"Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who doesn't believe what I say. If I say I won't take your life, I'm sure I won't take your life, but you have to die."

Li Sandou looks at verus with a smile. He likes the feeling of controlling the situation. How to say, only when we firmly control the situation in our own hands can we realize the unique feeling of strategizing and winning thousands of miles away.

Verus was confused. Although he had a translation chip, what Li Sandou said sounded so awkward after translation that verus didn't know whether Li Sandou wanted to kill him or not.

"Of course I'll kill you." Li Sandou grinned, "but after killing you, you can still live."

Verus is even more confused. How can he live after being killed?

In this regard, Li Sandou naturally has his decision, that is to let verus enter a state of suspended animation. Anyway, the fight between several families can't be divided in three or two days. He might as well seize this time to meet the legendary Guardian goddess.

After listening to Li San Dou's intention, verus shook his head and said it was useless to do so.

"As long as I don't really die, my divine breath will not disappear, and Her Highness will not care too much. Because as long as the Godhead does not die, we can live forever. If you really want to kill me, my divine breath will disappear completely, and your highness will not be able to save me at that time. "

Verus was a little afraid. Between life and death, who could not be afraid at all? You know, this is death, not a joke!

Li Sandou frowned and listened to what verus said. He realized the particularity of verus and that he thought things too simple. The goddess's Royal Highness must not be in the state of MI Jian, otherwise, she must have sensed the situation of verus, and she should come out anyway.

If her highness is not in the state of MI Jian, or even on this plane, it is not so easy to attract her Highness's attention. In addition to the divinity of verus, Li San Dou didn't know where to start for a while.

Suddenly, Li San Dou's eyes brightened, and then he raised his hand to set a special space.

"Your power does not come from the stars, I will seal you in a space completely, cut off all the connections between this space and the outside world, your highness should be able to feel it?"

Li Sandou seems to have a long way to go. Since verus' Divine personality is directly related to the power of the stars, and there is traction with the guardian goddess, will cutting off this traction completely cause the illusion of verus' death?

Being shrouded in a special space, verus only felt as if he had entered a closed glass box. At the moment of entering the space, verus lost all his abilities.

Yes, the space is completely isolated. It's a bit like a vacuum, but in it, verus can breathe freely. This made verus very shocked. He raised his hand to arrange such a special space. How powerful was Li Sandou?

"Don't try so hard. I've noticed you for a long time. Why do you ask me out by such a troublesome means?"

Just when Li Sandou was deeply satisfied with his plan, a sacred voice suddenly sounded from behind him.

"Your Highness

Verus was surprised. Rao thought that Li Sandou's method might lead to the guardian goddess, but he did not expect that the guardian goddess would come so soon. And look at this posture, the guardian goddess seems to have noticed him and Li San dou for a long time.

Li San Dou was shocked and looked back at the source of the sound.

Sure enough, like Li Sandou's imagination, this Guardian goddess is full of bright light, and its powerful divine power is full of endless majesty, which is really worthy of the name of goddess.

What surprised Li Sandou was that the guardian goddess was so beautiful.

Yes, Li Sandou can't find any words to describe this Guardian goddess. After three times of reincarnation, Li Sandou has met many women, and there are many women around him, including some peerless beauties like Si Si, and some fairies like Miao Ling and Tang Yu.

But the guardian goddess has a unique charm, a charm that no other woman has. How to say, under the extreme beauty, there is a dignified atmosphere that people only dare to look far away and dare not play.

Consciously for the first time, Li Sandou deeply understood the true meaning of the word goddess, so that Li Sandou was stunned.

"It seems that Chinese immortals are just like that." The guardian goddess snorted in disgust, obviously dissatisfied with Li Sandou's burning eyes.

Li Sandou, who had come back to himself, said with a smile: "there is an old Chinese saying that a gentle lady is a good gentleman. Why, can't your beauty be used to appreciate it? What's more, I just appreciate it. I don't offend you at all. What's the matter? I really think I'm a goddess, so I can't see you? "

To deal with women, Li Sandou naturally has a magic weapon that belongs to him.

The higher a woman is like a guardian goddess, the less she can get used to it. On the contrary, to deal with this kind of woman, we need to defeat her directly from her mental strength. At that time, we will get a woman who is completely obedient and obedient."Of course, I do. But if you don't stay in Huaxia, you can't go to my site to make mistakes."

The guardian goddess gave Li Sandou a light look, "even if you are a Chinese immortal, you can't do it."

With that, a light golden light on the guardian goddess suddenly bloomed, and the overwhelming pressure was like a mountain and a sea to Li Sandou, "even if verus is not, it's not your turn to clean up. I'm the only one who can deal with the guardian! "

The tone of the guardian goddess is very flat, but the dignified atmosphere is very strong. Even in the unique space, verus can feel the fear from the soul.

Compared with the threat of life and death of Li Sandou, verus was more afraid of this majestic atmosphere.

"Guardian goddess, you take yourself too seriously. Since you know that I am a Chinese immortal, you should know that you are not my opponent."

Li Sandou looked at the guardian goddess with a smile, trying to overcome him mentally. The guardian goddess thought it was too simple. Although Li Sandou's immortal power can't be freely displayed here, Li Sandou's spiritual power will never be hindered.

The spirit power of chaos immortal is not for fun!


Facing Li Sandou's sudden mental strength, the goddess of wisdom retreated several steps to stabilize her figure.

A fight, a sentence!

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