So, all the way smoothly to reach the destination - the dark road of Zhaobi Gufeng.

"Elder, this is it. There are two doors in this secret passage. One leads up to Zhaobi Gufeng, and the other leads down to the rear army of ajibu Su MuQing said to yahaizhu.

Ye Haizhu looked at the forbidden system of Shimen and said, "it's a Dharma array."

"The elder's eye is like a torch. It's the Dharma array." Su Mu nodded.

"What does the devil mean?" Ye Haizhu asked Su MuQing.

Su MuQing shivered all over for a while, and the picture of ghostly cannibalism flashed in his mind.

"The solitary peak of Zhaobi is full of ghosts and corpses. They will never die until the king of ghosts and corpses is destroyed." Su MuQing said in a deep voice.

Yehaizhu immediately understood her meaning, and then said to Su MuQing and Toya, "you two immediately go to open all the doors of the passage below, and then come back to guard this place again to protect the safety of Yanran city. I'll put the ghost on it."

With that, he drew a Dharma array on the two hands.

"Elder, please be careful." Su MuQing and Toya said respectfully.

"You two need to be careful too!" After yahaizhu's command, he went up without looking back.

Toya took a look at Su MuQing and said, "let's start, too."

The two women then went to the dark tunnel.


To the north of Yanran City, haiyingwei has been dormant on the retreat of ajibu.

Julian looked at the visible army of Aji with sharp eyes. He turned to see nianjiaoer around him. Suddenly, his sharp eyes turned into tenderness.

He couldn't help holding nianjiaoer's hand. Before he spoke, nianjiaoer took it back.

Suddenly, Julian was a little unhappy and said, "I know you like Zhongyuan people. What's good about them? Treachery, cunning, greed and stupidity. "

"Is it?" Read Jiao son perfunctorily to return a, the eyes concern ground looking at the distance of black giant column.

Julian didn't like nianjiao'er's attitude towards himself very much. He said fiercely, "hum, when I defeat ajibu, I won't be able to win the head. If I go to Yanran city again, I will win the Central Plains in five years! At that time, I will make all the people in the central plains become grassland people! "


In the distance, a scout rode to the top of the hill, fell down from the horse in a hurry, knelt down and said, "newspaper Newspaper So The black pillar is the breath of the four oxen


Nianjiaoer and Julian are almost speaking in unison.

However, what nianjiaoer was worried about was not the same as what Julian was worried about.

What nianjiaoer is worried about is the safety of Li Sandou.

What Julian is worried about is the destruction of the four owls.

"Princess, they have summoned four owls. We are not sure about this battle." She said to Julian.

Hum, sure enough, you are what you are, good fox! Nianjiao'er snorted and said coldly, "if you want to leave, I won't leave."

"You "Hu Li'an sent all the people around him, leaving only himself and nianjiao'er here, and then he said," we ningnu department want to make peace, and it's not easy to get today's situation. We should be careful. "

"Well, it's just because you have such tortoise thinking that we are oppressed by Aji everywhere." Nianjiaoer said, turned to look at Julian coldly and said, "is it very happy to send women, cattle and sheep, gold and silver to ajibu every year?"

"It was a last resort." Julian's teeth are itching with hate.

Nianjiao'er sat up in her spare time and immediately asked, "so, what are you going to do?"

"First, retreat to a safe position to avoid being hurt by the four owls, and then send scouts continuously to inquire about the news. When both sides are defeated, they will reap the profits." Julian said to nianjiaoer that the abacus was very loud.

"It's hard to accomplish great things if you are afraid of your head and tail." Read Jiao son to finish saying, coldly dropped a sentence, "just here, waiting to raid a Ji Department remnant army."

"The remnant army?" Julian showed a scornful expression and said, "four owls are here. How can there be a remnant army in ajibu?"

Before that, the huge black pillar in the sky disappeared!

Nianjiao'er trembles in her heart and calls for humanity, "send out all the scouts! Be sure to find out the news ahead! "


All the Scouts of Seahawk came out one after another.

Julian was still in shock and had no time to stop him.

After a long time, when I came back to my mind, I just wanted to speak. Suddenly I felt the cold breath in the air.

"The spirit breath Four owls died It's impossible But... " Julian had no idea what to say.

The totem and fierce beast of the famine sect will be destroyed.

How is that possible?!

How can it be!Julian, who is always cautious and never takes risks, has an instinctive submission to absolute strength and power.

So, when he heard that ajibu had sacrificed four owls, he wanted to withdraw.

If nianjiaoer had not been here, she would have been a hundred miles away.

Now, once again, I found that the four owls were dead, and I was even more shocked. It was totally impossible.

"Hum!" Nianjiaoer took a look at Julian and said contemptuously, "you may be good at keeping success, but you can't be enterprising."

"Is it possible for the rise of the Nino ministry without me, Julian?" Julian said forcefully.

"Yes, I affirmed your success." Nianjiaoer said to Julian.

When Julian wanted to argue again, the scouts rushed back and said, "no! No

"What's the matter?! Make it clear! What about the four owls? " Julian yelled at the scouts.

"Four owls died and were killed by the devil." The scouts hurried back.

"Demon king..."

"Where is the devil now? Is there any news? " Read Jiao son flurried ground to ask a way.

Scouts some embarrassed to say, "I don't know, just see four owl cattle crash to the ground, the other small don't know."

"Explore again!" Read Jiao son to urgently order a way.

Before the scoundrel went out, the second scoundrel came back in a hurry and said, "report! The rear army of Aji is in disorder! "

"What's wrong? What do you mean

Nianjiaoer didn't ask, but this time it was Julian who opened her mouth, with some greed in her eyes.

"The situation is not clear. The rear army of Aji suddenly bombed the camp, and it is not clear what happened." Said the scoundrel.

When Julian was still speculating, he listened to nianjiao'er beside him and said, "this must be the strategy of Yanran city to attack Houjun."

Then he turned to Julian and said, "what? Do you have to wait? "

When Julian, who was originally interested in reaping profits, heard this, he immediately said, "do you really think I can only keep success? The only chance we have for the Nino department is when they have not yet decided on the outcome, and that's the time I'm waiting for! "

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