What appeared in the sky was a young man wearing a dark red full-body armor. He was sitting on the throne. He looked neither majestic nor noble, but gave people a feeling of spring breeze.

Such a young man is a pleasure to watch just looking at.

The boy's left hand gently covered a girl's head, and the girl lay on his lap enjoying herself. Lu Li gently stroked the girl's hair.

Long Ying, who has white curly hair and purple eyes, wears a black bra armor and skirt armor, a pair of decorated arm guards, gloves and black boots, a scarlet cloak on the back, and a Has a venomous tail.

At this time, Long Ying narrowed her eyes slightly and seemed to be enjoying herself.

In addition, standing next to the throne was a middle-aged man with purple hair, a tapered face, hair sticking up on his forehead, and a purple beard on his chin.

Ye Lingyun stood next to Lu Li with an expressionless face, like a stone statue with no emotion.

What a handsome young man!

All the Kamigawa viewers in front of the screen couldn't help but exclaimed


Angel Civilization

"So young?"

Kesha couldn't help but raise her eyebrows after seeing Lu Li's appearance.

Even if a god-level strongman can stay young forever, a person's age can still be seen at a glance.

Because after a person's time has accumulated, The sense of vicissitudes of life on his body cannot be concealed, but Lu Li in the picture does not have that sense of vicissitudes of life.

"This boy is definitely no more than a thousand years old!"

Kesha thought with certainty in her heart.

He Xi's eyes lit up and he said to himself:"Is he similar to a wise man like Karl?"

Although many people scolded Karl for being a sissy, one thing cannot be denied, that is, before Karl became a phantom, he was indeed recognized as the most handsome male god in the universe.

And Lu Li was even better than Karl, Lu Li He is more sunny than Karl, and this temperament better combines the bookishness in him.

He does not seem to have that sinister feeling, and he is not as calm and self-confident as Kesha.


Styx Civilization.

After seeing Lu Li's appearance, Karl was more convinced that Lu Li, like himself, was a wise man pursuing knowledge.

This is the same kind!

The main god of the origin civilization is a wise man, not a war god. That is enough to explain a lot of problems.

"An infinite civilization that is highly developed but has not been baptized by war?"Karl looked at Lu Li on the screen and instantly thought of the Kamigawa Civilization.

As the oldest civilization in the known universe, the Kamigawa Civilization also had no war and had never launched an invasion war.

However, the Kamigawa Civilization conquered After the main biological civilization, this kind of conquest is a soft conquest, which is the so-called cultural conquest.

Almost all the current main biological civilizations are deeply influenced by the Kamigawa civilization.

It is no exaggeration to say that the glory of the main biological civilization today is all the result of the establishment of the main biological civilization. On top of the corpses of the Kamigawa Civilization.

The Kamigawa Civilization is like a whale in the deep sea. When the whale falls, all things come to life!

It is precisely because the Kamigawa Civilization continues to expand in the universe and has grown in just tens of thousands of years. Here, so many god-making civilizations have been created.

As for whether the origin civilization will become the second Kamigawa civilization, it depends on the relationship between the origin civilization and the angel civilization.

"But angels... can't be glorious for long."An evil smile slipped from the corner of Carl's mouth. In Carl's impression, the danger level of the Origin Civilization was -1 again.

Morgana's thoughts were similar to Carl's. She had beaten her more than once since she believed that the Origin Civilization was a powerful force on the outside. The idea of ​​​​passing the origin civilization.

Now the threat level of the origin civilization is -1.

Morgana's coveting of the origin civilization is naturally +1000.


【Lieyang-Di Leina: Such a handsome civilized god, this appearance is quite explosive among all the super genetic warriors!】

【Morgana: Indeed, this pretty boy is prettier than Karl】

【Tianzha - Hua Ye: Let me tell you something, this face is even prettier than Mary Sue. Mr. Hua, I have never seen such a handsome person! I was a little excited when I saw my grandpa.】

【Blue Star-Liu Chuang: Is this the main god of the origin civilization? She looks as weak as a pretty girl, but finally she meets a main god who is even less reliable than Sister Reina.】

【Origin-Long Ying: How dare you insult His Majesty? Do you want to bring catastrophe to your civilization? 】

Originally, Long Ying was quite happy when she saw all the comments in the barrage praising Lu Li's handsomeness, but after seeing Liu Chuang's comments, Long Ying's face instantly darkened.

Lu Li gave Long Ying a calm look. After he was reassured that he wanted to kill Liu Chuang on Earth, Lu Li looked at the curtain thoughtfully.

Lu Li asked casually,"To be honest, I don't have anything to ask. Just tell me the coordinates of the Angel Civilization and the Lieyang Civilization." Lu Li didn't want to spend too much effort looking for these two civilizations, so he simply asked The two civilizations were asked about specific landmarks.

There were too many restrictions on asking questions, and since he knew everything he needed to know, Lu Li only asked a question that everyone thought was very useless.

Top civilizations all know the specific coordinates of these two civilizations, but the question is, how many top civilizations are there in this huge universe?

The lost Shenhe civilization, the ruined Deno civilization, plus the Fierce Sun and Styx, as well as the Triangle and Angels.

There are only 6 top civilizations in the entire universe.

Finding these six civilizations in the vast universe is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack

【The coordinates of the Angel and Fierce Sun civilizations are……】

The system told the coordinates of these two civilizations very responsibly.

Angel and Lieyang didn't pay much attention to this matter. As for whether the leakage of civilization coordinates would cause attacks from other civilizations?

The top civilizations in the main biological civilization all know each other's civilization coordinates. It has been almost tens of thousands of years, and no top civilization has ever attacked another top civilization.

【This review ends here! The next inventory will be in one cosmic day (about a month)!】

【The next ranking list will be the civilized transportation ranking list!】

【The civilized transportation rankings are based on the transportation technologies of major civilizations! The more advanced the transportation technology is and the wider the transportation scope, the higher the ranking will be!】

…………ps: Poisonous Scorpion King-Long Ying (picture)

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