The star belt of Tao is too far away from the star belt of Qin. Zhang Tianhai can't help doubting it.

He felt that Lin Han was lying.

"I really brought it from the star of Tao. As for why I came to you, it's a long story. The process is too tortuous. You may not believe it." Lin Han said with a bitter smile.

To tell you the truth, Lin Han feels that his experience in the black hole world is not true.

"What is the tortuous method? If you don't, you're lying. " Zhang Tian Haidao.

Lin Han shrugged, some helpless, can only say it honestly.

This thing does not need to be kept secret, because even if he says it, people who have never experienced it will never believe it.

People really don't believe that what black hole world, black hole creatures, or giant stars, this is just bullshit.

No one believed what Lin Han said.

"Look, I knew you didn't believe it, but every word I said was true. There was absolutely no empty word." Lin Han was helpless.

"You don't lie like that, boy. Master, you can see that the boy is full of nonsense. Kill or not, you can do it yourself. " Zhang Tianhua sneered.

The rest of the elders of Zhangjia support killing Lin Han to prevent future trouble.

Zhang Tianhai is under great pressure.

"If you believe it or not, if you don't stay with me, you'll have to stay with him. If you don't, I'll leave." Lin Han is too lazy to waste time with these people and intends to leave directly.

Zhang Tianhai is still hesitating. Judging from Lin Han's performance, he undoubtedly belongs to that kind of geniuses.

There are not many such talents in the whole Yuan Dynasty.

If Lin Han and Zhang Yumeng can participate in the enrollment conference together, then Zhang Yumeng's probability of passing the examination will be much higher.

This is of great benefit to their families.

"Boy, I believe you once, but don't let me down." Zhang Tian Haidao.

"I don't need your trust." Lin Han is ready to go.

It's not that I haven't experienced this kind of scene.

"Brother Lin, don't go." Zhang Yumeng said.

Looking at her pitiful appearance, Lin Han finally nodded and did not leave.

"For the sake of Yumeng, I won't go. But I hope some of you will behave yourself, and I won't joke with you next time if you try to provoke me again Lin Han's eyes are on Zhang Zheng and others.

What else does Zhang Tianhua want to say? Zhang Tianhai directly told him to shut up.

Lin Han and Zhang Yumeng left the conference hall together and returned to their residence. Zhang Yumeng immediately apologized to Lin Han.

"It's none of your business. Why apologize to me." Lin Han laughs, this little girl is really too kind.

"If it wasn't for me, it wouldn't have happened today. If it wasn't for your strength, you might have died just now. So, it's all my fault. "

Lin Han was dumbfounded and shook his head. He didn't say much. Since the other side blamed himself, what else could he say besides accepting her apology?

"The enrollment meeting you mentioned will be held in muquqishan, Beicheng ten days later, right?" Lin Han asked.

"Well, that's right."

"Well, I'll go with you at that time. These days, you are ready to get ready and try to pass the examination directly." Lin Han cheered her up.

Ten days passed quickly, and it was the day of departure.

Zhang Tianhai took the two of them away. According to the regulations of Emperor Qin, any disciple who attended the enrollment meeting could not be accompanied by the elders of his family. Otherwise, he would be disqualified.

Therefore, only Lin Han and Zhang Yumeng could go there.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the land was extremely vast. Even if it was just a tiny northern orange state, it was comparable to the size of a star field.

Mushu mountain is in the northernmost part of North orange state. It takes several days to arrive from Zhangjia.

"Will we miss the time when we go through this way?" Lin Han frowned.

"No, ten days after I said last time, it's our departure time, and there are about ten days left before the enrollment conference starts.

Lin Han nodded to show understanding.

Three days later, they had arrived around the Mushu mountains.

They were intercepted in a thick forest.

"Liu San Jian?" Zhang Yumeng couldn't help screaming when he saw the man in the way.

"Hey, isn't it a surprise? Zhang Yumeng, today is the day of your death. " The middle-aged man called Liu Sanjian sneered.

Liu Sanjian is the third leader of Liu family in North orange state. Liu family and Zhang Jia are the two overlords of North orange state.

The fight between the two sides has lasted for many years. In order to obtain more resources, both sides are eager to annex each other and occupy the whole northern orange state as soon as possible.

Zhang Yumeng is the most talented person in Zhangjia. She is likely to pass the entrance examination. She is the top five person in the Liu family's pursuit order.

"Don't talk nonsense with you. Die for me." Liu Sanjian shot directly and didn't give them a chance at all.

He is also a sage master in the realm of fitness, and he is also a sword practitioner, and has reached the third highest level of sword meaning.

Zhang Yumeng is so scared that she doesn't know how to deal with it.

The face is more powerful, the master of the sage realm, she does not have the idea of resistance.

At this time, Lin Han did not know when to block in front of her body.

"You stand behind me and don't move. He can't hurt you. If you have a way, contact your father. " Lin's cold mouth.

"Boy, it's none of your business. If you get out of the way, I won't kill you." Liu Sanjian sneered.

"Don't talk nonsense. If you want to do it, do it quickly."

"If you don't eat, you'll be fine. Since you've killed yourself, you'll be all right." Liu Sanjian shoots.

Lin Han has a slightly dignified look. He communicates with Sirius's star origin power, and the power of star origin directly pours on Lin Han after countless light years.

At the same time, Lin Han also opened the recipe for drying out the oven, which was like a huge oven in the oven drying field formed around him, which brought a lot of trouble to Liu Sanjian.

"What, you have such strength?" Liu Sanjian can't believe it.

Lin Han did not speak and took the initiative to attack him.

Even if Lin Han's methods were used together, they were still a little inadequate in the face of the great power of the sage realm.

The gap is clear.

But he doesn't worry about his life, at least in a short encounter.

"Have you contacted your father?" Lin Han asked.

"I've burned the summons rune. My father should be coming this way." Zhang Yumeng replied in a hurry.

At the same time, the heart has already set off a storm.

Lin Han's strength really shocked her.

Her heart, also at this time, was quietly opened by Lin Han.

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