not be said to be common, It can only be said that it adapts to the public trend. There are three flavors, one large and one small. The small package is suitable for three people, and the large package is suitable for more than four people and less than six people. The small package costs 50 yuan a package, and the large package costs 100 yuan a package. It is RMB, not US dollars. This price is neither convenient nor expensive. In fact, it is very cheap to hang the trademark of Shanghe village.

Once the hot pot seasoning was put on the market, it naturally caused a rush of buying by countless people. Even if the selling unit was a box of ten bags, it did not stop people's desire for food. According to the statistics, the 24-hour shipment reached more than 23000 boxes, which still limited everyone to buy a box of large and small packaging, otherwise it is estimated that the sales volume will have to double, Because many people are complaining about the purchase restriction policy.

People in Hefeng County were the first to enjoy the secret hotpot. While they were still on the way in other cities, their families tasted what is secret and delicious. Of course, these people didn't forget to post their comments on the way or eat. The voice of hotpot overtook the zombies with a very strong force, It has become the biggest topic in China.

The media have great resentment against Shanghe village. They won't say hello in advance and wait for the time to break out. They began to dig and interview later. It's not called news. It should be called old news. Just when people eat hot pot and drink wine, some people began to dig deep into the news and wish to crown the title "what village head Yang and Yang have to say" Such a title to attract people's attention.

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