"Woo woo! Woo woo Zhu Tianming roared at Jin Tiansheng and even began to fight and kick.

The coquettish woman said with a charming smile, "obviously, she doesn't agree with you. Then Let her suffer more. You can rest assured that this thing will dissolve itself in an hour. I'm not interested in her life. I just don't want to hear her talk. "

After hearing this, Zhu Tianming sat down angrily.

The waiter was very happy, but he knew that Zhu Tianming would be angry with him. Originally, he didn't have much money. If he was punished, it would be even worse. So he quickly said, "since the eldest lady has doubts, I'll show this game in public."

Now that several gamblers have entered the dreamland, the content of the bet can be made public.

After the waiter showed the contents of the gambling game to the public, Yun Tianxiang asked curiously, "what did Li Daoyou write about

The waiter immediately showed the ink left by Li Sandou: the ink fell into the cup, a piece of black cloud floating amber.

"Good! It's elegant, neat and clear to the point. " The elegant woman can't help but praise this sentence.

She spoke very little, but when she saw the poem, she couldn't help admiring it.

But the enchanting woman winked at Li Sandou, and even stretched out her tongue and pursed her lips.

Li Sandou's whole body seems to have been electrified for a while. He deeply feels that if the flattering power of coring is seven points, the woman is nine points.

"Li Daoyou, I didn't see it, eh! pretty good! Good Yun Tianxiang nodded in praise, like the praise of the students of grade three in primary school.

Caixin didn't speak. Ever since that coquettish woman pasted Zhu Tianming's mouth, she has been observing this woman secretly.

The strength of the hand just now is at least above the true sense.

This is really a place of Crouching Tiger, hidden dragon, core mining sighs in the heart.

The half column incense was soon burned, Zheng Qiran and the old man were sent back, and the waiter said to them with a smile, "according to the rules of Tianjian Yunmeng building, you bet that you will go back to Tianjian Yunmeng building."

Zheng Qiran's face was very blue, and he glanced at Li Sandou. But the old man laughed, and he didn't think much of it.

With the warm-up of waiters, the situation seems to have changed a lot.

Similarly, the waiter followed up with the second round.

As soon as his voice fell, Zheng Qiran said, "I also have a game. How about Li Daoyou play with me?"

Don't go. He's a ghost, and his strength is above you. You'll suffer. Caixin reminds Li Sandou with a secret voice, so that he won't be upset.

After listening to the words of coring, Li Sandou naturally has a long mind in his heart. He knows that Zheng Qiran covets coring and definitely wants to fix himself.

"What? Hesitated? Scared? afraid to? You don't look like a man! " Zheng Qiran said contemptuously, biting the word "man" very seriously.

As soon as you listen to it, you will know that this is Zheng Qiran's provocation.

Li Daoyou, don't be fooled by him. Don't worry. As long as you don't answer him, you will always be the first one in my heart. Yun Tianxiang said in a relieved voice, very sincere.

I was still in a high position Waste wood list Li Sandou couldn't laugh or cry.

"Oh, coincidentally, I also have a game. How about this Li Daoyou, play with me?" The coquettish woman picks her eyebrows. Her eyes are like a deep pool, which can make people fall into it deeply.

"Li Daoyou, I have a game here, too. How about taking me?" Lu Ranqi jumped out at this time.

Her timing is very accurate. She knows that Zheng Qiran is dissatisfied with Li Sandou and wants to harm him secretly. She can see it clearly all the way.

And this coquettish woman's influence is deep, and the purpose is not clear.

Therefore, Li Sandou has absolutely no reason to take the two men's gamble. At this time, he stands up and throws out a game, which can not only find out the details of Li Sandou, but also sell him a favor.

Kill two birds with one stone.

"Li Daoyou really won't take my call? My bet is an amazing secret of elder martial sister coring. Don't you want to know? " Zheng Qiran said, but his appearance was very obscene and greasy.

"Zheng Qiran! You are shameless Core "Huo" to beat the table to stand up, shock the body before the two with an angry shake.

"Bang!" Zheng Qiran doesn't think so. The first thing he has to deal with now is Li Sandou. As long as he has dealt with Li Sandou and broken his mind of coring, he is confident that he has many ways to get coring.

"Taoist friends, I'm not like some people who cheat the world and steal fame. I'm betting on other people's secret. This is my bet." With that, the coquettish woman took out a black thing like a broad bean from the treasure bag.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by it, but no one knew what it was.

"What's this?" Li San Dou couldn't help asking.

"When I take over, I'll tell you what it is. Now, I can only say that it is inconvenient for the Tathagata to think about it, but it is impossible for the Immortal Emperor to think about it. " The coquettish woman said, toward Li San Dou to fly a to wink a way, "slant in my hand."Don't be tempted. This woman is the most powerful one on this table, and she is coming for you. She must have a purpose. Caixin tells Li Sandou in a secret voice.

After a pause, he said, it's still a long time. I'll tell you something about me later. Don't be curious.

With these words, Caixin sat down a little dejectedly.

Li Sandou felt a pain in his heart and suddenly remembered the night on the snow covered peak. He was moved by the confession of coring, and he also remembered the scene deeply.

Then Li Sandou took the coring hand, looked at him and said with a smile, "I won't let you worry."

This is directly to the core said, not in secret sound legend.

Therefore, the people around all heard a clear, coring is slightly a Leng, immediately eyes ruddy, nodded, bowed down.

Zheng Qiran was trembling with hatred. He was biting his teeth and wanted to get rid of Li Sandou.

Yun Tianxiang was also stunned, but she didn't slow down for a long time. She seemed to feel something in her heart was touched. This feeling was very strange, and she couldn't speak.

"Lu Daoyou, talk about your bet." Li Sandou asked Lu Ranqi. He also saw the appearance of Yun Tianxiang. He really didn't know how to say it or explain it, so he had to cut off the topic.

"My bet is a secret, and you don't need to bet." Lu Ranqi said to Li Sandou with a smile, which made her look more beautiful among the colorful women.

Although Li Sandou could not answer any of them, he wanted to hide for a while to let himself, Caixin and Yun Tianxiang feel better. Moreover, he knew that after he left for a while, Caixin should be able to see the clue and comfort Yun Tianxiang.

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