Quiet, quiet, quiet. The hall was silent. There was only the rapid breathing of the people.

One by one, they stare at the incredible scene in front of them. They feel that their heads are blank and they don't know what they are thinking.

"Ah Bold, bold to kill the national teacher. "

The first person to react was general Leng Feng. At the moment, he pulled out his sword and guarded the emperor and queen.

And those guards, too, all pulled out their weapons and guarded in front of the emperor and queen.

Because the white haired man in front of him was so bold, arrogant and lawless that he was afraid that the other party would go crazy and attack the emperor and queen directly.

"You, you, you are so arrogant that you dare to kill my national teacher..." For a full minute, the emperor Xia Hou Zhan responded and pointed to the white haired man in front of him, trembling.

As the king of a country, he has never seen any big storm, but it is the first time that he has seen someone brave enough to kill the national division of his empire in front of him.

"Ah Come to me and kill him. " In a rage, Xiahou zhantian issued a monstrous killing order.


At this moment, Li Sandou looked at Xiahou and said, "Your Majesty, please explain to me. The reason why I killed the national master is not my own. It's the emperor's reason. To be exact, it's the ninth princess's reason. If I didn't kill the national master, then the ninth princess's life would be in danger and could not be saved. "

On hearing this, the guards who wanted to kill the white haired man also stopped in a daze.

Because they don't think there must be some reason why the white haired man is so bold and dare to kill the national teacher in front of the emperor.

At the moment, the white haired man doesn't look like a madman.


"What, the death of the national master has something to do with the ninth princess. How is that possible?"

"Can't, the death of the national teacher, how to pull up nine princesses."

"He's not procrastinating."


In an instant, people exclaimed.

But they still can't believe the white haired man's words. The death of the national master was clearly killed by the other party. How could it be related to the ninth princess? There's no reason.


Emperor Xia Hou Zhan Tian, for a moment did not know the choice, pointing to the white haired man is still furious.

And the queen, Huangfu Wanqing, said coldly, "tell me how the national master got involved with the ninth princess. If you can prove it, I will forgive you for your innocence."

"Thank you, Queen."

After nodding to the empress, Li Sandou said quickly, "Your Majesty, empress, generals and friars, the reason why I have to kill the national master is that the national master is the one who sows seeds and cauldrons for the ninth princess. At that moment, if I didn't stand up to stop the national master, then he would take the cauldron from Princess nine. As a result, Princess nine can no longer be cured, and she will soon die. This is why I have to do something and why I can't explain it to you first. "

"And the national master, knowing that I know about him, wanted to kill me at the first time, but he didn't expect that he couldn't defeat me and was killed by me. What's more, if you want to completely save the ninth princess, the national master, who planted the cauldron, must be killed to save the ninth princess. "

When Li Sandou diagnosed Princess nine before, he knew that Princess nine was killed by human race.

Originally, he suspected that he was the one who was close to Princess nine, but he couldn't be sure who it was.

But I didn't expect that the national teacher didn't come long or late, but he came out when he diagnosed Princess Jiu's illness and was ready to treat her.

The national master has not yet predicted that the ninth princess was killed by the race. He is not the mastermind. Who is the mastermind.

If he did it again, he would kill the evil and cunning national master on the spot in front of the emperor and the people.


"This, this, this..."

With the white haired man's words, everyone exclaimed, but also recalled all the actions of the national teacher before.

The more they thought about it, the more they found out that the national master might be the one who planted the cauldron for the ninth princess. Otherwise, how could he know that the ninth princess had been planted.

Moreover, when they knew the cause of the disease, they came to tell the emperor that the ninth princess had been killed.

Why did he come at this time? Why didn't he tell Princess nine about the cause earlier.

In this way, the national master who was killed was really the mastermind and the one who planted the cauldron for the ninth princess.

"This, this, this..."

Although the white haired man's words are very reasonable, the emperor Xia Hou Zhan Tian still can't believe that the national teacher who has been around him for decades will be such a person, who wants to harm his daughter nine princess.

On the contrary, Queen Huangfu Wanqing took a deep breath and said angrily, "this national master really deserves to die. He dares to harm the daughter of our palace and make her suffer so much. Come and drag out the body of the national master to feed the dog.""Queen, yes."

A group of bodyguards, listening to the white haired man's words, also know that the national master is the person who poisoned the ninth princess, they are also angry.

With the Queen's order, they quickly came out and immediately carried out the corpse of the national master. According to the Queen's order, they fed it to the dog so that the vicious national master could be eaten clean by the dog.

Soon, the blood on the hall was cleared.

But they were still silent and did not dare to speak. After all, the emperor and queen were angry.

"Just, just, he should die."

For a moment, the emperor Xia Hou Zhan Tian took a deep breath and said angrily, "come on, go and put all the people in guoshifu into prison."


Another group of bodyguard leaders came out of the hall quickly.

It can be foreseen that all the members of the government will be killed.

But it's none of their business. Who let the national master commit such a heinous crime.

Poop, poop

Suddenly, there was a loud noise.

Everyone turned to see, all color.

I saw nine princess, who was lying on the bed, shaking violently. Moreover, her mouth was full of blood, which was frightening.

"Ah Come on, come on, who's going to save my ninth Princess... "

At first glance, the emperor and the queen turned pale with fright and became extremely frightened.

"Your Majesty, Queen, don't be surprised."

Li Sandou outside was also surprised and quickly stepped forward.

As for the other friars, they were also nervous, but they did not dare to act rashly. After all, they did not know what the situation was and had no countermeasures. In case they acted rashly and could not cure the ninth princess, they would suffer.

For the white haired man jumped on, they did not say anything to stop laughing.

"Friar Li, save the ninth Princess quickly..."

When the emperor and queen saw the white haired man, they seemed to grasp the last straw and cried out.

"All right."

Li San Dou couldn't help saying that he took out a set of silver needles and put them beside the bed. Then he took out a silver needle from it and stabbed it directly at a acupoint on Princess nine's body.

At the end of the injection, he drew out a silver needle and inserted it into another acupoint.

The emperor and empress were relieved to see the nine princesses gradually settle down under the white haired man's needling.

But they were still worried. After all, nine princesses vomited blood.

Soon, under the eyes of all the people, Li Sandao finished the king of medicine acupuncture, and he also consumed a lot of internal Qi. He had a rest to recover some internal Qi.

"Friar Li, what happened to Princess nine?"

Asked the emperor and queen.

"Your Majesty, Queen, the ninth princess is OK for the time being. I'll give the ninth Princess treatment after I have a rest."

Li San Dou replied, then swallowed a few Huiyuan pills, and sat cross legged on the ground to recover his inner Qi.

After all, he fought with the national master just now and used a burst sword, which consumed the most internal Qi. He had to recover himself to the best condition before he dared to continue to treat the ninth princess.

The nine cauldron and Princess need a lot of support, because they don't need a lot of gas.

"Friars, do you have a good idea?"

Seeing the white haired man's cross legged recovery of internal Qi, Xia Hou Zhan Tian turned to look at the friars in front of him.

Although it was the white haired man who first diagnosed Princess nine's illness, and it was also the white haired man who was the first to stand up and let Princess nine settle down, he did not dare to put all his hopes in one basket. He had to do the safest protection.

"Back to your majesty, we have no good way. Let friar Li treat us."

All the friars are human spirits. How dare they rush out at this time.

Moreover, they have never dealt with the situation of Dinglu, so they have no way to start. If it is other situation, they may dare to stand up and try.

But the patient is nine princess, give them the courage of the day, also dare not come out at the moment to offer advice and hands-on treatment.

It's better to be wise.

"Well, I'll have to wait for friar Li."

The mind of these monks, as the emperor of Xia Hou Zhan Tian would not understand, he can only give up.

Now the only hope lies in friar Li.

For friar Li, he was very curious and could not help looking at Murong Judo: "are you from Murong family?"

"Your Majesty, yes, I am the third lady of Murong family. Do you have anything to ask?"

Murongrou returned.

"Is friar Li from your Murong family?" Xia Hou Zhan Tian asked again.

"Well, friar Li is the worship of our Murong family, and also my life-saving benefactor."

Murongrou replied.

"Can you tell me more about the Savior?" Xiahou zhantian is curious.Even other friars are a little curious about the origin of the white haired man.

"Yes, your majesty."

Then murongrou told the truth about her being rescued by the white haired man.

"I see. It seems that friar Li is quite warm-hearted, good, good."

After listening to murongrou's words, Xiahou zhantian can't help but feel relieved.

It seems that the white haired man's character is reliable, otherwise, he would not take the initiative to remove the evil national teacher.

I don't know if his medical skill is as powerful as his cultivation.

"Your Majesty, don't worry. My elder brother said that if you are sure to cure the ninth princess, there must be a way to cure the ninth princess."

Seeing the emperor's worry, Nangong Yue said, "my elder brother never acts rashly. As long as he dares to do something, he doesn't miss it."

"I hope so."

Xia Hou Zhan Tian nodded.

About ten minutes, Li Sandou slowly opened his eyes: "Your Majesty, I'm going to start treating the ninth princess. Please don't let anyone disturb me."

"Friar Li, let's go for treatment. I won't let anyone disturb you."

Immediately, the emperor Xiahou zhantian asked a group of bodyguards to stand in front of him, and also ordered the people in the main hall not to disturb him, otherwise, don't blame him for his ruthless killing.

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