There is no Rooster crowing for thousands of miles. From hill to hill no bird in flight, from path to path no man in sight.

Looking up, the desolate scene in front of him made Li Sandou sigh for a while. The ancients did not deceive me. Such desolation is that the ancient times with endless wars never appeared.

Just recovered a lot of mental strength, within a radius of ten miles, in addition to the withered vegetation, it is actually unable to feel the breath of life.

What is this place?

Li Sandou had never seen such a desolate place. If there were no dry vegetation around, Li Sandou thought he had come to the legendary forbidden area of life.

What changes have taken place in the samsara of the three realms after the samurai God needle destroyed the lingzu, and why has he been turned to this place?

Maybe all the answers have to wait for Li Sandou to solve them by himself, just like before he became a devil, and then he went to the clouds to witness an epic destruction.

The mystery surrounding Li Sandou himself has not yet been solved. Now there is another mystery. Li Sandou feels that he is really busy.

The ugly guy is still sleeping. I don't know if he has swallowed so much aura that the ugly guy sleeps very sweet.

Even the snoring is very loud!

Li Sandou took out two elixirs from sumina precepts and put them beside the big man who could not see his gender. Then he spread out his spirit and galloped toward the distance.

It's also a helpless move to leave without saying goodbye, because Li Sandou can't get what he wants from this big guy, because this guy has no way to communicate.

What's more, Li Sandou is a newcomer. He doesn't know if his appearance will cause trouble.

Although everyone is ugly, they have a pair of beautiful eyes and a kind heart. Li Sandou doesn't want to involve it in the vortex around him.

As he galloped to the distance, Li San Dou was also thinking.

In this barren world, it seems that there is no life at all, so that Li Sandou galloped for a long time without seeing a half figure.

At the same time, Li Sandou found some strange phenomena, that is, all the things he collected in the sky are useless!

Just like those flat peaches, whether it's the elixir Yunxiao brought back or the four treasures he gained in the battle of armor, all the things related to Yunxiao are useless!

The quicksand turned into loose sand, and the silk Ruyi armour was even dimmer. As for the Taiyi demon subduing circle, it turned into a rusty iron hoop.

"What a pity, how many people fight for these treasures, but in the end they become a pile of waste."

When Li San Dou raised his hand, the quicksand, which could spread the sun and the moon, and fall into the stars, flew with the wind and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

But it's strange that everything except Yunxiao is intact, but everything that belongs to Yunxiao is gone.

Is it true that the three realms have not been destroyed, but the clouds have become history? Li Sandou didn't know the answer, and he couldn't prove it.

Because this extremely desolate world does not seem to belong to the three realms, but it seems to be in the three realms.

Put aside his doubts, Li Sandou continued to gallop in one direction. He didn't believe that there was only that strange guy in the world. Before that strange guy gave him a piece of meat to eat, which means that there are other lives in the world!

After running like this, Li Sandao experienced three alternations of day and night, and then he felt the breath of life ten miles away, and there was more than one!

This discovery makes Li Sandou ecstatic. After three days of running, Li Sandou almost sleeps day and night. Thanks to the world, there is still plenty of spiritual rest, which can ensure Li Sandou's spiritual recovery.

If not, it will certainly take more time for Li Sandou to find other life!

Li Sandou didn't slow down until a dilapidated stone wall appeared in his sight.

Although he didn't know what world he came to, according to the observation along the way, Li Sandou can roughly draw a conclusion that this world is absolutely a primitive world!

If it is true, after approaching the city wall, Li Sandou is more firm in his conjecture.

There are people in the city wall, but most of them are naked!

And these people's faces obviously have animal traces, such as sharp fangs, such as erect ears, and some distinctive features of animals.

Is he back to the primitive times?

Li thought, why did he come to such a place secretly?

If it's also a fate to fall into the xingluoxia gorge and then go to the clouds, then this fate led him to find Tang Yu, Miao Ling, and even the clues related to his father on the clouds.

Why do you come to this primitive age?

What can he find here? What kind of process does he have to go through before he can find the person he wants and go back to the real world?

With all kinds of doubts, Li Sandou walked slowly into the dilapidated city wall."Ah ah

"Well, well!"


As soon as Li Sandou entered the city, more than a dozen ragged savages rushed out and surrounded him. They were so loud that people couldn't understand what he was saying.

Surrounded by Li San Dou did not act rashly, but raised his hand and said: "don't be nervous, I'm not a bad man, just passing by here."

"Whoa, whoa!"

A guy who was obviously bigger than the other savages suddenly stepped forward, raised the stone polished like a spear in his hand and pointed it at Li Sandou, "huh, huh?"

"Hey, brother, I don't understand what you're saying!"

Li San Dou wants to cry without tears. Along the way, he has encountered all kinds of situations, but he has never encountered such a situation that he can hardly communicate.

The other side seems to understand what he said, but Li Sandou can't understand what these savages are expressing. Just like the strange guy before, these savages can only say things, and they have no ability to speak at all.

The leading savage whimpered twice, then picked up the spear in Li Sandou's surprised eyes and outlined a pattern on the ground.

In the design, it's a guy who looks like Li Sandou and has complete human form. It seems that he still holds a sword in his hand, and under the sword lies a guy like these savages.

"No, no, no, I'm not here to kill you!" At the same time, Li Sandou was even more surprised, because in this wild man painting, Li Sandou was able to get a very important information.

That is, there are human beings in this world, who have completely evolved like him!

"Do you know where they are?"

Li Sandou pointed to the person holding the sword in the pattern. If he wants to understand everything here, he must first find someone who can communicate with him!

Unexpectedly, as soon as Li Sandou asked, the leading savage pointed his spear at him again

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