"Hit, hit!" shouted loudly. The men, women and children in the nearby village ran out of a pile. The first to see a woman comrade, in her forties, came and flopped down in front of Yang Feng's car, crying and shouting, "column! You can't die. How can you live if you die and leave our orphan and widowed mother?"

"Ah! You're going to die. Why didn't you say it earlier? Come on, I'll get it." Yang Feng grinned and pulled the aunt aside. He acted quickly and quickly. He pinched the man's neck who didn't know his name. As soon as he turned his head, he heard a click. This situation is seen in many movies. The aunt was stunned. I don't know whether she died before, But now it's definitely dead.

I don't know whether I was scared or angry. My aunt's head tilted to the ground. Yang Feng said with a sneer: "with this ability, I still learn from others to touch porcelain!"

After the disaster, it is the most likely time to induce the dark side of people's heart. Yang Feng didn't expect that he would encounter such a thing. However, since he met it, he had to have fun with him and let him know that being a bad person has to bear the consequences of being a bad person.

The excited villagers surrounded Yang Feng. The security guards in the back car wanted to come forward, but they were all stopped by Yang Feng. They stood together and watched the good play. Everyone knew that they were ordinary people, a group of professional soldiers. If they were equipped with standard combat weapons, they would not hurt village head Yang, Village head Yang's force value is most clear to them.

Yang Feng smiled, looked at these simple villagers, coughed, cleared his throat and asked, "where are these two babies? Have they come?"

"No, what do you want to do? You hit people and beat them. You can't leave until you explain clearly today." a young man in his twenties shouted.

"What's your brother's name?" Yang Feng smiled and asked again without waiting for an answer: "do you know how many years the libel crime needs to be sentenced?"

"Don't fucking scare me." the young man was very angry and scolded directly.

"Pa!" Yang Feng slapped this on the ground, just like patting a fly. After patting it, the fly became honest. Yang Feng arrogantly stepped on the fly, scanned a circle of onlookers, and said, "if you can make decisions, you don't have to come out like this kind of goods. You should be cultured."

"Are you village head Yang?" in the crowd, someone finally recognized Yang Feng. Although Yang Feng's exposure rate is OK, for ordinary working people, people who think that Yang Feng's level is heaven, heaven and can be seen, but ordinary people can't touch it. Even if you see Yang Feng, you will feel that you are a similar looking person. It can't be village head Yang, Village head Yang won't come to such a remote place as theirs.

"Yes!" Yang Feng nodded with a smile and waited for the following. When he learned that it was him, people whispered. A man in his thirties stood up, bowed to Yang Feng and said, "I'm sorry, it's not your fault. Go!"

"Alas!" Yang Feng sighed. At the beginning, he didn't intend to delve into this matter. Touching porcelain has always bullied honest people. When he meets hard stubble, it's really porcelain.

Yang Feng didn't leave, but asked, "what's the disaster situation in the village?"

"Only a few old houses collapsed and no one was hurt," replied the man who stood up to make the decision.

"If there is any hardship in building a house, go to the rescue team of Shanghe group, who will carry out statistical work recently," Yang Feng said.

"Thank you! If I have any difficulties, I will apply. We are wrong today and we will correct it in the future," the said sincerely.

"Cultivating trees in ten years and educating people in a hundred years. If the world has black and white, people have good and bad. The road comes out by themselves. How far we can go and how wide we can go depends on our own efforts. We can't avoid natural disasters, but man-made disasters can always be avoided. If they have any opinions, let them go to Shanghe village to find me and I will reimburse them for the travel expenses." after that, Yang Feng got on the bus and people let us open the way, Yang Feng and his party slowly disappeared into people's eyes. All of them had a different look in their eyes. The three lying on the ground stood up one by one and looked at the end of the road without saying a word.

They have long been used to the technical work of touching porcelain, but it was the first time that they had bad luck. Especially the main actor was beaten so fast that his wife couldn't recognize him. As for the young man who jumped out later, his face was a little swollen.

Yang Feng didn't have that kind of mind and time to persuade people to reform. He was neither a savior nor an eminent monk. He didn't have the ability and obligation to popularize all sentient beings. He had to go his own way and let others choose their own way.

When they arrived at the first destination, Yang Feng went straight to the hospital in the county. They had contacted the hospital on the way. When they moved the needed drugs to the hospital, they rushed to the next point without stopping. The route they chose was connected into a line, so they didn't need to drive separately, even if there were affected areas outside the line, Yang Feng, they don't intend to go in and fold it out by themselves. It's too troublesome. They will inform the local health department and ask them to come to the nearby county to get the medicine.

This batch of medicine sent by Yang Feng can be said to be three no products, with only one line on it - special supply from Shanghe village, mainly for diarrhea or fever and cold. For several major diseases, an appropriate amount of medicine is left in each place and each kind. The goods are limited, so there can be no sufficient supply. In this matter, Yang Feng does not fight for credibility, When everyone is afraid of taking responsibility, even if it is produced by Shanghe village, no one will take risks. Maybe there are only a hundred. But if you only have one problem, it is a big problem. Human life is at stake!

These three no drugs can enter major hospitals and be used on patients at the first time. It is still an order issued by the province. Yang Feng said what he meant. Fengyan issued a notice and directly notified all counties, so as to ensure that these special drugs will be used.

Fengyan's trust in Yang Feng is undoubtedly huge. There's no way. Who let her have a gold medal undercover in Shanghe village? Fengzhiqing goes back to the city to accompany her aunt for two days every week. Fengyan asks what Shanghe village does. In addition to being extremely confidential, fengzhiqing usually divulges secrets. Fengyan knows more about Shanghe village than ordinary people, Sometimes it's a blessing to have such a magical place under your control. It's worth it in this life.

Disaster relief work is a long process, and dangerous situations are constantly eliminated. The leaders of various departments in the province sat together for a meeting. The statistics of casualties and economic losses are very shocked. It is unimaginable that there are so many problems exposed by a rain.

Fengyan is a standard doer and an activist. After the disaster that caused a sensation in the whole country, Fengyan is even more vigorous. All kinds of routine official reports at the meeting were interrupted by Fengyan. In one word, disaster situation, data and solutions, no, go back and think about it. If you can't think of it in three days, go away. No one doubts that Fengyan won't directly win a director and a director, All personnel in the Western Qin Dynasty know that Secretary Bi is generally escorting Fengyan. The leadership of the Western Qin Dynasty can never see such a situation as singing the opposite drama.

"As the top leader of the emergency response office, you are the most chilling to me. It has been half a month since the disaster happened. You will give me such a report. From tomorrow, you don't have to go to work. Go directly to the Discipline Inspection Commission to report. I think there will be several report letters from you over there." Feng Yan's anger was finally vented, The first to bear the brunt is the director of the emergency office. He was stunned by Feng Yan's words. The Commission for Discipline Inspection, can he come out when he goes in? His life is over.

With this "martyr", the leaders of other departments were all trembling. As soon as the meeting was over, everyone hurried back to their own territory and began to think of ways and countermeasures. They were deeply afraid that they could not hand in satisfactory answers in three days. They were also sent to the Commission for Discipline inspection for tea. Although everyone claimed to be honest, if the Commission for Discipline Inspection wanted to check you, you would never run away.

The medicine was sent by Yang Feng, and the effect must be guaranteed. This is the principle of life. It is precisely because of this that Fengyan directly gave orders and said to be direct. Now Yang Feng's reputation is more important than his Fengyan. Yang Feng dares. What else does Fengyan dare.

Special drugs, what is called special drugs, that is, drugs with unique effects. Good news from various hospitals continued to come out. Some medical workers sent Yang Feng special drugs with magical effects. For a time, major pharmaceutical companies were moved by the wind, and heavyweight representatives gathered in Shanghe village. After the disaster, Shanghe village welcomed the excitement for the first time.

"I'm so tired. Sister swallow, did you say that the village head knew this would happen and deliberately led the team to be a good man?" she shook her sour neck and asked fengzhiqing in doubt.

"Yes, it's good that you react so quickly, which proves that you know someone better." Liu Yan smiled.

"It's so vicious. When he comes back, we must let him have some big meals." Feng Zhiqing shouted when it was confirmed.

"It's necessary, but we have to solve the problem of tonight first. What do you want to eat?" Liu Yan asked.

"There seems to be nothing to eat, sister swallow. What do you want to eat?" Feng Zhiqing thought, but shook her head. For others, everything in Shanghe village is delicious, but for her, she is used to eating every day.

"Forget it, let's go home and bake our own corn flour cakes." Liu Yan is not interested in the food in the food garden. She decides to work hard. If she changes ordinary people, she may not eat directly under the pretext of losing weight, but the beauties who live in Shanghe village don't need to lose weight at all.

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