"What is unit 3? Why didn't you mention it before?"

Li Sandou's expression suddenly became very serious, and his eyes looking at the ugly guy also became alert. Before he came here, the ugly guy didn't mention any aircraft 3 and 4. This guy only said that the ambition of that world was very big, and it might threaten Li Sandou's world again at any time.

Now it seems that the ugly guy didn't tell the truth completely. This guy still has something to hide!

"Don't be nervous!" Naturally, the ugly guy felt Li Sandou's mood swings and quickly said, "I didn't deliberately hide anything, but I found out the situation here after I came here. So, from what I've learned from your soul, you're actually looking for other lives. Similarly, we are also looking for other life, but our pace is obviously faster than you, at least we found you

The ugly guy looked at Li Sandou with his surprisingly big eyes and continued: "but because we are in different worlds, even if we use particle wave to find life here, we can't get here at the first time. Even so far, I'm afraid that only I have broken through the limitation of dimensional space."

"Otherwise, the world would have been ruined. After all, your strength is far from ours. The destruction energy of No.3 aircraft can be ranked in the middle at most, but it is unbearable for you. "

The ugly guy seriously explained the origin of the No. 3 plane, and also explained what kind of world they live in. Although it's just a simple explanation, the pressure on people is real. Whether it's Li Sandou or the immortals, their faces are very dignified at this time.

Because the easier the ugly guys talk, the more pressure they feel.

After all, the gap mentioned by ugly guys is unimaginable. In this world, xianzun is the owner of supreme power. But it is such a powerful supreme, but there is no room to fight back in front of the destructive force.

If it wasn't for Li Sandou's power of chaos, if it wasn't for the help of hoddes, I'm afraid the fairyland would have fallen long ago.

Now, the ugly guy says that this destructive force can only be regarded as the middle class level. How can we not be shocked? Middle class strength is still so, what about the top strength?

"They use No.3 aircraft to send out destructive energy, which should be to test the strength of the world, not to destroy it directly. Otherwise, they should use No.2 or No.1 aircraft. In that case, the world would have been destroyed. "

The ugly guy looked up at the dark top of his head and sighed, "but this can't hide their ambition. Once they know that there are powerful life bodies here, it's estimated that in the next step, they will use No.2 or No.1 aircraft to aim here. They will even try to break through the broken dimensional space and come here. "


While Li San Dou took a breath of air-conditioning, he was even more gnashing his teeth. "According to you, the crisis of fairyland can only last forever? After all our efforts, we dare not relieve the crisis of fairyland? "

"No, don't get me wrong. Since I said I would help you, I will certainly help you. I will help you create an illusion, an illusion of destruction, so that they will no longer be interested in this place. "

The ugly guy quickly said that he would help, for fear that Li Sandou would run away.

From another angle, if we change it to Li Sandou, I'm afraid it would have gone away. To be honest, Li Sandou's mind is very deep, and his determination is enough. Otherwise, how can Li Sandou not collapse up to now?

"Didn't you say that plane 3 is just a middle class power? Why don't they come here directly, but use plane 3 to test first?" Li Sandou suddenly found the doubt and asked the ugly guy.

The ugly guy honestly replied, "because dimensional space is different from the spatial channel of your world. Dimensional space is a fault space, and any living body is extremely difficult to survive in dimensional space. As you can see, my weakness is either besieged or torn apart in its own form as it moves through dimensional space. How can they risk their lives to cross the dimensional space? They can only try to explore it with destructive energy. After all, destructive energy is not a living body, and it will not completely dissipate in the faulted dimensional space. "

While talking, the ugly guy drew a pattern under his foot.

A seemingly simple pattern contains profound academic space, so that Li Sandou could not understand it. He thought that the ugly guy was drawing a ghost.

"You see, if this world is compared to this point, then the world I live in is another point, which is completely different in the spatial plane and even in the dimension. Does the distance between these two points look very close? But it's very, very difficult to cross this distance. I almost lost my life. "

Ugly guy has some lingering fear. If it wasn't for the preparation at that time, I'm afraid it would have been destroyed in the dimensional space.

But even so, the ugly guy also suffered a lot. Otherwise, how could it succumb to the abominable purgatory? Otherwise, how could it be restrained by Li Sandou and Hades, and how could it be very afraid of yasna?Li Sandou looked at the pattern drawn by the ugly guy for a long time, and then roughly understood the meaning of the ugly guy, "according to your world, our world is not the only one with life, you also find other lives, right?"

"Yes, there are other lives. However, just like the situation here, those lives also exist in the protection of dimensional space, and no one can easily reach them. But I believe they will try to get through the world in the end. Otherwise, how can their ambition be realized? "

Although the ugly guy is also an alien, he is at least on Li Sandou's side now. Because it carries completely different ideals and beliefs, so that in the subtle concept, it should be the opponent of other life, even the enemy!

"When you are ready, I will help you purify the destructive power here, and then cooperate with you to create a perfect illusion, so that you do not have to be attacked again. As for whether you can reach a higher level, it depends on your own nature! "

The ugly guys talk, and on the other side are the silent immortals

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