In fact, Yan's back was soaked with cold sweat, if he hadn't been using the genetic system to adjust his expression and skin.

She's exposed now

"The queen is on top! Is this too much fun? Yan was scared and a little excited at the same time.

Lu Li, who was caught in the drama for a second, immediately sat down at the desk:"Okay, Teacher Yan!""


Yan took a sacred language code and began to read.

To be honest, Yan's teaching level is actually not very good, at least not as good as Zhi Xin.

Looking at the beautiful face so close to him, Lu Li was a little unfocused and even wandered out of his mind from time to time.


The pointer suddenly fell on the back of Lu Li's hand.

Teacher Yan warned righteously:"Student Lu Li, please listen carefully to the class!"

Land from:"……"

"Okay, Teacher Yan!"

Lu Li nodded quickly.

After seeing that Lu Li didn't resist, a flash of excitement flashed in Yan's eyes.

Biansheng Yan had already found a way to take revenge on Lu Li.

"Classmate Lu Li, please answer this question... What is the Holy Code Chapter... about?"

Land from:"……"

"Can’t answer?"

"If you can't answer, you will be punished!"

"Put your hands out."

Land from:"……"


Can't afford to play anymore.

Lu Li, who had already realized what Yan was planning to do, smiled bitterly and said,"You win, I apologize!"

"I shouldn't threaten you with this!"

Yan immediately showed a smile after victory.

Want to tease sister?

Sister is the king of drag racing among the angels!

Thinking that he had achieved complete victory, Yan immediately changed into his previous uniform.

Yan looked proud and pursued the victory:"Can you tell me what the T-Virus is now?"

"The T virus is a special virus with an extremely high contagion rate. The infected person will turn into a living zombie, and then it will attack and infect all living creatures.

This infection has an effect on almost all flesh-and-blood creatures, and the infected will also mutate genes and evolve towards stronger forms."

Yan listened thoughtfully, why does the effect of the T virus sound familiar?

"Why does it feel like this T-virus is not very powerful?"

Having seen the devil virus, Yan doesn't think there is anything powerful about the t-virus.

"The most terrifying thing about the T virus is its mutability. I will now send you the information on the T virus."

Yan nodded and accepted the message from Lu Li.

After taking a look at the information on the T-Virus, Yan instantly lost interest in this thing. Now

"The T virus is indeed inferior to the demon virus, and... is the genetic technology of your civilization so primitive?" Yan looked at Lu Li with some curiosity.

How do you describe the technical content of the T-virus?

It's hard to describe in Yan's words.

Lu Li spread his hands and said helplessly:"The origin civilization is not good at genetic engineering. The path it takes is the same as yours. no the same. Yan immediately put on the same clothes as before, then unbuttoned a collar, leaned into Lu Li's ear and asked,"Can you tell me what super energy is?" If you tell me, sister can give you a reward!"

Staring at the abyss, Lu Li was unknowingly attracted to the abyss.

Yan, who thought he had grasped Lu Li's weakness, had even begun to think about how to find out more information.

Lu Li looked away with strong willpower , categorically refused:"Not enough!"

You don't want to give me food, so you use this to test the cadres?

Which cadre can't stand such a test?

After hearing this, Yan stood back calmly, then put on the previous battle uniform, never to be seen again. Enchanting before.

Lu Li added seriously:"What I mean is, you have to pay more!

Yan asked back:"What kind of price?""

"Be my guardian angel!"

Lu Li went straight to the ball, not even beating around the bush, and he didn't go to any lengths to deceive Yan's feelings.

Yan is not the novice in Zhi Xin. Yan, who has experienced abstinence, is already a high-end player in love.

Although She has zero relationship experience, but she is sensible enough!

Faced with such a existence, unless she is attracted to you first, any love tips will be useless

"What a bastard you are! Zhi Xin has only been your guardian angel for less than half a month!" Yan sighed sincerely.

Yan looked at Lu Li as if he were looking at a piece of trash.

As a scumbag, he still had the self-consciousness of a scumbag.

Facing Yan's look at him like a scumbag, Lu Li was not ashamed at all. Instead, he returned an affectionate look.

Lu Li argued:"No love should be despised, even if my love is more overflowing than that of normal people."


Yan Yu earnestly advised:"You can't pursue true love like this. You can't use threats like this. Love can't be traded. Love requires giving.""

"I agree with what you said. If I were dealing with normal people, my gloves would really not work, but you are an angel." Lu Li retorted with a smile, as if he was convinced of Yan.

This girl Yan still wants PUA to have him? It's so funny!

Angels are so strange, so Lu Li chose to use this almost transactional method.

Once the oath of guardianship was issued, Bi Getting a certificate is ten thousand times more reliable

"I reject!"

Yan looked at it seriously


Lu Li shrugged his shoulders regretfully.

"That's it for today, see you tomorrow."After Yan finished speaking, he disappeared on the spot.

Microwormhole transport technology.

Lu Li suddenly discovered that this thing is actually somewhat useful.

"Although it is a bit too hasty, but as long as it does not backfire, it will be fine." Lu Li silently comforted himself.

North of the Milky Way, Wu Yan is the most beautiful!

Yan is still a little special in his heart. Before time travel, Yan was her favorite Paper Man wife.

When they got along, he was more or less He was influenced by Yan's idol glory.

Just like many male fans of female stars are physical fans, these fans' ideas about the stars are definitely not about acting skills and character.

Lu Li was not surprised at all when Yan refused so simply. , the reason why he played so straight just now was because he wanted to declare his thoughts about him to Yan, and to pave the way for the next thing.


After returning to his bedroom, Yan's face turned red to a degree visible to the naked eye.

"Queen! You made a really wrong decision by leaving me here."

……………………ps: Staring into the abyss [picture]

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