After hearing Li Sandou's words, Fang Xuewu was shocked.

She knew that her soul power had a special attraction, which would attract these poisonous insects.

She could imagine what it was like when the poisonous insect stuck to her skin and sucked her soul power a little bit. She felt trembling all over.

Li Sandou didn't pay attention to her at all. He didn't know how to avoid these poisonous insects.

They are all here. I'm afraid they can't hide for long.

What's more, the wall of the cave is full of corpses and poisonous insects. He really regrets bringing Fang Xuewu here!

Fang Xuewu and Li Sandou saw that these poisonous insects bit by bit sucked the mysterious level soul, and the mysterious level soul bit by bit turned into mummies, and the soul power was absorbed by these poisonous insects.

This is the first time that Fang Xuewu has seen such a scene. These poisonous insects are more hateful than mosquitoes.

"I see. I won't use my soul power. Where do these poisonous insects come from?"

Fang Xuewu watched for a long time, and finally couldn't help asking Li Sandou, she really didn't understand where these poisonous insects came from.

In these short days, she saw strange things in the world, like this poisonous insect, like that corpse bug. He was really ignorant before.

It's not that he is ignorant. He really knows everything. After hearing Fang Xuewu's words, Li Sandou is stunned. He doesn't know how to explain to Fang Xuewu.

"She's supposed to be for the undead."

This is the only reason that Li Sandou can think of. The devil obviously wants to demonstrate the formation process of the spirit beast in front of them. Why do he do this!

She transferred herself and Fang Xuewu away, for provocation or something.

Li Sandou couldn't understand. He really couldn't imagine what the devil was doing. There was no need at all.

He and Fang Xuewu can't even deal with a few ghosts. He just thinks too much!

He suddenly felt that it was not easy to do things, teased them again and again, as if they were some novel toys.

They didn't expect that he would come back to life. Why did the people of spirit beast put a scene in front of them?

Even Fang Xuewu is a little suspicious of the devil. What kind of mood is he? Teach them how to be a ghost beast.

At the thought of having an immortal body, even Li Sandou's eyes are dark. The spirit beast will live when she dies. She is a mortal body. How can she deal with the spirit beast!

When Fang Xuewu heard Li Sandou's words, how can they deal with it?

She looked at the soul beast itself is very powerful, they still can't kill it?

Damn, the real murderer behind the scenes, she let the ghost beast guard for him, he is not afraid of being eroded by the ghost beast?

"Immortal body, Li Sandou was injured, but he can still recover. If we can catch him, can we create the same spirit beast as him?"

Fang Xuewu thought very well, she flashed cold light! Li Sandou didn't want anyone to create this beast again.

This soul beast is not what the human world should have. As long as it is the creator, it is a damned person.

"You want to make the same ghost beast as him. Are you crazy? This pain is not what ordinary people can bear at all. Do you want to have a foothold in this world? "

When Li Sandou said this, she was stunned when she heard Li Sandou's words. Her Li Sandou really misunderstood her.

She didn't want to make people into ghosts.

"It's not Li Sandou. Maybe I said it's too urgent. I mean to use this kind of medicine to help us flesh and bones, and to revive."

Although Li Sandou refused to believe these things, he did not understand how he came here, and he was willing to fall into a coma for this mystery.

It's just that he doesn't know that Fang Xuewu is a real person. People in reality are OK. Fang Xuewu must not be a spy. Everything is hard to say!

Li Sandou felt that he had never been so sad. I hope all this is reality!

What I am most entangled with is the identity of my own snow dance!

"I can't say absolutely. I hope it's all over soon."

Who thought for a while, he will go to bear, Li Sandou still can't believe that this is still a secret place. Flash so real, how is coma!

"None of us can take it lightly. I may go to find a solution. During this period, I have to protect myself."

Li Sandou patted Fang Xuewu on the shoulder. He knew Fang Xuewu. He watched the poisonous insect dissipate in front of him. He already had a worry in his heart. He believes no matter who the devil is.

In this way, Li Sandou also put down his heart. He will have a good fight to see if he is powerful or the real murderer behind the scenes.

He did not believe that, according to his many years of experience, he could not compare with the devil.

"I understand, Li Sandou. I know what I should do. Why don't poisonous insects come out? "What is Li San Dou thinking when he has no time to think! He looked at the poisonous insects coming and going. The outside was blocked by dense poisonous insects. They could not enter or retreat.

However, Fang Xuewu was puzzled by the fact that she doubted whether these poisonous insects had been refined by the xuanjie soul before they entered the xuanjie soul. Why didn't they even have any ups and downs?

Fang Xuewu thought about it carefully, the poisonous insects flying out of the soul beast. It's also possible for them to fly out when they need meat and bones.

"No poisonous insects fly out? How can you make such a judgment if you are sure that there are no poisonous insects flying out after entering? "

Li Sandou really didn't watch these carefully. What did he believe in the first time? He believed that Fang Xuewu would not cheat him in such a clumsy way.

He chose to believe in Fang Xuewu! This is the first time that he believes in someone unconditionally. He only hopes that Fang Xuewu will live up to his trust.

Fang Xuewu didn't care about Li Sandou's words. She could see these poisonous insects rush into her body without looking back, but they didn't come out after a long time.

Although the number of poisonous insects is still huge, Fang Xuewu can see clearly whether there are poisonous insects that collide back and forth.

"I don't know. It's just intuition. I was really staring at a mysterious soul just now. "

When Fang Xuewu spoke, her eyes did not leave those xuanjie souls for a moment. She always feels like she's going to move. He's too nervous.

This xuanjie soul is dead, after this xuanjie soul becomes a soul beast.

Why does he always have a feeling that he is about to open his eyes!

This kind of feeling is very strange and frightening. He must be so scared that he can't sleep well at night.

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