The president and prime minister were all crushed by village head Yang. Except for the media of some special countries, the world media all reported on village head Yang wantonly, and they were still headlines. Some were even serialized. Without them, they dug out the primary school where village head Yang went to when he was a child. The image of village head Yang instantly entered the hearts of the people all over the world, In the past, the broad masses of the people really didn't know that there was such a monster in the world of ordinary people.

After the auction, Yang Feng received compensation, but Christie's was also greatly weakened and entered a state of self-cultivation. Major auction houses in the world adjusted their policies one after another, and some originally scheduled auction houses were also retreated. It can be seen how much the influence of village head Yang's trouble is.

Amid the world's turmoil, world-class luxury cruise ships announced that they would hold a special auction on the high seas. The auction has been publicized. The focus of the world is directly on there. There are not only oversized diamonds, but also ancient treasures. People who understand it know that this is the collection of village head Yang. I'm afraid village head Yang tossed Christie's for his own auction, In fact, everyone is wrong. It has nothing to do with Yang Feng. It was all done by Yue Lingxi. With the help of Jiuxi, the girl has become a world-class celebrity, and her commercial talent has been displayed to the greatest extent. Even manager Liu lamented that if Jiuxi was operated by her, it would not reach the current level, Jiuxi has now become one of the world's top cruise ships.

Yue Lingxi is going to hold an auction. Yang Feng knows that Yue Lingxi applied to him for the diamond. Yue Lingxi called him to say this. Yang Feng hit the wall with a word. Yang Feng directly asked, "how big do you want? Is the size of basketball that big?"

Yue Lingxi took a breath and was not frightened, but bit her tongue. In fact, she was also frightened. She hurriedly said, "no, no, I can't sell it if you give it to me. Who in the world can afford it except you. Just give me a tennis ball as the final item."

"You can either ask about it and see if someone can afford it. It's too hard to play for Pipi at home. Sell it and buy Pipi a football." Yang Feng smiled.

"You, turn back and hit the tree." Yue Lingxi said angrily.

"I'll hang up if it's all right! I'm still fishing." Yanfeng smiled proudly. He was really fishing. After that, they were busy returning home. They couldn't go back if they didn't. a lot of reporters surrounded him every day, which annoyed even Wen Wen. So they had to go back to Yangjiabao for vacation and float on the sea in a yacht.

With homemade red wine in his hand, Dong Yuxin said suddenly: "you transform that place, make a cliff road and a beach below. It's good to lie on our beach and bask in the sun. Why go to Hawaii."

"Yes!" Yang Feng nodded. He handed the fishing rod to his son, jumped directly into the sea and swam quickly to the shore. The speed was no worse than that of swordfish. People who didn't know thought Yang village had long scales. People who knew would despise him and play in the water by pulling the long scales.

When he got to the shore, Yang Feng Yanlong shook and looked down at the terrain. He started his mountain opening road in a pair of swimming trunks. Mountains and stones flew and boulders fell from the top of the mountain. Soon, he formed an approximate cliff stone ladder and a hundred meter high cliff. Yang Feng also made nine viewing platforms. The terrain was perfectly utilized, plus trees, flowers and plants, Formed a natural landscape.

Dong Yuxin smiled on the yacht and took the opportunity to educate his children, "remember, you can't do things like your father. How can you hit a stone in swimming trunks."

"Mom, don't you think Dad is cool?" Pipi asked with her head tilted.

"His pants are pants with trouser heads. Don't say, they are still real now." looking at Yang Feng's unique image, Dong Yuxin couldn't help laughing again.

This night, Yang Feng was busy. Although he had only one person, he could help a lot. Monkeys laid wood boards, baboons pulled iron chains, protective ropes and plank roads. When the sun rose in the morning, they had been built. Not only the cliffs were completed, but also Yang Feng on the beach. To tell the truth, it was the easiest thing to do. It was done as soon as the sand moved.

It's a bit exaggerated to know his man's ability, but build a tourist area overnight. Dong Yuxin received a call from Yang Feng and brought people to have a look. He was shocked. Even if he saw it with his own eyes yesterday, it's hard to believe that this is the dusty cliff yesterday.

"I'm going to open up nine shower rooms there with brand-new mechanism design, but this hot water has to get several solar water heaters on the mountain." Yang Feng can't be perfect in one night, and there are still many things missing.

"No hot spring?" Dong Yuxin asked extravagantly.

Yang Feng was stunned and replied, "I don't know. I'll ask Huoer."

Yang Feng released Huoer from Jiuxi spiritual area. As soon as things were said, Huoer turned into a shadow and disappeared on the cliff. He found them a hot spring. Yang Feng has great trust in Huoer's ability, but Yang Feng has no confidence in this place. Hot springs are not so easy to find. Even if there are in the mountain, it can't be found if it's too far away.

More than ten minutes later, Huoer came back. It was obvious that he found a special place. As for whether it was a hot spring, I don't know. Yang Feng went and looked at it. It was only two miles away from the edge of the cliff. If the hot spring could be dug out here, water could be diverted.

Drilling a well in the mountain is also difficult for ordinary machines, but it is not difficult for Yang Feng. In order to facilitate his actions, he directly dug a two meter wide pit and dug it down so straight. If Yan Long has a spirit, he is expected to cry. He is also a divine soldier and used it to dig stones.

Yang Feng's excavation speed is much faster than that of ordinary mechanical equipment. With the help of heavenly eyes, Yang Feng can definitely find the location of the stone crack.

"This..." with the help of the power of the heavenly eye, Yang Feng found a set of underground rivers, or waterways more accurately. The waterways in the hinterland of the mountain don't know where they come from, or where they flow. Maybe they have no end. They come from stone cracks. Generally speaking, in front of Yang Feng is a three foot wide natural pipeline. There is water in the mountain. This is a common sense, It is not uncommon for such a place to appear. Nature is angry with you, which can never be imagined by the human brain.

Yang Feng was stunned when he touched his hand on the stone. It was not hot. It was cold. Across the stone, there was a chill. How cold the water would be if it was made out! Not disappointed, Yang Feng smiled and dug a small hole in the stone wall. The water flowed over. Yang Feng took it with his hand and shivered. It was too cold.

"Good water!" Gan lie is cold, with a faint fragrance, but in terms of taste, the water is no worse than that in Jiuxi spirit domain. The magic of nature is reflected again, so people will never know what will happen below.

Yang Feng doesn't know how nature evolves, but he doesn't have to dig below. Although the mountain spring is not a hot spring, it can direct water to take a bath, but it's a pity that it's so good water that it doesn't have to make tea. Yang Feng sits directly beside the mountain spring and cooks tea. Huoer is dissatisfied and goes out to look for it. Where does he know whether it's a hot spring or a cold spring? He knows that the place is a little special, There's nothing wrong with it.

The hot spring is hopeless. Yang Feng can only install a water heater. He can't do it anymore. No matter how wise the ancients were, they wouldn't boil water and open a bathing place in the mountain. Therefore, there has never been any research on purchase and no deeds in this regard. They can only do it according to modern methods.

Yang Feng transformed the beach overnight. In his opinion, it's nothing. If his wife wants to lie on the beach and bask in the sun, he'll get a piece of sand, but when the satellite in the sky catches all this, he's a little frightened.

The first to find the anomaly is the United States. Why is it the United States? There is no way. Who makes people's aerospace technology world-class. It is said that people's satellites can see whether the ants on the ground are male or female.

The satellite doesn't focus on here. The range of others is global, and no one is idle. See if you have taken a secret photo of village head Yang, and you can find it at the first time. It all depends on the power of the computer. Every photo taken by the satellite will be compared with those within a week. If anything abnormal is found, an early warning will be issued, and the staff will check it according to the number, Naturally, I know what happened. At first glance, I can't believe my eyes. Before today, their last photo of this area showed that it was still a wasteland, but now, looking at this place, you can't accept that it used to be like that.

In order to verify the authenticity, the American side sent Chinese personnel. This person came to see it and was directly stunned. He was not stunned by the change. He didn't know what it looked like before, but was stunned by the different scenery here.

There are absolutely no tourists. Unless you come from the sea, the place Yang Feng chose is a natural bay, which is almost two kilometers long. One side is the sea and the other is the cliff. It's not easy to come from any direction. No matter you climb the mountain or go to the sea, it's dangerous. In fact, there were some ways to come to this place before, but now it's different, If you belong to village leader Yang, you have to change. For example, there are many reefs in the sea, and the mountain road is extremely steep. Even the road along the beach is blocked by Yang Feng with stones. Now there are only two ways to come to this place, one is to fly down from the sky, directly, and the other is to follow the road planned by nutrients, Otherwise, it will be a tragedy.

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