"What else do others want to say?" Wu Haimei smiled and asked.

Seeing that no one was talking, Wu Haimei said: "I've been thinking about restructuring and joint-stock system recently, but it's very difficult to do so, because our factory has had a hard time living with clean water and recruited in the later stage. If the overall joint-stock system is implemented, some people certainly disagree. If the shares are distributed by technology or posts, some people will be dissatisfied, and I don't have a good way for a while, Just recently, I had to meet an expert. After consulting, I finally had an idea. The general plan is as follows. Hongfeng shipyard took out 30% of the equity to dilute the distribution, which is limited to Hongfeng's internal employees. The equity will be obtained in two ways. One is to make outstanding contributions to Hongfeng. This aspect is jointly recommended by everyone. I believe the eyes of the people are bright, not It is difficult to select people with high moral integrity; the other is to buy with money, which I was surprised to hear at that time. Hongfeng is not short of money now. Financing with the existing market value, even after 30% equity dilution, we can't buy much. At that time, the expert told me an answer, why don't we want the bank to close down, because we keep our money in the bank , if the bank goes bankrupt, there will be no money, so we must let people buy real money. Only the more they buy, the more they want the factory to be efficient and spend less, so that they will share more. "

Laugh, people are laughing. This is the truth. Whoever saves money in the bank is shouting that the interest is too little to keep up with the speed of inflation. If the bank's interest catches up with the interest on the mortgage, it is estimated that the bank's deposit will be too much to use up, and there will be no shortage of money and insufficient money.

"The transformation of factory and home must be carried out, so I decided to go together in two ways: first, take out 5% of the shares to reward the elders of the company. This elder does not simply mean those who have worked in the company for many years, but those who have high reputation and have worked in the company for more than five years; second, as a reward, we use the remaining 25% for sale, There are no internal shares or external shares, which are calculated according to the market price of the company. "In advance, Wu Haimei said the plan to be carried out by the whole plant. For nothing else, there may be several millionaires here. Those who sell shares bear the brunt are the giants. With the leadership of these people, the implementation of her plan will be much easier.

Finally, with the 180 million bonus given by Yang Feng, Wu Haimei only gave some cash to those who needed money urgently, and the rest was converted into shares and distributed to everyone according to their heads. The head of the technology department directly became the head of the company

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