"Is there really a group of barbarians who want to encircle our Chinese spiritual world?"



"Hundreds of barbarians were really destroyed?"

"Are those big pies really scared to death?"


All the people who stayed in the cave were practitioners, not ordinary people. Li Sandou didn't want to hide anything, so he described what happened before vividly.

His words shocked everyone.

They did not expect that the barbarians were also involved in the war, and even more did not expect that the barbarians were so ambitious that they wanted to capture the Chinese spiritual world.

Of course, they couldn't imagine how Li San Dou destroyed the hundreds of barbarians and killed the experts of the major sects, which scared them away.

After a while of information digestion, even if they don't believe these things, they are more inclined to Li Sandou and won't cheat them. These things are hard facts.

No need for Li Sandou to go on. They all know that after this incident, for a long time to come, no matter Chinese or foreign practitioners, they will not make rash moves to find trouble for them.

It is estimated that they have all listed Pingliang village in Qingmu town as a forbidden area and will not set foot in this life.

"Let's go back to the farm."

After solving the doubts in the hearts of the people, Li Sandou took them back to the farm.

As for the people of Wangjiazhai, they certainly continue to stay in Wangjiazhai.


"How come the major factions have come back in frustration instead of pouring out?"

"Don't you know that there was an earth shaking event in our Chinese spiritual circle a few days ago?"

"I don't know what's the matter. Even my martial uncle and they are coming back."

"I tell you, don't be scared, don't be curious and go to that place secretly, or you will die."

"Say it, say it."

"A few days ago, some of the major groups of Chinese practitioners came out and went to a place called Pingliang village. They wanted to pinch a person and get everything from that person. But I didn't expect that the man was so powerful that it was suffocating. The major factions not only didn't get any benefits, but also lost their troops and generals. According to the grapevine, the four masters of poison sect, Xuanmen sect, Guimen sect and penglaizong sect were killed by that man, and their disciples were killed and injured countless times. This is not the most frightening thing. The most frightening thing is that none of the hundreds of barbarians formed by more than a dozen sects escaped and were all killed by that man. What's more, there was no flesh and blood left, only the skeleton. "

"Oh, my God, is it really so terrible, so powerful?"

"It should be true. It's not only in our Chinese spiritual circle, but also abroad."


After a few days of fermentation, Li Sandou's killing hundreds of barbarians and several sects has evolved into countless versions.

"No matter now or in the future, our disciples are not allowed to set foot in Pingliang village of Qingmu town without the orders of our sect."

"I've added an order that no one is allowed to set foot in Pingliang village of Qingmu town. If there is any violation, they will be expelled from the school."

"If Pingliang village in Qingmu town is designated as a forbidden area, no one of our disciples is allowed to step on it. If anyone dares to step on it, I will kill him first."

"Gather quickly and announce a ban. No one is allowed to set foot in Pingliang village of Qingmu town in Jingcheng, no matter now or in the future. Anyone who dares to violate it will be expelled from the sect and severely punished."


Because the scene a few days ago was so terrible, the masters who escaped from the main sects were calm now. They not only vowed that they would not set foot in Pingliang village of Qingmu town in this life, but also issued a ban on their disciples, forbidding any of them to set foot in Pingliang village of Qingmu town.

"It's over. We're done."

"Ah, hateful, hateful..."

"I don't believe it's true."

"My family immediately closed the mountain when they heard the order. No one was allowed to go out of the mountain within ten years, and no disciples were allowed to set foot in China."

"Baga, Lu, Li Sandou, we are not with you."

"This Li Sandou is the number one enemy of our school, but we can't avenge them now. I declare that from today on, the disciples of our school will be closed to practice. No one will be allowed to set foot in China without orders."

"If that's true, it's terrible, it's terrible, elder martial brothers, you died miserably..."

"Huaxia, Huaxia, I have warned you that the power of Huaxia cultivation is very powerful. Why don't you listen to me. Now, none of the leaders have come back. It's estimated that they will never come back. Ah, it's not good where to go to rob things. It's just that they went to Huaxia to rob things. This time, they even lost their lives. "

"Ah Isn't this breaking the foundation of my blood clan, Li Sandou? My clan swears that you will be broken into pieces in the future. "……

In a few days, the foreign spiritual circles also got accurate information.

No matter how much they don't believe it, according to the intelligence, they all know that this is an iron fact. The Alliance Army composed of the cultivation circles of more than a dozen countries has been destroyed in China.

At the moment, they are angry and want to kill the evil Li Sandou immediately. But they know that they can't and don't have the strength, and they know that they can't step into China for a long time to come.

In these countries, the sects of the practice circle closed the mountain, closed the door.

In short, after this, Huaxia was originally a forbidden area in their mind, and now it is listed as a forbidden area on the forbidden area.


After thoroughly solving his worries, Li Sandou, who returned to the ecological farm, began to lead his parents and five wives to practice.

As for the destroyed ecological farm, he also sent for someone to repair it.

Also because of Li Sandou's incident, the Chinese practitioners and the practitioners gathered in Qingmu Town, Jingcheng, also fled and did not dare to set foot in Qingmu town.

With the tide receding, the bustle of Qingmu town has subsided a lot, but it is still very busy. After all, there is also a bonus of heaven and earth. Many ordinary people from all over the country and all over the world continue to come to visit and explore.

"Ha ha, the vision of heaven and earth is open again. It depends on which of you dare to come and which sect dares to come to trouble me."

After a few days, Li once again went to the depth of the mountain to open the vision of heaven and earth, that is, he took out the millstone in sumina precepts to absorb energy and improve his cultivation.

The reason why he is anxious to improve his parents, five wives and his own accomplishments is that he knows that he can't stay on the earth for long, and he wants to go to xuanming as soon as possible.

Because there are two beautiful wives in xuanming, maybe they are pregnant with a baby, and the baby will be born soon.

If he didn't go to xuanming as early as possible, he would not be a responsible and qualified father.

Not to mention, there are many enemies in xuanming. In case he is not in xuanming, those enemies will take revenge on his two wives

Li San Dou didn't dare to imagine these terrible consequences. He knew that he must improve his cultivation in the shortest time and find a way to go to the mysterious land.

Therefore, all hope is placed on this millstone.

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