The patented technology of nutrient solution is free for foreign countries and free for domestic countries. It is provided to the Ministry of environmental protection free of charge. We have to take care of ourselves. When the Ministry of environmental protection obtains the patented technology, we can't say anything. People sell it abroad and charge millions of dollars for free. What else do you want to say.

The desert area in China is more than that contracted by Yang Feng. Yang Feng is engaged in his own territory and has no time for himself. Other places must not care about it. This has to be done by the Ministry of environmental protection. In recent years, although great efforts have been made, it has only solved the environmental problems within the city. The number of dust storms in spring increases, It used to be a sandstorm in spring, but now even autumn and winter will come once or twice, so desert control can be said to be urgent. The state invests a lot of money in it every year, but the effect is very small. Now there is the secret method of village head Yang, and the leaders of the Ministry of environmental protection also come up with some achievements and show their faces. We can't always be criticized by the leaders above and scolded by the people below, In recent years, the only thing that people praise is that people also attribute the credit to the top leader and village head Yang, which makes them very depressed, but there is no way. They can only endure and endure again.

With technology, it's very easy to produce nutrient solution. It's not a trivial matter to make some nutrient solution with the ability of the Ministry of environmental protection. The factories of national brands open up enough horsepower to produce it. This is a political task. No one dares to be careless. The nutrient solution is produced quickly, but the tree can't be planted quickly. Because the tree is gone, village head Yang takes the lead, We have bought all the suitable saplings. Even if there are left, there are not many, which is not enough at all.

There are no saplings, which makes the Ministry of environmental protection head big. You say there is a lack of money. We can apply for financial appropriation or bank loan, but there is no goods. What can you do? The nutrient solution is easy to build. The saplings can't come out of the production line. It will take at least a year from breeding to planting.

"Yang Village elder, do you think you can grow a little bigger or smaller saplings?" there is no way. The Ministry of environmental protection can only come to the river village to ask Yang Feng personally, and the nutrient solution is researched by others has the final say.

"Yes!" Yang Feng answered naturally.

A vice minister from the Ministry of environmental protection was stunned and asked from the bottom of his heart, "you can plant half of the trees without saplings. Are there people like you?"

"Through our research, we found that nutrient solution has the best effect on the seedlings of one age, but it does not mean that it can only be used for the seedlings of this stage. It can be used for half a year to a year and a half, but beyond this range, the effect is not great. At that time, considering the uniformity, aesthetics and the best planting conditions, we chose the seedlings of one age. Besides, if we search them all If it's scraped clean, it won't affect national affairs? "Yang Feng's words are so righteous that vice ministers want to spit blood, neat and beautiful. Can this also be used in this matter?

"The price of saplings is going to rise." when the deputy minister sent off, Yang Feng suddenly said this and grinned. If people familiar with Yang Feng see Yang Feng's smile, they must understand that village head Yang has found another way to make money.

Poplar became scarce and the price soared all the way, which led to the whole seedling market and timber market. Yang Feng took the opportunity to organize people to dig suitable seedlings for sale in Nanling, adding income to the year of disaster. Yang Feng dug not natural resources, but the mountain he contracted to plant later. This time is equivalent to a big rest, after planting trees, I haven't rested yet.

People were digging trees in full swing. They didn't find that the trees in Nanling seemed to become dense. The mountain was so big that even Yang Feng didn't dare to say that he knew the mountain like the back of his hand. He knew where there were several trees, let alone others, so Yang Feng dared to give a hand to his own back garden.

Seedlings are continuously transported from Nanling to all parts of the country, especially in the western region. What is most lacking there is seedlings. What Yang Feng provides here is definitely tree species with high survival rate and suitable for planting in arid areas. Nanling seedlings sell well, which has driven the transportation industry. Many people in surrounding villages buy cars to transport. Even if you transport to the railway station, you have to take a car!

Resources, this is resources, not gold, not black gold, this is green resources. Yang Feng has paved the way for several years. At this moment, he finally achieved results. Even if he does not transplant from Jiuxi Lingyu, the supply of seedlings can reach about 60%. You can imagine how huge a fortune it is.

Many people have to settle the accounts for Yang Feng because no one knows how many saplings have been sold except insiders. However, people have some ways and can't get information from Shanghe village. They start from the Ministry of environmental protection. Some people jointly ask for financial disclosure. After several years of reform and transformation, The Ministry of environmental protection timely met everyone's requirements and announced the financial situation in detail. The number of saplings and total expenditure per day are all recorded.

In a short week, the cost was as high as one billion, which shocked some people. The production of saplings in Nanling is a little terrible. According to the current situation, if we continue to dig for a few months, there will be no damage to the ecological balance. Such a huge number, in addition to the large number of saplings, there is another reason that the price of saplings is very high, which some people can't help asking, Why don't you provide saplings for free?

There were more and more skeptics. Yang Feng had to make a proof response. He didn't answer directly, but asked, "why do you provide it for free?"

Why? Many people are stunned when they see this word. Do you need to ask? You are rich and are almost flooded with money. Shouldn't you? Thinking of this, many people are suddenly confused. Village head Yang is rich, but why should people provide you with saplings for free? It seems that there is no such reason. If you follow the theory that if you have money, you have to do good deeds for free, it is estimated that everyone is waiting for the pie to fall from the sky, who will struggle! If there is no house, the people who build houses are rich. If they build a house and give it to people, it will be over; No cars, cars are made by rich people. It's not over if everyone gives one.

Yang Feng's simple question silenced most people. Of course, some people with abnormal brains think that you should donate if you have money, contribute to society and the motherland. For these people, Yang Feng chose to ignore them. You argue with people whose brains can't take care of themselves. What's the significance? If you don't do well, you can't take care of yourself.

Nothing should be done, and nothing is necessary. Although Yang Feng's saplings are expensive to sell, the Ministry of environmental protection can buy them, which also gets a discount. Now, among the international friends squatting in Shanghe village, which is not for saplings, people's appetite is very good. No matter how many varieties they have, they are like monkeys, Take the saplings and do sample testing. This test found problems. The saplings excavated from Nanling have strong adaptability and high survival rate in various environments. Even after long-distance transportation, they are better than the best varieties they have cultivated.

The news leaked out inadvertently. Experts and scholars from all sides can't have a reasonable explanation for this kind of thing. No matter how excellent the geology of Nanling is, it can't have such a big change. In the end, we can only attribute this change to variation.

Shanghe village has almost become an academic research center. Yinian and xianle garden are basically all experts and professors, and these people live for a long time. For this, Yang Feng can't rush out. He can only come first, get a room early, and live in the county late. Therefore, he specially opened a direct bus to the county, It has also reached a long-term cooperative relationship with several hotels in the county to solve the difficulty of accommodation for tourists in Shanghe village.

The problem of accommodation has always existed. It used to be better. Now, with the long-term occupancy of various experts, the problem is becoming more and more serious. However, this problem will not be solved soon. When Longjia village built a new house, Yang Feng specially got a piece of land nearby and built nine buildings with 13 floors. He plans to use it all as hotel rooms, which will adapt to all kinds of people, There are everything from the most ordinary room to the most luxurious presidential suite. The most important thing is the distance. The hotel is located in Shanghe village. Take the special bus in Shanghe village or drive by yourself, that is, it is 15 minutes away.

After Longjia village was flooded, a brand-new residential area is under construction. There are only two-story small buildings, one for each family, and the standard Mountain View Villa structure of single door and single courtyard. With the current financial resources of Longjia village, it is not a problem to build this thing. Long Xuanyu has covered all these things alone, which makes other villagers very embarrassed.

The new house is under construction, and they can't use long Xuanyu. Long Xuanyu moved into the forging cliff after the forging cliff water retreated. Although there is still some tide in the forging room, as long as the stove burns up, it will be dried in a few days. The forging cliff is ignited again, and the kitchen knives out of stock are supplied again.

On this day, four female Knights came to the forging cliff, but the knights were not ordinary horses. One was riding a zebra, two were riding a leopard, and one was riding a fiery red lion. Needless to say, it was Mengmeng. Their four evil spirits came. As soon as this powerful combination appeared, it scared the tourists visiting the forging cliff.

"Ow!" the lion didn't like the flash. He raised his head and roared. People's ears were buzzing. He really experienced what a lion roar is.

"Please don't take pictures. Lions don't like taking pictures. If they get angry, I can't control biting!" Mengmeng touched the huge lion's head, shouted at people, smiled and shouted "Hello grandpa long".

Long Xuanyu tapped on Mengmeng's head twice and said, "you can't keep a low profile!"

Mengmeng hehe giggled, took two bottles of wine from his backpack, shook it and walked into the forging room of long Xuanyu. Long Xuanyu smiled and followed the four eye-catching Knights into the house. As soon as the door closed, he said with a smile: "century old wine, what ghost idea do you four have to keep me busy?"

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