"Boom!" there was a loud noise. The sky broke and the earth shook. The plane lost its operation under the impact of invisible air waves. Mengmeng and them were directly submerged by sand, dust and smoke. Dugu Lang could only protect himself at that moment. There was no time to save anyone, and he didn't know who to save.

Dugu Lang got up from the ground and looked around. He couldn't see anything clearly, but he could feel that the energy channel had disappeared. He held his breath and walked to the place where Mengmeng was just now.

"Cough!" the sound of cough made Dugu Lang happy. Anyway, he was alive.

"Shit, it's self explosion. I knew I wouldn't play with him and let him explode by himself." Mengmeng coughed and scolded. After scolding, she said, "if you're not dead, don't scare people."





They all cooperated very well. Everyone who could squeak gave an answer, and everyone who couldn't squeak gave an answer. Mengmeng lay on the ground, closed her eyes and said with a laugh: "ha ha! If you don't die, you must have a blessing! Comrades, just wait for the blessing."

Dugu Lang couldn't help laughing. He followed his voice to Mengmeng and asked, "how are you? Are you hurt?"

"Grandpa Dugu, you're fine. That's great. I can't move anything except my mouth." Mengmeng replied with a smile.

"Ditto!" Xiaoxiao said in a hurry. Others responded one after another. Everyone was the same. Except one mouth, other parts failed.

"It seems that there is no problem. As long as you are conscious, there will be a bright tomorrow. Grandpa Dugu, you don't have to worry." before Dugu Lang comforts them, Mengmeng comforts Dugu Lang first, which makes Dugu Lang smile again. It's good to keep an optimistic state all his life.

"Boom!" there was a heavy noise, and the ground trembled. This time it was not an explosion, it seemed to be the sound of something hitting the ground. Dugu Lang turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound. Only a dark shadow slowly approached and grew larger. With the dissipation of smoke and dust, it could be seen that it was a dragon, no, exactly two, Because you can only see one at a distance, but you can see another at a close distance.

"Ha ha! Nanling four evil spirits are so powerful!" three people and two dragons, the one who took the lead, rode on the dragon and looked down on Mengmeng, full of ridicule and pride. As for Dugu Lang, it was very tragic to be ignored by others.

Seeing the appearance of the dragon, even Mengmeng, whose nerves have been tested for several times, is very surprised. Can it still be called a dragon? Maybe it should be called bone dragon, but it's not right. Bone dragon is a pile of bone shelves. People have skin but no meat. They wrap bones in skin, and the skin is like rock, as if someone had applied "stone skin technique".

"You don't just come to laugh at us?" Mengmeng rolled her eyes angrily. Now they can only call it four fools. They lie on the ground and are slaughtered by others.

"Yes! Can't you?" the man in black asked with a smile.

"You're bored! If you want to take us hostage, hurry up, or I'll recover my strength and show you the power of our four evil spirits." Mengmeng threatened.

"Yes! Life is too boring. I'm not interested in you. If I catch you, village head Yang can't find us to work hard! But I'm very interested in these two." the man in black looked at blue ice and white fox.

"Cough!" Dugu Lang had to remind him that there was another living man here. It was really hard to be ignored!

"Dugu Lang, you'd better not move. We're here just to get things. We don't want to be enemies with you. However, if you want to die by yourself, we don't mind asking you to report to the hell palace earlier." the man in black is a threat. Compared with Mengmeng, she is a novice and a master.

"My old man is so old that it doesn't matter whether he dies early or late. Come on, let me see what you can do." Dugu Lang smiled and said without any anger. No matter his experience or age, he was not allowed to be angry.

"If you want to die, don't blame me." the man in black snorted coldly and shot two flying needles. Dugu Lang was about to escape. He suddenly found that the soles of his feet seemed to be stuck. He couldn't move. He couldn't help but be surprised. The enemy's means were too strange.

"Broken!" Nannan said softly. Dugu Lang felt that his feet connected with the earth had been liberated and hurriedly dodged away from the two flying needles.

"Ding!" a stone flew over Dugu Lang's chest and skillfully flew an invisible flying needle. Xiaoxiao didn't know when she turned over and lay on the ground panting. On the other side, Nannan also lay on the ground and didn't move. She held Vientiane Tianluo in her arms. I didn't know how she did it just now.

Dugu Lang didn't care to throw a grateful look at them, and the enemy's attack came again. With the dangerous experience just now, he was finally prepared and noticed the invisible flying needle. He had to say that his hand was Yin and dark.

"Boom!" the bone dragon suddenly moved and patted Dugu Lang with a claw. Dugu Lang dodged away, and the sand and stones flew on the ground. He was photographed with a big pit. The stone hit him with pain, but Dugu Lang didn't care about the pain. He couldn't pay for the person above the dragon, let alone the giant.

"Let's go!" Mengmeng suddenly jumped up, waved the whip, grabbed old Dugu and pulled him back. Nannan jumped up from the ground and ran towards Shanghe village. Several people whistled, and the horses in the exiled forest ran out with a hiss. Mengmeng and they turned on their horses, rushed forward quickly, smiled and waved to shoot down the hidden weapons behind them, Xiaoxiao raised her hand and shot a few bullets to stop the pursuers behind.

"Let's go!" a voice was a little ethereal. The man in black who was about to pursue stopped. The man in Black said "it's not easy to play at all". He rode a dragon and followed another dragon, walking slowly in the mountains. None of the three spoke.

"They ran back to the base camp and joined the water vortex. They didn't even have the strength to get off the horse. They directly fell down from the horse and tried their last breath to pull Dugu out of the crisis. It was already a limit to keep him from falling down on the road. When they saw their relatives at home, they were finished as soon as they relaxed, and they didn't even have the strength to move their fingers.

When Yang Feng came back, Shanghe village was in a mess. Whether it was Longdong or Shanghe village, there were armed soldiers everywhere. All the tourists were persuaded to leave, and even the villagers were temporarily resettled by the military.

"Come back, if the end of the world comes, it's the best result to die at home." after checking Mengmeng's injuries, Yang Feng said this. Wang Hangong nodded and informed people to send them all back.

"Village head Yang, what do you think of this?" Wang Han Palace asked.

"To tell you the truth, I don't know. The world has been somewhat out of its original track. I'm afraid no one knows what will happen next." Yang Feng shook his head, and his face was less relaxed than before.

Wang Hangong smiled bitterly and said nothing more. Even Yang Feng of the fried rice world said that the world had changed. Compared with ordinary people, the world was strange and unknown.

There was no first emperor in the Qin Emperor's mausoleum. The terracotta warriors and horses disappeared out of thin air. The two dead dragons were resurrected. They escaped all modern monitoring. Such a big man could be captured directly by helicopters sent by the military, even satellites in the sky, but it was not. They disappeared completely after leaving the Dragon Cave. Of course, even the three people in black disappeared Yes.

The villagers of Shanghe village have come back one after another. Shanghe village has returned to the previous scene. Home and people are here. This is the biggest foundation. I believe that the impact of this incident will dissipate in a short time. At that time, I'm afraid it can only be talked about as a miracle. However, there is a premise for all this. The three people in black will not take the initiative to disturb Shanghe village.

Put the white fox and blue ice into the Jiuxi spiritual realm and let them recover themselves. Yang Feng sent a special envoy and began to tour the mountains and forests to find out if he had seen the two big guys. Until evening, he didn't get good news. Three people and two dragons cheated not only the satellite, but also the animals in the mountains and forests. This is not generally strong. He also found them when the terracotta warriors and horses were The nearby birds and animals asked, but they didn't find anything.

Gongsun Meng has arrived at Nanling. She is the main person in charge of this incident. In her words, her life has been busy since she met Yang Feng. No, she is getting busier and busier. After working on Nanling, she flew directly to Shanghe village. The situation is urgent, and the helicopter has become the best means of transportation.

A pot of tea, several plates of melon seeds and peanuts and other snacks. Yang Feng and Gongsun Meng sit opposite each other. Gongsun Meng is very dissatisfied with Yang Feng's leisurely life. "When are you still free to eat melon seeds and drink tea?"

"What else can I do?" Yang Feng asked with a smile.

"You..." Gongsun Meng was speechless. Indeed, there was nothing to do. So far, they have no information clues except an unchangeable fact, so they have no countermeasures.

"Only when you have enough to eat and drink can you have the strength to deal with anything. Believe me, this is the terracotta warriors and horses and the dragon. It's definitely not for the exhibition. We can only wait now." Yang Feng took a sip of tea and said.

Gongsun Meng rolled her eyes and said the same thing as she didn't. she expected Yang Feng to tell her a little secret. Now it seems that either Yang Feng doesn't know or doesn't intend to tell her. She can only go to her first. For Yang Feng, it's OK to wait, but for her, there are many things to deal with in the process of waiting for you. That's the difference between official and individual. What are they Everything has to be explained at both ends. You have to explain if you create one.

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