Lu Li helplessly looked at Long Ying lying on his lap.

"Why are you arguing with these people? They are just ignorant."Lu Li gently stroked Long Ying's white hair and comforted him with a smile.

Long Ying raised her mouth and said unhappily:"I just can't stand them. They all look down on our origin civilization, just like a group of ignorant country children.."

Due to the butterfly effect of the time traveler, Long Ying is not as bloodthirsty and ruthless as in the original plot. Although to the enemy, Long Ying is indeed the bloodthirsty and ruthless Scorpion King.

But when she is around Lu Li, Long Ying is that innocent A white dragon girl who hates war.


【Lieyang-Di Leina: Origin Civilization? Are you the number one person from the origin civilization?】

【Origin-Long Ying: Yes, me! Long Ying! One of the four guardians of the origin civilization!】

【Lieyang-Di Leina: Huh! Wait! I would like to see how many stars your civilization originated from, and it actually ranks first.】


The video starts playing.

The first thing that comes into view is a huge and very young star.

Then the field of view was zoomed out, the huge star continued to shrink, and people could see more and more places through the video.

As the line of sight continues to zoom out, the seafood continues to light up.

One, two, three... until people could only see dots of orange light, the camera that kept zooming out finally stopped, and the subtitles slowly appeared.

Angel Civilization has 234 stars within the civilization's domain, and the maximum star radius is 1.188 billion kilometers.

At the same time, the screen also began to play the video of the angel civilization occupying the star.

When angel civilization selects stars in the universe as energy sources, they usually select stars that have no life in the star system.

If there were, no matter how cold they were, no matter how young or how huge they were, the angelic civilization would give up on those stars.

Note: This inventory only counts stars directly under the control of a civilization, stars occupied by its believer civilizations are not included.


【Prince Yiren Civilization: One star gave birth to our entire civilization. It is unimaginable that the number of stars controlled by the angel civilization is as high as more than 200】

【Knight Civilization Kings: They are worthy of being angels of justice. Their love for life exceeds their greed for energy.】

【Blue Star-Liu Chuang: Damn it! Our entire blue star relies on the sun to exist, but there are more than 200 such things in other civilizations?】

【Lieyang-Di Leina: What is this? You can all be scared by this. When the number of stars of our Lieyang civilization is exposed, you will not be paralyzed by fear?】

【Origin-Long Ying: It’s just a star, an insignificant existence. I really don’t know what this is worth counting.

Ye Lingyun, do you know how many stars there were under our origin civilization?】

【Origin - Ye Lingyun: Who would bother to count this stuff? What is the difference between this behavior and counting sand in the desert?】

【Lieyang Di Leina: You two are so good at pretending! At that time, I want to see how powerful you, the number one, are. 】

A girls’ dormitory on Earth.

Reina curled her lips in displeasure. The first place that should have belonged to Lieyang Civilization was actually taken away. You know, Lieyang should be sure to win that first place!

Who knew that an origin civilization would suddenly pop up.

Moreover, Angel Civilization also used this ranking video to enhance its sense of existence. At least the Angel Civilization in the video showed nothing to be ashamed of.

If the angelic civilization didn't care about the life and death of those lower civilizations, the number of stars in the angelic civilization might be even greater.

Almost all civilizations know this, but only people from the knightly civilization deliberately raised it.

Qiangwei, who was on the bed next door, asked curiously:"Have you, the Lord God of the Lieyang, never heard of Origin Civilization?"

"Never heard of it at all."

Leina shook her head clearly.

As a police officer, Qilin may have seen more things and more details due to occupational diseases.

Qilin comforted her:"Why do you think so much? When the time comes, just do it. Just look at the inventory, and I found that the naming style of the two people who appeared in the origin civilization is very similar to our naming style."

Leina didn't think this was strange, and said casually:"This is normal. The universal language system is the Shenheyu system, which is the Chinese language in your mouth. The naming style is also normal."

"Is this really the case?"

Qilin looked at the barrage on the screen thoughtfully.

The police's intuition told her that this was not just a coincidence.


【Morgana: Rewards are about to be distributed. I don’t know what the rewards for the rankings are. I hope they won’t be too good.】

【Angel-Leng: Are you here to make fun of me? How could the rewards from something with such an unfathomable position be simple?】

【Angel-Chasing: I smell a sour smell through the screen. Morgana, aren't you jealous? 】

Morgana, who had been attacked from both sides for two days, looked at the screen and her teeth itched with anger.

It's not so much jealousy as it is worry, worrying that Tianmu's sudden reward will disrupt their next plan.


With much anticipation, the third place count was completed, and then the rewards began to be distributed.

【Congratulations to Angel Civilization for winning third place! Special reward items are as follows:】

【1. A time retrieval card (can retrace a single item or life for 5 seconds)】

【2. A planet suitable for angel civilization to live in】

【3. One copy of the basic subhuman gene (a creature that can be resurrected in the healthiest state after death)】


After seeing this reward, many civilized people could not sit still, especially the Lieyang and Demonic civilizations.

【Pan Zhen: @AngelKing, Queen Keisha, can you give the second reward to Lieyang? We are willing to pay any price! 】

The current Lieyang is in danger. If there is a new livable planet to replace Lieyang, then the biggest crisis of Lieyang will be solved.

【Blue Star-Ge Xiaolun: Damn it! Directly reward a planet? Does this marquee need to be so arrogant?】

【Angel-Chai: Our Queen just said that King Tianji wants to study these rewards and forget about the transaction.】

【Morgana: What is a time-travel card? You can't really go back in time, can you? This unscientific! How is it possible to turn back time? 】

Compared with other rewards, Morgana is most curious about the time retrospect card.

That's going back in time!

It’s not about converting time and space into void and then breaking the time and space barrier and returning to a certain time period in the past, but it’s about going back in time in the true sense!

This is simply... unbelievable!

"There is absolutely no way Kesha would leave this thing to my mother to study, damn it! What a garbage canopy!!!"

"What does choosing the strongest civilization have to do with stars?"

The furious Morgana kept spitting out fragrance, greeting Kesha and then the sky curtain, and then turned back to greet Kesha from the sky curtain. The River Styx. Karl, the

God of Death, looked at the angry Morgana and shook her head helplessly. He shook his head.

He knew very well Morgana’s love for time and space.

"The rewards are so terrifying, what is the origin of this canopy system? A higher-level existence than the void?"Karl looked at the sky with worry, things were getting more and more out of control.


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