"Goo Goo!" the soft cry of the owl in the tree startled the dark shadow in the corner and relieved to see the owl in the tree.

Shen Xia is a thief. To be exact, he is a big thief. He steals everything. He is especially good at stealing heart. He is famous in the world. This time, he doesn't come for the task, but on a whim. He feels that a village head is too arrogant. He plans to teach him a lesson and let him understand that money can't be revealed. He has stepped on it well when he takes action in the dead of night, But I was almost frightened by an owl.

"Shit! You'll die if you use a lock!" Shen Xia scolded. He would never have thought that the way Yang Feng's family closed in the middle of the night was so old-fashioned. It was an iron bar. It was difficult for him to plug in like that. He could crack any lock. Rainbow membrane, fingerprint and password were a piece of cake in front of him, But he didn't move it.

In a small mountain village, a farmer, Shen Xia didn't care about anything. He looked through the tools he carried. For everything he could use, there was only the move of breaking into the door, but this was not his style!

Shen Xia sat arrogantly at the door, thinking of ways. There were no tools, no violence, and his skillful hands didn't work. He had no choice but to retreat temporarily. When he came back tomorrow, his figure quickly disappeared. He didn't pay attention to a dark shadow in the air and followed him all the time.

"What do you want?" looking at Shen Xia leaving, Yang Feng was confused and went to the wrong room, or?

When the owl came back, Yang Feng didn't understand. The goods went back and thought about it. However, he didn't understand it. No matter he went to bed, I believe he couldn't turn over any waves. On the land of Shanghe village, nothing could escape his eyes.

Finally, when it was dark, Shen Xia appeared at Yang Feng's house again, and the owl called again. This time, Shen Xiali ignored it, took out his tools and began to open the door. As a thief, how could he be baffled by this problem, quietly opened the door, and hid in the corner like a smart cat. After listening, the breathing sound in the room on the right was very uniform and couldn't help laughing, He shouted in his heart, "mortal, be ready to cry!"

Shen Xia began to search carefully to find the valuables stored. He didn't notice that several snakes with thick thumbs climbed to the door, climbed on the door frame and sealed his retreat. A small blue snake climbed to the door and stared at Shen Xia's every move.

I searched and searched. I found nothing valuable except the sleeping room. I watched quietly, gently opened the door with the sound of breathing, and flashed in.

"Pa!" the light came on, and Shen Xia hid in the corner with his conditioned reflex. When his sight recovered, he only heard a voice say: "I'm visiting late at night. What can I do for my friend?"

Shen Xia was shocked and wanted to escape from the door, but before his hand touched the door, he suddenly shrank back. I don't know when a snake climbed on the door. The black snake told him that it was poisonous. If he was bitten, I believe he won't live long.

"Unexpectedly, Shen Xia was planted in a small mountain village." he took off his mask and showed a handsome face with a bitter smile.

Yang Feng looks at Shen Xia with great interest. Ordinary thieves don't have this demeanor. Things are exposed. I'm afraid they want to kidnap him at the first time, but Shen Xia looks like he's caught at a loss.

"What do you want?" Shen Xia asked.

"That's what I want to ask," Yang Feng said with a smile.

"You are so arrogant that you carry two baskets of money around the street." Shen Xia told the truth.

"Oh! That's it?" Yang Feng asked incredulously.

"It's that simple. How complicated do you think it is? You don't have anything worthy of Shen Xia's action." Shen Xia said disdainfully.

"Arrogant enough, introduce yourself. It seems that you are not an unknown person." Yang Feng smiled and said.

"Shen Xia, male, is a professional thief." Shen Xia said simply.

"So you're a rich man?" Yang Feng smiled. Before Shen Xia could speak, he made a new move.

"Yes, Lan Ling, welcome our guests." Yang Feng smiled. Shen Xia felt cold on his legs. It seemed that something climbed up and jumped to his thigh and stopped.

Shen Xia's face changed greatly. He dared to believe that as long as the other party gave an order, he would be a eunuch in his life. He would never think that this guy would be so vicious. Is this still the man who sells bags harmless to humans and animals?

"What do you want to know?" Shen Xia asked.

"I want to know what you said." Yang Feng smiled. If he didn't give him some strength, he didn't know who was in charge here.

"Professional thieves are the same as professional mercenaries, but we only steal things." Shen Xia thought and explained his career first, and then began to talk about various industries. I believe Yang Feng has never heard of these.

"Stop talking nonsense and talk about your achievements, which will determine your life." Yang Feng directly interrupted and said.

Shen Xia was stunned and reluctantly said a few things. Yang Feng asked with a smile, "what would happen if you were handed over to the person in charge of these companies."

Shen Xia didn't answer. There was no need to answer at all. If it fell into the hands of those people, he might have to disappear from the world. Those people hated themselves.

"Now you have two choices, one is to die of poisoning, and the other is to work for me from now on," Yang Feng said.

"What are you going to do?" Shen Xia asked curiously.

"It's just a small matter for you. First of all, I want the results and research reports of major animal and plant research companies; second, I want any valuable and rare animals and plants in the world. Can they live?" Yang Feng asked.

"How much are you going to offer?" Shen Xia asked.

"How much your life is worth, these things are worth." Yang Feng smiled and suddenly shouted blue plume. Shen Xia felt a pain in his leg and his whole body was like being thrown into an ice hole and frozen.

Yang Feng took out a small medicine box from the box, took a pill the size of red mung bean, handed it to Shen Xia and said, "eat it."

Shen Xia didn't even think about it. He threw the medicine into his mouth. Slowly, the chill on his body receded and returned to normal. He asked, "how often do you take this antidote?"

"You've read too many novels. Once you get rid of the root, there's no future trouble." Yang Feng smiled.

"You will be so good that you are not afraid that I will never come back again?" Shen Xia asked incredulously.

"You are a thief, but a thief with principles. I believe in what you promise. You won't break your promise." Yang Feng smiled and said, "I have to sleep. You can go."

Shen Xia looked at Yang Feng in disbelief, pushed the door and went out. The snake on his leg didn't know when to leave. Looking at several snakes on the door outside, he was completely convinced. After a long time, people had found him and laid a net.

I walked out of the yard and looked at the owl in the tree. I don't know why. Shen Xia always had a feeling that this guy should also be the helper of that guy. Suddenly Shen Xia was frightened by his own idea. If so, what kind of person is the village head and decided to leave here tomorrow. As for the promise to Yang Feng, it's a big deal to buy him some flowers and grass to deal with it, He didn't limit anything anyway.

Two days later, Shen Xia sent some things to Yang Feng. He planned that even if the two were cleared, he didn't deliberately mention it. Yang Feng didn't say that he took all the things. Shen Xia's ability is really good. Most of them are not available in Jiuxi Lingyu.

"Well, it's good for you to drink this bottle of wine every day." Yang Feng threw Shen Xia a mineral water bottle containing snake bone medicinal wine. Shen Xia's purpose was unknown. Yang Feng wanted to use it for himself, so he could only lure, not bully. In order not to make Shen Xia waste this good thing, he drank it first to prove that it was not poisonous.

Shen Xia flashed a trace of doubt, but Yang Feng didn't explain, and he didn't bother to ask. He turned his head and left directly. Curious, on the way to Hefeng County, he opened the lid and drank. There was a smell of wine and a little fishy smell, but there was a faint smell of medicine. It seems that these two tastes are not strong and can be ignored.

Yang Feng's words made Shen Xia suspicious and convinced. According to Yang Feng's words, he took a big mouthful every day. On the third day, he felt different. As a prodigal son of love, he had an affair when he went there. This time in Honghai was no exception. Everything was very routine until he arrived at the hotel where he lived. They were naked and faced each other after a war, He found that there was something wrong. Although he had good talent for beauty hunting, his ability in some aspects was not strong, which was better than three minutes, but this time he was unusually brave, which made him experience the pride he had never had before.

"Is it the wine?" Shen Xia was full of doubts. After careful observation in the next few days, he finally determined that it was the wine, which made him tangle. He didn't want to deal with Yang Feng again, but it was liked. He had to work hard to get something for Yang Feng.

Yang Feng smiled in his heart and threw a bottle to Shen Xia, but this time the bottle was a little small. It was packed in a small mineral water bottle. Shen Xia looked at Yang Feng puzzled. Yang Feng said helplessly, "I don't have much magic medicinal wine. Save some use."

Shen Xia wants to swear. This thing can be saved. How can it be saved? However, he knows very well that Yang Feng has taken the initiative in this matter. He has no choice. It seems that if you want to get more medicinal wine, you have to get something valuable and get some flowers and plants casually. You may be busy in vain next time.

Don't say, Shen Xia's guess is really right. Although Yang Feng didn't say it, he has decided that if Shen Xia dares to come next time, he not only doesn't have medicine and wine, but also has to let Lan Ling clean him up to let him understand who is in charge here.

Earning large quantities of gold each day, Yang Feng is busy with the dignity of men. He is very busy every day, but he is very idle. He either goes fishing on the river or sells things on stalls every day. He is very keen on this issue, but he can't be enthusiastic about it for long. The row of shops is ready for renovation, and the future business district is there instead of his own.

A shadow suddenly jumped out of the forest and stood not far away staring at Yang Feng. Yang Feng was surprised. He didn't know how the clouded leopard came into the village. When he saw the watchful eyes of the clouded leopard, he was relieved. This should be the one he met last time. He waved and said, "come on, no one will hurt you."

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