As soon as he left the human world, Li San Dou obviously felt that his strength had been greatly restrained.

Because there are few auras of heaven and earth outside the human world, and this place has been out of the scope of the three realms and six ways, so that Li Sandou's immortal power can't be brought into full play here.

However, this does not mean that Li Sandao has become a useless man. On the contrary, Li Sandao's own strength alone means that he has no immortal power or mysterious spirit. He can be fearless of any opponent just by his own body.

What's more, this place outside the human world is not without the aura of heaven and earth, it's just very rare. Li San Dou really wants to show his strength. Who can stop him in this world?

The most important thing is that even if there is no aura of heaven and earth outside the human world, Li Sandou still has his terrifying power! This kind of mindfulness will not change with the change of time and space. His chaotic xianzun level mindfulness is enough to deal with everything and kill everything!

As soon as the plane landed, a luxury car came to pick up Li Sandou.

Li Sandou went to MI Jian alone. How could China not give him enough help? The people of the Fowles family can act recklessly in the human world. Naturally, there are people of their own in MI Jian kingdom.

"Sir, I'm a member of special team zero two. If you need anything, just give me an order."

The driver is a strong young man. It can be seen that this guy has been in MI Jian country for a long time, and his accent has been mixed with local characteristics.

Li Sandou nodded and said: "there must be something you need to help at that time. After I rescue Mo ningshuang, we'll have a big fight here. Hey, I won't go back if we don't turn the situation upside down!"

Yes, the actions of the Fowles family have angered Li Sandou. This guy is no longer satisfied with rescuing Mo ningshuang. He wants to make the Fowles family pay the price, and let the country behind the Fowles family pay the price.

Under his eyes, Mo ningshuang can do something wrong. If Li Sandou doesn't get this place back, he's not fooling around!

"Everything will be arranged by the chief!"

Young man's voice revealed a strong emotion, they came to this strange land, is not to better ensure the safety of China?

Now Li Sandou is going to do a lot of work here, and Tianjing City has given them all the orders to obey Li Sandou. What they have to do is to cooperate with Li Sandou in all his actions. As for the consequences, he is not worried at all!

Li Sandou grinned and said, "OK, take me to meet my brothers first, and then report the specific situation to me."

Although this special team does not belong to Huaxia in name, it is a combat force secretly deployed by Huaxia in mijian country. One is to protect the brothers and sisters here, and the other is to pay attention to the movement of mijian country here.

Just like the outsiders who are active in the human world, their purposes are almost the same. However, the Fowles family has obviously crossed the bottom line this time, which makes Li Sandou very angry. If he doesn't exterminate the Fowles family, his name will be written upside down!

The little guy named Dongyang drove Li Sandou to the farm hundreds of kilometers away from the airport. The land here is vast and sparsely populated. At a glance, the crops removed are crops. It's really hard to doubt that people live in such a place.

There are more than a dozen people in the farm. Although they have been specially dressed up, Li Sandou can see at a glance that these people are well-trained, and some things can't be restrained, such as momentum.

"See you, sir!"

"Don't talk nonsense. Come and sit down. Don't call me chief in the future. Just call me elder brother."

Li Sandou called everyone over with a smile, and took out a lot of local products from xuminajie. "Have a taste, haven't you eaten these things for a long time?"

"My God, my favorite salted duck!"

"And spicy crayfish!"

"I haven't eaten these things for a long time..."

Everyone is very excited. Although we can eat everything we want to eat in this era, some flavors are hard to replace, such as the taste of home.

Seeing that everyone was so excited, Li Sandou was filled with emotion. When he was still wandering in the pole of the third reincarnation, he missed everything in the real world, whether it was the people here, the things here, or the air here, all of which haunted Li Sandou.

Now, he has jumped out of the pole of three reincarnations, and he has the same feeling.

"Slow down, no one's fighting with you." Li Sandou looked at everyone with a smile and said, "why don't you have a holiday tonight and let you go to have a meat feast?"


Dongyang, who was in charge of driving to pick up Li Sandou before, said with a smile, "brother, don't make such a joke with us. It's very good to have a taste of our hometown. What kind of foreign meat do you want to play? If the captain knows, we can't lose a layer of skin!""Captain? Who is the captain? Now I has the final say, your captain has to go! "

Li Sandou's domineering spirit leaked out. Since Qu Tiangang has arranged such an identity for him, Li Sandou naturally wants to make good use of this identity, doesn't he?

"Cough Boss, I'm afraid the captain can't go. "

Dongyang smile more embarrassed, "the captain went to perform a special task, estimated to come back in the evening."

Li Sandou looked at Dongyang in doubt and asked, "why can't I go? Can't you, captain? "


With this remark, all the guys in the team burst out laughing, one by one laughing without any image, which made Li Sandou confused.

"Boss, our team leader is a woman. How can she go to have meat?" Dongyang can't laugh or cry. On weekdays, their captain's discipline is very strict. Let alone going to Kaiyang, they are not allowed to fall in love.

Li Sandou's identity is naturally above their captain, but their captain certainly can't participate in it. It's not that their team leader can't do it, it's that they don't have the tools to do it at all.

"Oh, I haven't heard Qu Tiangang say that. It seems that your captain has a lot of skills." Li Sandou laughed with great interest. When he came here, Qu Tiangang didn't mention it at all, so that Li Sandou made a big joke.

No wonder these guys have such a strong sense of discipline. With a team leader of different genders in charge, they will naturally be tightly controlled.

Of course, what is more important is that they are undertaking extraordinary tasks.

"After a rest, I'll take you to have fun. As for your captain, let her wait here!"

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