"Well, look whose fist is hard."

At the last moment, Li Sandou, who was reciting the incantation and performing exorcism, finally cleared the Five ghosts' pressure completely. He pricked his already clenched fist and hit his opponent's fist.



When that quick, two fists collide together, send out a dull ring, and a scream to spread.

The crowd was shocked to see that the mage's fist didn't hit the white haired man's face. The white haired man didn't know when he could move his hands and feet, directly hit the mage with a fist, and threw the mage back in the air.


"This, this, this..."

When the foreign people saw that master Qiu was hit by the white haired man, they were dumbfounded.

What's going on?

Isn't the man with white hair hit the technique of lowering his head? Why can he still hit master Qiu with a powerful blow.

Is master Qiu's skill of lowering head invalid and relieved.

In their astonishment, the master Chou bit his teeth and stood up with a look of pain. As for the hand, like a fracture, unable to lift up, such as willow hanging, slightly shaking.

"Good job, brother Sandou."

The women let out a long breath, put down their hearts in their hearts, and cheered for Li Sandou!

"Three fights, beat up that old guy, let him know how powerful he is."

The villagers were also excited and yelled.

At the moment, Li Sandao dispels the Five ghosts and feels comfortable physically and mentally. He blows the hateful old guy away. He doesn't give the old guy too many opportunities. When the old guy just stands up, he quickly comes to the other side. Before the other side can't perform his head lowering skill again, he kicks him away and directly hits his younger martial brother, who is resting cross legged .

"Elder martial brother, who are you

In front of him, another old man, who was resting cross legged, opened his eyes and was surprised why his elder martial brother Qiu Qian smashed in front of him.


But when he, the elder martial brother Qiu Qian, struggled to open his mouth, a blood gushed out in front of his face and was seriously injured.

It's not revenge for him. It's clear that revenge can't be achieved. On the contrary, it's maimed by others.

"Doctor Li, don't kill them."

Chen Kun is stunned by the white haired man's reversal. Before he can understand the reason, he sees the white haired man walking up to the two mages. His face changes. He thinks that the white haired man is furious and wants to kill the two mages. He quickly goes up to dissuade them.

"Don't worry, kill them and dirty my hands."

Li Sandou replied, looking coldly at the two old guys at his feet, especially the one who had just been kicked away by him, and said angrily, "do you want to test me if you don't accept me now?"

"Master Qiu, Dr. Li asked if you had taken it. He quickly convinced you. Otherwise, Dr. Li would kill you."

Worried Chen Kun, translate quickly.

"I'll take it."

Feeling the murderous spirit of the man with white hair, Qiu qianzhen thinks that the man with white hair is going to kill him, so he is scared to go fast.

"Doctor Li, master Qiu has already taken it. You can let them go."

"Just take it. I think you don't agree, so I'll beat you until you take it."

Looking at the two people at their feet, they were scared and trembled. One day after another, Li Sandao despised them. He was no longer in the mood to pay attention to them. Instead, he slowly turned to the women and said, "let's go back to dinner."

With that, Li Sandou took the lead to move home.

"Doctor Li, don't go away."

Seeing that the white haired man was about to leave, Chen Kun was worried and quickly stopped him.

"Why do you want to compete with me?"

"No, no, no, how dare I fight with Dr. Li? Yes, our lady is still in the car. Please give her diagnosis and treatment." Looking at the cold eyes of the white haired man, Chen Kun was a little afraid, but for the sake of the princess's illness, he gave up.

"Oh, you're here to see a doctor."

Li Sandou suddenly realized that, then pushed Chen Kun away and continued to move forward.

"Ah Doctor Li, don't go away. We've come to see a doctor. Please give us a diagnosis and treatment. " Chen Kun, who has already given up, seems like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. He runs up to stop the white haired man and asks for help.

"Get out of here. Brother Sandou has a good temper. We don't have a good temper."

The girls were angry.

"All right."

Chen Kun not only saw the women angry at him, but also saw that the man with white hair seemed to have reached the limit. His eyebrows were frowning and his eyes were cold. He was afraid and did not dare to challenge the bottom line of the man with white hair.

Soon, he stood by and saw the white haired man disappear in front with the women."Hum, where do you come to our village for medical treatment? Where do you come to Sandao for medical treatment? You are obviously here to show off your power, make trouble for Sandao, and look down on our Pingliang village. You'd better get out of our village earlier, so as not to get in the way here."

"You are shameless to seek medical treatment for your deeds."

"San Dou has a good temper. It's good that he didn't drive you out of the village one by one. You want him to diagnose and treat your patients. You really think too much."


The villagers sneered at each other and left soon.

This time, Chen Kun completely understood why the white haired man left.

If he is in the position of a man with white hair, and other people come to him to seek medical treatment, they have to make every effort to stop him and despise his medical skills. He is just like a man with white hair.

Maybe, he will clean up the people who are difficult to obstruct. Like the two mages, they just suffered a little injury, so they can cross their legs and rest here.

"Manager Chen, what shall we do now?"

Asked some of the attendants.

"What else can we do? It's not easy to come to China once, and we won't go back easily. We'd better go out to find a place to live in the town first and come back tomorrow."

Chen Kun sighed.

It can be said that the two mages are responsible for this situation. To be exact, the king has no confidence in their trip to China. He told the two mages to test the white haired man and make trouble for the white haired man three times and four times, without respecting the white haired man at all.

"Two mages, let's go."

Chen Kun wanted to blame the two mages, but when he saw that they were seriously injured, he had to give up.

It is necessary to tie the bell.

After getting on the bus, Chen Kun quickly called the king and reported the situation to him.

"Manager Chen, what does the king mean?"

The attendant watched Chen Kun hang up and asked.

"Needless to say, the two mages were beaten by Dr. Li and passed the test. The king was happy. Let's let Dr. Li diagnose and treat the princess anyway. If we can't finish the task, we will go back and accept severe punishment."

Chen Kun said helplessly.

"Ah That's it

The entourage was astonished.

But soon, one by one, they had long bitter gourd faces.

Just now, the two mages have completely offended the white haired man. They don't have enough respect for the white haired man. Just now, the white haired man has also made his stand. Now, it's a bit whimsical to want the white haired man to diagnose and treat the princess.

The king really gave them a problem.

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