After watching TV, Lin Han went back to his room, took out his mobile phone and opened the group of Feitian No.1. No matter what time, the three waves of bajian must be in the group. This is a big water ratio.

These days, Lin Han has thought clearly, and plans to go to the group to call for a call, to see if there is any response to go with him to destroy the blood hand club.

"Fellow Taoists, will any of you have a festival with bloody hands?" Lin Han sent a message, and Aite all the people.

Ba Jian San Lang

"The blood hand Association is a branch of the Shura sect. In ancient times, the Shura cult and our ancestors launched a war of astonishing nature. In sum, any immortal cultivator in China has a grudge against the Shura cult."

Bajian Sanlang is indeed a big water ratio. Whether Lin Han knows it or not, he just explains it.

Lin Han: "the blood hand will kill my Taoist companion. I didn't have enough cultivation before, so I can't get revenge. This time, I'm going to go to their old nest and wipe out the blood hand Association. If you want to go, please take 1."

Speechless: "1."

The guy who used to dive was so quick this time that he couldn't make it.

Bajian Sanlang: "silent friend, do you and blood hand have deep hatred?"


others may not know what speechless wants to express, but bajian Sanlang has a tacit understanding with speechless, just like a worm in his stomach.

Bajian Sanlang: "come and come, speechless friend, please tell me your story."

Nineteen: "don't make a mess of your sword, you can't do it. The blood hand will be the eyeliner of the Luo religion. The eradication of blood will be the bounden duty of our Chinese Buddhist monks. This time, since the evil way has proposed it, I will join in. "

Although Lin Han put forward the proposal of the blood exterminator Association, although she called Lin Han the devil. But in this sister's heart, Lin Han and she belong to the internal struggle, which can be resolved, and the blood hand will be the external struggle. So between Lin Han and the blood hand Association, she chose to temporarily ignore those unpleasant things with Lin Han.

Bajian Sanlang: "since nineteen sisters have said so, I, as a man, naturally can't retreat, and I'll take part in it."

Soon, three people were going to join. Lin Han was surprised by their happiness, but the others in the group did not show up.

In this group, only a few people are often active. As for the others, at least 20 Lin Han has been in the group for such a long time and has never seen them speak. Maybe they are all a group of diving monsters hiding behind the screen.

"What's so exciting? Well, Han, cold Taoist friend, do you want to attack blood hand Ah Zi suddenly appeared.

"Interested in joining?" Lin Han asked, if a Zi can see his expression, he must be able to see the threat. Lin Han, however, holds the secret of her disguise as a man.

A Zi: "er..."

"Nineteen sisters all agree, then I as a, well, of course, a man is duty bound."

Ah Zi obviously wants to keep her male identity.

"Anyone else to join?" Lin Han sent another message, by the way, Aite went to zhubeihai.

Lin Han knew that zhubeihai was a diving maniac. He would read any news in the group, but he would not bubble easily. Let Lin Han be the leader of the group and kick him out of the group every minute.

The Taoist of Beihai was embarrassed not to show up by Lin Han Aite, so he finally took a bubble.

Taoist Beihai: "nei, your ideas are praiseworthy. The Shura sect and the blood hand association are all alien, and they are the destroyers of our Chinese civilization of cultivating immortals. Therefore, I agree with you very much."

Lin Han couldn't help rolling his eyes. The guy talked about it, but he didn't express his opinion at all.

"So are you going or not?" Lin Han sent a message.

Zhu Beihai: "cough, that, my heart supports you, my heart is with you!"

19: ".

a Zi:" even Ba Jian Sanlang can't help but despise him. You know, in this group, only others despise him. You can imagine how angry Zhu Beihai is this time.

"Get out of here. Since you don't participate, why are you beeping?" Lin Han couldn't help cursing.

Zhu Beihai: "it's not you who love me. If I don't come out, what can you do if you blame me? Now I'm taking a stand and blame me?"

This day is no way to chat, Lin Han let Zhu Beihai quickly go.

At this time, duanling Taoist suddenly bubbled.

Duanling Taoist: "the blood hand Association is headquartered in the octagonal building of country F. the current president is the Prime Minister of F country, pan * Copperfield."

Daoist duanling seldom bubbles, but once he bubbles, it means that he has hearsay.

Last time Lin Han heard of his news and went to huoyun mountain to subdue Xiaohuo. This time, Daoist duanling bubbled again. Lin Han did not doubt the authenticity of the news.

"The chairman of the blood hand Association is the Prime Minister of country F. I can't imagine that it is so deep." Lin cold heart road.

Duanling Taoist: "to add, the octagonal building is the office of the government staff of country F. many high-level members of the blood hand association are hidden in government departments."

After duanling Taoist priest finished, he did not open his mouth.

And this is enough. All these news are unheard of by Lin Han, which is of great help to him.

Lin Han discussed with the people in the group, determined the departure time, met at Kyoto International Airport ten days later, and then left for country F.

As for the passport and visa, they will be settled separately.

It's not a problem. Everyone is an immortal. With a little thought, you can get along with the common customs. It's not easy to get a passport.

On the third day, the news that Lin Han is going to go to country f said to the three women.

"You're going to country f, are you going?" Ouyang chuxue jumps up. She has a thorough mind and knows what Lin Han wants when she hears country F.

Su Xiyue also quickly reacted, but Wang Nan was confused.

"It's too dangerous for you to go alone. Where are they rooted?" Ouyang early snow path.

"Don't worry. I've arranged several Taoist friends to go with me, and I've learned some other secrets of the blood hand Association. I'm ready for it." Lin Han said with a smile.

"Be familiar with that place with me and you." Su Xiyue is cold.

Lin Han looked at her and said with a smile, "silly girl, are you worried about me?"

"Go away!"

"Do you want me to go with you? I can help you with your things." Wang Nan Road, I do not know why, Lin Han understood her words feel quite cute, the so-called do not know fearless.

Lin Han pressed the three women on the sofa and comforted him, "I will never do anything wrong when I go to country f this time. I'm not sure that I will get away immediately and come back soon. You can rest assured. Xiaoxue, stay at home. If you have problems, you should find lightning to solve them. If you have big troubles, you should find small fire. "

Lin Han comforted the three girls a little.

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