"Brother Sandou, look, it looks like the nuroiman palace in Brunei."

For more than 20 minutes, Yang Hanxue, who was enjoying the scenery outside the car window, was suddenly stunned. Then she opened her beautiful eyes and cried out excitedly.

Because not far ahead, she saw a magnificent and huge building, which was like the nuroiman palace in Brunei.

The nuroiman palace is located in the capital of Brunei, sribagawan, where the king of Brunei and a number of royal family members live. It is the political power center of Brunei. In the hearts of Brunei people, it is a place to be proud and a holy land for them to worship.

"The palace?"

With the shouting of Yang Hanxue, the women on the bus turn their eyes and look at the building in front of them.

Even Li Sandou, who was thinking about how to find out the evil mage, put down his thoughts and raised his spirit to look at the past.

It is a magnificent building, with four or five towering golden pillars, and several conical golden roofs. In front of this magnificent building, there is a semi arc lake. In the middle of the lake, there is a huge golden dragon boat, especially the dragon head which is high up to the sky. It really has an imposing momentum.

"Is this the palace of Brunei?"

"It's incredible."

"It's beautiful."

Looking at such a beautiful building in front of us, people were shocked.

is as like as two peas in the picture. It must be the Istana Nurul Iman of the Brunei country. Personally, I saw the nuluoyiman palace with my own eyes. After a long time, Yang Hanxue came back.

Previously, I saw the palace on the Internet and in photos, but now I see the palace with my own eyes. This kind of immersive feeling can be described as shocking.

"Rogue, rogue, do you see that our motorcade seems to be driving towards the gate of the palace." Suddenly, Wang Yan found a surprised question.

The motorcade they were in, for some reason, was heading towards the gate of this magnificent palace.

Is the patient a member of the Royal Palace and his family members a member of the royal family?


With Wang Yan's words, people were shocked and turned their eyes.

Sure enough, their motorcade, just like what Wang Yan said, is driving towards the gate of nuoyman palace.

"This is, this is, what's the matter?"

People were shocked at the discovery.

"Maybe through the gate of the palace."

Liu Sijun did not believe that the destination of his trip was the palace of Brunei.

"Should be passing the palace, how can it be the people in the palace."

Reminded by Liu Sijun, people also think that Liu Sijun has a point.

Because there is a road in front of the palace gate, this road is not a separate Road, it can also bypass to other places.

"What's this?"

But when people thought that the motorcade they were in was just passing by the palace, the gate of the palace slowly opened, and the motorcade they were in didn't show any signs of turning around, so they drove directly into the palace.

At this moment, Li Sandou and all the girls were blinded.

"This, this, this, emotion, the destination of our trip is the palace, the patient must be a member of the royal family, otherwise, the motorcade could not enter the palace."

"The motorcade has come into the palace. The patient must be a member of the royal family."

Here, it was agreed that the patient was definitely a member of the royal family.

But they still can't believe it.

But it's no surprise that the royal family is the only one who has such a show.

"Well, it really takes no effort to find a place without breaking the iron shoes. The patient is a member of the royal family, so there's no need to worry about the problem of diagnosis. I won't be satisfied if I don't have hundreds of millions to untie the blood curse of the patient."

As for the patient he wants to treat is a member of the royal family of Brunei, Li Sandou soon regains his peace, and Meizizi plans to see the doctor.

Soon, the motorcade slowly came to a side door of the palace and stopped. There were already many people waiting by the side door.

Through the car window, Li Sandou and the girls saw that there were more than a dozen people waiting outside, including children and adults. The clothes that children wear are very different, and the clothes that adults wear are also different. But one thing is that their clothes look very noble and exquisite. They can never see this kind of clothes in the ordinary world.

Among them, the most prominent one is a man and a woman, about 40 or 50 years old. Although their clothes look very casual, their color is unique. It is as golden as the golden yellow of the conical roof of the palace, giving people a solemn and sacred feeling.

Although the car stopped, no one came down to open the door for the time being. Li Sandou and the girls could only continue to sit in the car and watch the situation outside curiously.As for manager Chen, he had already opened the car door and got out of the car. Then he came to the front of the two men and women who were 40 or 50 years old and were wearing golden clothes, respectfully saying something that Li Sandou and other women didn't understand.

Looking at the manner of steward Chen towards the man and the woman, Li Sandou and other women all have an idea that the man and the woman should not be the king and queen of Brunei.

In particular, Yang Hanxue, from the figure and appearance of the man, is almost sure that the man is the Sultan Borgia of Brunei.

For this discovery, Yang Hanxue is more excited.

I didn't expect that when I went to Brunei this time, I could see the legendary king of Brunei, Sultan Borgia, and witness the demeanor of the most famous local tyrant in the world.

After waiting for a few minutes, Chen Kun finished talking to the two men and women in golden clothes. It seemed that he had received some instructions before he came to the car here.

As for the one man and one woman in the golden dress, they turned slightly to Chen Kun with the team at the moment.

"Doctor Li, I've kept you waiting for a long time. Sorry, I can get off now."

Chen Kun opens the car door, looks at the white haired man in the car and apologizes.


Li San Dou waved his hand and got off with the girls.

As soon as he got down to the ground and stood upright, he immediately looked at Chen Kun and asked, "steward Chen, this is like the palace of Brunei. Don't you have anything to explain to me?"

"Yes, Mr. Chen, this is the palace of Brunei. Can't the patient be a member of the royal family?"

Women are also curious about this answer.

Although they have an answer in their heart, they still hope to get a concrete and truthful answer from Chen Kun.

"Dr. Li, yes, the patient you diagnosed is our little princess Yali of Brunei. For some reasons, I didn't tell you the truth at the beginning. Please forgive me."

At the moment, Chen Kun no longer conceals the white haired man and his party.

After that, he immediately said, "Doctor Li, come on, let me introduce our king Sultan to you."

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