Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 1414: send

As long as there are cross-border beads in the cross-border transmission array, you can transfer them casually. If there are no cross-border beads, you need to consume a huge amount of energy to actively open the transmission channel.

This kind of active transmission consumes a lot of money, and it also requires a special cultivator to manipulate the large array, so it will not be used easily. It is often used to transport large numbers of personnel and materials.

Such as caravans, or the army.

One or two small caravans are not worth sending, so it is necessary to gather together a lot of caravans, and then send them in batches. So it usually takes a while.

Fortunately, the people who went to Tainan Realm gathered almost this time, and the transmission time was set in three days.

Otherwise, Yu Guihai might not have waited for Liu Fu's Jingdong Chamber of Commerce and teleported away alone.

In the past three days, Yu Guihai and Liu Fu first met several true immortals who were traveling with him, and then went to visit the City in the Clouds alone.

The first time he came to Immortal Realm, he always had to take a good stroll and get a good taste of the customs of Immortal Realm.

The only thing that bothered him was the lack of money. I saw a lot of good things, but I didn't have the money to buy them.

Although Lu Jun and the others gave him all their money, the immortal stones were not too many, most of them were treasures that he needed, and naturally he could not exchange them for other things.

Three days passed quickly, and Yu Guihai received the news of the departure of the caravan from Liu Fu.

He quickly returned to the caravan station and followed the caravan to the front of the bronze giant gate.

The powerhouse of Refining Yin Immortal Sect quickly activated a huge magic formation, and terrifying fluctuations came from the big formation, and then shot a gray beam of light, which slammed into the light cloud in the bronze giant gate.


The light cloud vibrated violently, and with the bombardment of the beam of light, a gray-white vortex gradually emerged, which seemed to be infected by the power of the beam of light.

"Come in!" A shout came from above.

As if hearing the starting gun, many caravans flew towards the gray-white vortex.

"Okay, let's go too." Liu Fu immediately directed the caravan to follow.

Huge warships disappeared into the gray-white vortex, as if engulfed by terrifying giant beasts.

Yu Guihai's battleship soon entered the gray-white vortex, and he immediately found that the entire battleship was shrouded in a faint gray-white light curtain.

This light curtain seems to have the same power as the magic circle of the cross-border beads, blocking the colorful streamer outside.

However, looking at its trembling appearance, it is clear that the level of safety is not comparable to that of the cross-border beads.

The entire battleship also vibrated violently in the turbulent flow, and it seemed that it would be shaken to pieces at any time.

"Everyone, be careful and pay attention to your surroundings. If you encounter a star beast, please don't leave your hands. If you make a move, you will count extra money when you go back." Liu Fu said nervously looking outside.

"Star beast?" A hint of surprise appeared on Yu Guihai's face.

He doesn't know this thing, but obviously, this kind of thing will be encountered in this transmission channel. Otherwise, Liu Fu would not have reminded him so.

He remembered that when he teleported in the lower realm before, he had also encountered a kind of creature called the space-time spirit beast, which played a very important role in his perfect road.

Was caught and eaten by him, big tonic!

That thing should be a kind of star beast!

Thinking of this, Yu Guihai was looking forward to it. I really want to see what the star beast of this fairyland transmission channel looks like! Isn't it so good!

The next few days of flying in the teleportation tunnel are the downsides of mass teleportation. The transmission time is relatively long, about three times longer than the transmission alone.

According to Liu Fu, this trip will take about ten days.

The past few days have been calm, which greatly relieved Liu Fu and others. According to him, the chances of encountering star beasts in the teleportation channel are the highest in the first few days, and the chances of encountering star beasts are much smaller later.

However, Yu Guihai was not very happy.

He also wanted to meet the so-called star beast!

And he couldn't inquire about Star Beast, otherwise he would be seen as a rookie. What a shame.

In this case, I can only hope to meet the star beast in the next few days.

Yu Guihai thought very indignantly.


After another three days, Liu Fu summoned a few True Wonderlanders to drink.

"Why is there such a graceful spirit today, fellow Daoist?" A middle-aged true immortal with a pair of dragon horns on his forehead asked curiously.

"Hehe, we are out of danger. According to my inquiries, if this transmission channel is divided into three sections, the probability of encountering star beasts in the first section is the highest, and the probability of encountering star beasts in the middle section is relatively small. Basically, no one has ever encountered a star beast."

"One day, we will leave this middle section and enter the latter section, then it will be completely safe."

Liu Fu laughed, with a relaxed expression on his face.

"That's it. That's really a big white!" The middle-aged Longjiao suddenly realized.

Yu Guihai was a little disappointed when he heard it, it seemed that the star beast might not be seen again.

At the end of the banquet, Yu Guihai returned to his residence, feeling more and more unwilling to see the star beast in his heart.

If it is as he thought, this star beast is an upgraded version of the space-time spirit-eating beast, then it will have a very huge effect on his perfect road.

The Avenue of Time and Space is a very fundamental avenue, powerful, ancient, mysterious...

It is very difficult to find the spiritual objects containing the Avenue of Time and Space. Since the beginning, Yu Guihai has never obtained a second high-grade treasure of the Avenue of Time and Space.

Therefore, the perfect avenue that originally made up for the defects of the space-time avenue became defective again after his continuous promotion.

If he can use a time-space avenue treasure when he is promoted to the Mysterious Immortal Realm, then he can make the perfect avenue perfect again.

This time, one of his goals when he came to Xiaoxianjie was to find a spiritual object that contained the avenue of time and space.

Today, this star beast is very likely to be this kind of spirit. How could he be willing to miss it.

As for trying to find it when he teleports himself in the future, Yu Guihai is also a little reluctant. After all, no one knows whether this thing is strong or weak. In case of encountering a super powerful one, wouldn't he be dead alone?

Where is it like now, when I really want to meet, there are also a large group of people to attract the enemy, and the threat to him is much less.

However, since he didn't encounter it, Yu Guihai quickly put it down. After all, if you really want to meet it, you will die.


In the silent room, the light was dim, and the violent vibration of the spacecraft did not seem to affect it.

A figure was sitting on the bed as steady as a mountain, exuding a mysterious aura.


It was as if someone was blowing in the ear, which was very subtle and hard to detect.

The figure frowned slightly and slowly opened his eyes. Looking around, there was nothing in the room. Only the violent vibration reminded him that the teleportation was not over yet.

"It feels so familiar!"

Yu Guihai had a thoughtful look on his face.

Suddenly, he remembered how he felt when he encountered the space-time spirit-eating beast.

Yu Guihai immediately exercised his power in his eyes, and his eyes shot out golden red light, and the surrounding field of vision suddenly changed into layers of strangeness. He looked inside the room and still found nothing.

Suddenly, he suddenly turned his head and looked out the window.

In the distance of the airship, I saw a golden stream meandering and swimming from the colorful streamer.

Yu Guihai took a closer look, and was immediately taken aback.

Where is the golden trickle, it is clearly a huge snake-like monster with a length of several kilometers.

There are countless fine star-shaped spots on the golden back of the snake demon, and it contains some other charm. If you look at it, you will feel dizzy.

"It's a star beast! Everyone be careful. This thing is a star-backed true spirit snake. This thing is one of the stronger star beasts in the vicinity. Non-Xuanxian realm powerhouses can't defeat it. It may just be passing by. Everyone, please don't move around. If it gets its attention, all of us caravans may be doomed."

Liu Fu's panicked words quickly spread throughout the entire caravan, and everyone was so frightened that they didn't dare to take a breath.

The same is true for all the other caravans sent this time. Because there is no powerhouse in the mysterious fairyland in the team.

Even the powerhouses in the Mysterious Immortal Realm would not dare to take action lightly. Otherwise, it is not difficult to get rid of the star-backed real snake, but the fluctuation of the battle may attract other more powerful star beasts. At that time, the powerhouses in the Mysterious Immortal Realm may be fine, but other people who travel with them will have a hard time surviving.

The most calm person in the entire caravan might be Yu Guihai.

Because he has determined that this star-backed real snake is not passing by at all, but came here specially, and has its own goal.

The target is him.

The star-backed real snake has been swimming outside as if nothing has happened, but it has already locked him. It's just that I'm not sure about his strength, so I'm just observing.

Once it is determined that his danger is not high, this guy will definitely rush to find him.

Thinking of this, Yu Guihai immediately began to slowly take in the breath of his body, making himself gradually weaker. Take the opportunity to attract this thing.

Why did this thing find him, Yu Guihai also had some guesses.

Nine times out of ten, it has something to do with him swallowing the space-time spirit-eating beasts. These star beasts all contain the avenues of time and space, and they are undoubtedly very sensitive to the breath of the same kind. So it is not surprising that this thing can perceive his breath.

Yu Guihai even guessed that the reason why the previous journey was safe might also be related to this thing. This guy may have been attracted to him early on. It has been lurking around and following, so the other weaker star beasts are scared away.

However, Yu Guihai was not afraid at all.

Because this guy is not his opponent at all. Instead, it was delivered right to your door. He was worried that he had not encountered a star beast! Unexpectedly, this guy came to the door automatically.

Suddenly, the star-backed real snake seemed to have finally determined that Yu Guihai was not a threat. The slender body suddenly turned and shot towards the battleship where Yu Guihai was.

The terrifying mouth opened, revealing extremely sharp golden teeth, and the depths of the throat was a deep darkness like a black hole, and there was a terrifying threat that devoured everything.

"Quick, quick, quick,"

Liu Fu urged in a panic. He never expected that this thing would suddenly rush towards his spaceship. The terrifying power might be able to swallow his spaceship in one bite.

At this moment, Yu Guihai watched the snake getting closer and closer. The size of the spirit snake also increased rapidly.

Originally looking at a body of several thousand meters, as it approached, it increased by a hundred times, and it exceeded 100,000 meters. Open your mouth wide to swallow the entire spaceship in one gulp.

Naturally, Yu Guihai would not sit idly by, he stood up, moved his body, and with a flash, he came to the outside of the spaceship and faced the giant snake alone.

The body size comparison of the two is like a giant beast facing an ant, and there is no comparison at all.

But in the eyes of the entire fleet, that tiny human figure was incomparably stalwart. Even that giant snake is far inferior.

"It's fellow Daoist Qingyang! He, why did he go out?"

Liu Fu's eyes widened, and he exclaimed in disbelief.

The other True Immortals were also shocked.

Seeing the star-backed real snake approaching rapidly, everyone sweated and felt sorry for Yu Guihai's fate.

However, suddenly, a terrifying aura erupted from Yu Guihai's body, and this aura was ten times more terrifying than the incomparably gigantic spirit snake.

Mysterious fairyland!

Absolutely a fairyland!

Everyone was instantly stunned.

Especially the true immortals of Liu Fu's caravan, they never imagined that they would always be brothers and sisters with a mysterious immortal.

At this time, Yu Guihai was no longer afraid of revealing his cultivation, because he had already left the Lusheng Realm and was about to reach the Tainan Realm.

Moreover, his current face is not his original face, it is just a disguise, even if he is seen, it is impossible to recognize him.

At this time, the star-backed real spirit beast was also startled, but it had already rushed forward and could not be retracted. Immediately, his ferocity became fierce, and instead of retreating, he advanced. It seemed that some secret technique was activated, and the aura on his body soared a bit, and the castration kept swallowing it towards Yu Guihai.

Its mouth contains the maze of time and space avenues. Once swallowed this strong man, even if he is in the mysterious, as long as he is not proficient in time and space avenues, he may be trapped in it.

But how could Yu Guihai let it swallow it at will? He raised his hand, and the palm of his hand was shining with colorful brilliance, which contained great power. It seemed that the whole world could be held in the palm of his hand!

An incomparably powerful devouring power came from it, and in an instant, the devouring power of the star-backed real snake was broken, and instead, it directly began to devour the huge body of the snake.

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The Starback True Spirit Snake let out a shrill roar, and its huge body twisted violently, sending out waves of time-space distortions, trying to break free from this devouring power.

However, Yu Guihai's power contained the power of the Perfect Dao, and he also possessed the terrifying power of the Mysterious Immortal Realm.

The star-backed real snake struggled violently, almost desperately, but it was helpless to face the crushing power of a large realm, it still could not break free, and finally the huge body shrank rapidly, and gradually turned into a small snake with the thickness of chopsticks. Yu Guihai's palm.


Yu Guihai looked at the little golden snake in his palm and couldn't help laughing. This thing is exactly the precious spiritual thing he needs. With this thing, he can truly feel at ease and boldly find a breakthrough.

Immediately, his figure flashed and disappeared from the void. When he reappeared, he had returned to the spaceship's room.

Not long after, the voices of Liu Fu and others rang from outside the door.

"Junior came to see the senior. Before I was blind, I didn't recognize the senior, and I asked the senior to make amends!"

"Don't be too polite, come in." Yu Guihai said.

1414 Transmission, star beast, joy (more than 4,000 words)

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