"General, general..."

At this moment, there are more than 20 people rushing into the outside. The first one is a general in armor, and he is long Tian.

At this time, when he saw the scene in front of him, he was almost scared out of his wits. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a scene of crisis.

The strength of the South China Sea empire is not something he, Li Sandou and the sunset empire can deal with.

Immediately, he didn't want to think about it. He immediately yelled to Ximen Xiong, the emperor on the throne:

"emperor, emperor, please show mercy.

Our general, he is really a miracle doctor. In the sunset Empire, the nine princesses who were helpless were cured by the general.

The great general's medical skill is extraordinary. He really wants to enter the imperial palace to diagnose and treat his Royal Highness the ninth Prince of your empire. Please open your eyes and give the great general a chance. Maybe the great general really wakes His Royal Highness the ninth prince.

Give the general a chance, and also give his Royal Highness the ninth prince a chance to wake up, and ask the emperor to think twice. "

"Sunset Empire?"

The furious Ximen Xiong was going to kill the white haired man with the sword immediately, but with this man's words, he suddenly remembered something.

"Your Majesty, there is a sunset Empire, which is very weak. However, some time ago, a big event happened. This empire was attacked by another Empire ten times stronger than it. But later, I heard that 600000 troops of that empire were destroyed by a miraculous man who was extremely brave, and the emperor of that empire was scared away. "

The next minister replied.

"Yes, yes, that's right for the minister. That brave and amazing man is our general. He is standing in front of you."

Immediately, long Tian said excitedly.


"He is the magical man who took 10000 soldiers and killed 600000 troops of Beishan Empire to scare back Beishan Empire?"

"It's a little exaggeration. It seems that he is only a man of innate cultivation, and his age is only in his twenties. Let alone kill 600000 troops, how could the sunset Empire hand over 10000 troops to such a young man."

"Are you kidding?"


All of a sudden, the hall was a cry of surprise.

Looking at the queen sitting on the throne, the man was also slightly surprised.

If this white haired man is really the magical general who killed 600000 troops with 10000 people, maybe the purpose of this white haired man entering the palace is just what he said. Maybe he really has some medical skills and wants to diagnose and treat their yu'er.

"I'm not joking or lying."

"The general is not only highly skilled in medicine, but also a military God."

"Everyone in our empire does not admire and worship the great general."

"We have come here to your empire, and our majesty has sent us here to witness the ceremony of establishing the crown prince of your empire."

"I didn't expect such a sad thing to happen to his Highness the ninth prince."

"For this matter, the general is also very heartbroken and sympathetic, he also insisted on risking his life to enter the palace, in order to have a chance to wake up his Highness the ninth prince."

"Please also the emperor and empress, ministers and generals, don't misunderstand the good intentions of our general, just give our general a chance to give your Royal Highness the ninth prince a diagnosis and treatment."

For the disbelief of others, long Tian saw a chance and quickly told all the situation.


The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty did not know how to refute.

If the general is really the white haired man in front of him, then the white haired man must have excellent skills. But the other side is so young, it seems that they can't catch up with the general and the doctor.

At this time, a eunuch went to the emperor's side, whispered to the emperor Ximen xiongzheng some words that others could not hear.

After that, Simon turned his head and looked at the white haired man with fearless and persistent sword.

Because of the eunuch's words, he confirmed that the white haired man was the magical General of the sunset Empire who led the army to kill 600000 troops of the Beishan empire.

Moreover, the other side is also in the sunset Empire, who will cure the nine princesses of the sunset empire.

At the beginning of the nine princess's illness, so that all the doctors go helpless.

So it seems that the white haired man should have some attainments in medical skills.

Otherwise, he could not enter the palace rashly, and dare to say that he is a miracle doctor in the hall.

After thinking about it, Simon is waving to the guards to let them retreat.

Looking at the guards who surrounded Li Sandou retreated, long Tian slowly touched his chest and put down a big stone. The crisis temporarily disappeared.

Seeing that the guards were retreating, Li Sandou also put his sword into xuminajie.Still, he stood there, calm and fearless.

"You are such a magical general. How did you lead 10000 soldiers and kill 600000 troops?"

"Can you tell us something about the war?"

As the emperor asked the guards to step down, civil and military officials naturally knew that his majesty had found out the details of the white haired man in front of him.

The other side must be the magical General of the sunset empire.

Therefore, they are very curious and hope to know how the other side can lead 10000 troops and kill 600000 enemies.

"No comment."

For these people's curiosity, Li Sandao lightly refused.


All of a sudden, the civil and military officials of Manchu Dynasty were stunned.

I didn't expect that a general of a small Empire should be so arrogant and disdain to tell them.

It really blew them up.

If it wasn't for the main hall and the emperor sitting on the throne, they couldn't help rushing out and punching and kicking the white haired man.

"Your name is Li Sandou, right? I ask you, do you really have the ability to save yu'er?"

Just as the atmosphere solidified in the hall, Ximen Xiong, the emperor sitting on the throne, was slowly asking.

"I don't know if I have the ability, and I don't know if I can wake up."

For the emperor's greetings, Li Sandao is still fearless, light way.

"What's your answer, your majesty asked you, and you answered honestly, you don't want to live."

Suddenly, someone couldn't stand the white haired man's attitude towards the emperor and couldn't help yelling at him.

"It's none of your business how the general answers. If you have the ability, you should answer like that."

Li Sandou said coldly, "go back.".


The minister was furious at the moment.

"All right."

At this time, the emperor waved to the minister and immediately said to the white haired man, "since you are a little accomplished in medicine, I will give you this opportunity. However ugliness says front, in case you let Yu son's condition worsen, you know the consequence. If you wake up yu'er, I will make it up to you. "


Li Sandou nodded.

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