Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1722: , Two Great Demons!

People like Rex, who are well-known in the world, are willing to treat them as brothers. How can they not be excited or flattered?

Of course, they all knew in their hearts that all of this was due to Brother Fei.

At this moment, Rex suddenly thought of something and asked: "Boss, why did these guys surround you just now?"

With that said, Rex pointed to Brier and others.

Seeing that Rex noticed them, Brier and others couldn't help their heartbeats speeding up, and their whole bodies trembled.

However, before Ye Fei could speak, Brier knelt down towards Ye Fei with a "plop" in front of everyone.

He was crying and shouted: "This gentleman, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry! Please, your sir, please spare me! I, I will never dare anymore, never dare anymore!!"

Seeing Brier kneel down, Rex immediately noticed something was wrong.

He frowned and asked coldly: "What the **** is going on?"

But Blier just snots and tears, and he doesn't even dare to let go.

"Mr. Rex, it's like this..."

Bai Fengtu walked out and said, "This guy molested the stewardess on the plane just now. Brother Fei and us couldn't make it through, so he knocked him out a few times.

Unexpectedly, when we got off the plane, this guy brought a bunch of people to stop us, and said that we should kneel down and apologize to him! "


When Rex heard this, he was furious.

He stared at Brier stubbornly, kicked him directly to the ground, and roared furiously: "FUCK! FUCK! Are you **** crazy?! Do you know who this is?!

He is my boss! dare to make my boss kneel to you! I think you are really looking for death! court death! ! "

As he said, Rex kicked violently at Brier's body again, and he was stunned by kicking Brier curled up on the ground, screaming with his head!

The group of bodyguards standing aside, seeing this scene, did not dare to move at all.

After Rex kicked Brier several times in a row, he was not relieved.

So he stretched out his hand directly, grabbed Brier's throat, and picked it up.

"Uh uh uh... uh..."

Blier thumped his hands and feet desperately, his face flushed, and he wanted to speak, but couldn't say a word.

Rex's big eyes flashed with intense murder.

He stared at Brier and said coldly: "Your stupidity will cost you your life!"


Hearing Rex's words, Blier's eyes widened, his eyes full of horror!

As soon as Rex finished speaking, his right hand slammed hard under everyone's eyes!


A crisp sound!

Brier's neck was directly chopped off by Rex!

When everyone on the side saw this scene, they were all shocked!

When Rex didn't agree with him, he killed the vice president who gnawed chicken? !

Especially Bai Fengtu, he was even more stunned!

He just jumped out to speak, just to teach Brier a lesson, who knows, Rex killed Brier directly!

His gaze at Rex changed.

This fat black man is not as kind as he looks on the surface.

There is also a demon hidden in his heart.

No wonder this fat black man is also among the eight great demons, he is really not a good person!

After Rex killed Brier, there was no fluctuation in his face, as if he had killed a chicken.

He threw Brier on the ground, and then said to the group of bodyguards: "Take this guy's body away!"

Without saying anything, the group of bodyguards quickly lifted Blier's body, turned and ran away.

"Boss, don't be disturbed by this ant, let's go out!" Rex looked at Ye Fei and said with a smile.

His face changed quickly, as if the cold-blooded Rex just now was not him.

Ye Fei nodded, and then led Shi Junze and his group towards the outside of the airport under everyone's horrified eyes.

On the way out, Bai Fengtu couldn't help asking: "Brother Fei, Mr. Rex killed the guy just now, will nothing happen?"

Ye Fei just smiled and said, "Don't worry, this guy will be fine. You have to know that in Magnesium, as long as you have money, everything can be solved.

Even if you kill someone, it's the same. And this fat black man has nothing but the most money. "

"The boss is right."

Shi Junze took the sentence and said slowly: "The country of Magnesium, with its rapid economic development, has resulted in violence and crimes that many people cannot imagine.

Therefore, killing a person is nothing compared to those crimes. "

When Bai Fengtu heard this, he was immediately confused.

Damn it, can you do this?

He patted his chest, and said to his heart, "My God, it's still his own country's security!"

Leaving the airport lobby, Ye Fei and his party came outside.

I saw that there were a dozen luxury cars parked on the side of the road, worth millions and tens of millions.

At the front is a bulletproof Lincoln extension, and at the back are luxury cars such as Rolls-Royce, Bentley, and Maybach.

The people at the gate of the airport were pointing and talking, and some were still taking pictures.

Seeing so many luxury cars, the eyes of Bai Fengtu, Yan Zilong and others were straight!

Bai Fengtu couldn't help but exclaimed, and said, "I'm lying down! Handsome! Don't be too handsome!"

Rex grinned and said, "Brothers and sisters, get in the car!"

With that said, Ye Fei, Rex, Algernon, and Shi Junze were sitting in the Lincoln Extension.

Others are sitting in the back car.

The convoy started and left the airport soon.

The interior layout of the Lincoln Extension is very luxurious, and the space is large, and the four of Ye Fei are sitting in it, not at all crowded.

Rex took out a bottle of Roman Kande, opened it, and poured a glass for Ye Fei, Algernon, and Shi Junze, and also poured a glass for himself.

Afterwards, Rex smiled and said: "Meet our brother again, a toast!"

The three Ye Fei also raised their wine glasses.


After clinking the glasses, the four of Ye Fei drank the wine in one gulp.

After drinking a few cups in a row, Rex wiped his mouth and asked, "Boss, what are you doing in Magnesium this time?"

Algernon also looked at Ye Fei.

On the phone yesterday, Ye Fei did not say clearly, nor did he know.

Ye Fei shook the red wine in the glass and said, "This time I came to Magnesium Country to save two people from the Wright Base."

"What? Wright base?!"

When Rex heard it, he was shocked.

"Yes, it's the Wright base."

Ye Fei nodded.

Rex swallowed his throat, with a frightened expression on his face, and said, "Boss, the Wright base is a forbidden area for Magnesium! The defense force there is arguably the strongest in the world!

It is said that in addition to ordinary fighters, there are also Delta Ace Troops, Biochemical Transformers, and even superpower teams...

It’s not easy to go there to save people..."

"Boss, I have also heard that the defensive power of that base is terrifying."

Algernon also answered blankly.

Ye Fei took a sip of the red wine and said faintly: "Even if the defensive force there is terrible, I will go this time."

Rex smiled and said, "Boss, can I not go?"

"You fat guy, you're still as afraid of death as before!"

Algernon stared at Rex coldly.

Rex blushed fatly and said: "Poker face, me, even if I am afraid of death! I have fought many battles with the boss before, okay?"

"Hehe, don't you pick up people's heads in the back."

Algernon sneered and made another cut mercilessly.

"Well, I remember it was so."

Shi Junze also made a cut very cooperatively.


Rex opened his mouth, his face flushed, and he was speechless.

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Okay, this time, Rex doesn't need to go with us. After all, he is in the magnesium country, so it is really inconvenient to come forward."

"Look, the boss is so thoughtful. I'm in Magnesium Country. If you want me to go to the Wright base of Magnesium Country, the President of Magnesium Country must work hard with me!"

Rex grinned at Algernon and Shi Junze and spread his hands triumphantly.

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