The master of the Kong Royal family, the ancestor of the sky, once intercepted the space source power of the era of the sky with the supreme supernatural power, and with the supreme power, it took a hundred million years to forge an extremely powerful magic weapon, which was called "the crown of Bauhinia".

The purpose of forging the crown of Bauhinia thorn by the ancestor of the sky is to summon the space source stone, so as to integrate with the space source stone and not die.

But disaster suddenly happened. The era of space ushered in their downfall, and the five decline of heaven and man appeared.

Under the natural calamity, does not allow to appear only the crown of the bramble this kind of formidable magic weapon.

Heaven wants to destroy it.

The ancestor of the sky sealed the soul in the crown of the Bauhinia with the supernatural power of stealing heaven and changing the sun. In addition, he has erased all the brand marks, evaded the inspection of heaven and man, and avoided the five decline of heaven and man, which destroyed everything.

Of course, the physical body of the ancestor of emptiness has been destroyed in the decline of heaven and man.

After the five decline of heaven and man, the ancestor of the sky created the secret land of dangkong island.

Every time you open it, you can absorb talents from all over the universe who are gifted with the power of space. Because all these things are set up when creating the suspended Island, there will be occasional mistakes, and some people who do not have the talent of space power may be pulled in, such as lightning.

The purpose of bringing these geniuses in is to capture their perception of the way of space, the power of their souls, and to absorb and store their flesh and blood power. In order to summon the space source stone that day, condenses the flesh body again.

This plan has existed for a long time.

Before Lin Han's eyes, the crown of thorns is the crown of Bauhinia, which is sealed with the soul of the ancestor of emptiness.

"The source stone of creation has appeared. Then, the source stone of space must also be called out. Although there are some deviations between the distance and the plan, they are almost the same. " The soul of the father of the void speaks to itself.

This tower is the place where the ancestor of the sky used to store the power of flesh and blood.

In fact, there is a large amount of flesh and blood stored in every room.

At this time, the tower began to shake, countless blood light, toward the crown of Bauhinia gathered.

It's like a bloody hell.

These flesh and blood, stored for an infinite time, is extremely huge.

Before he was born, the ancestor of emptiness was at the level of Banxian. He was incomparably strong, and his flesh and blood power required by his body was huge.

In fact, if he can attract more powerful experts to come in, the strength of flesh and blood needed to condense the body may be long enough.

But he can't. the master who has reached the level of xianzun is likely to see through his plan.

Because his soul is sealed in the crown of Bauhinia, he can not use too much power.

Once you are attacked by xianzun, you may fail.

Therefore, every time he opens, he can only pull in the talents below the realm of xianzun.

Therefore, this is why his plan, which has been delayed until now, has managed to achieve the expected situation.

One side of Qingjin they looked at the source stone, which they had never heard of.

What's more, the other side is a powerful force from other eras.

All this is so dreamy.

"If you go there, you can't let him condense into flesh. You must stop him." Lin Han drank.

Qingjin and others wake up and rush to each other's flesh body.

There were attacks and bombings on it, but they were all cut off.

It seems that the other party is no longer in this space, but, the specific hiding in that space, can not be detected at all.

"SANA, use your samsara eyes to determine his specific coordinates." Lin Han cheered.

If the other party condenses the flesh, then they all have to play.

Of course, since he does not care about the source of stone, he does not mind the source of stone.

"No, I can't see through the coordinates of his hiding." Suna said, her vertical eyes, a faint blood infiltration out.

The other side is the supreme power of Banxian level. Although the samsara eye of SANA is magical, it is still too reluctant.

Lin Han gritted his teeth, took out the sea god needle, and directly rushed up. His body was instantly crushed to pieces.

Lin Han recombines again, and the needle of fixing sea god smashes out directly. The power of the source stone of creation covered him, and this stick directly hit the space where the other party condensed his body.

The power of flesh and blood is broken, and Lin Han runs the formula of making a stove and absorbs it crazily.

"Boy, I will tear you to pieces!" The ancestor of the void gnawed his teeth.

"Sorry, I'm immortal." Lin Han's body was destroyed, but soon, it was reorganized.

At this time, the source stone again gushed a strong colorful glare, on the crown of Bauhinia, came the buzzing sound.

And then there was the scream of the father of the void, "how can it be, how can it be!"

His soul power is going away, and it's going very badly.

Finally, his soul power unexpectedly, completely and the Bauhinia thorn crown fusion, inseparable from each other.

Then the crown of the Bauhinia became a rhombic crystal.

The pagoda began to vibrate and a gap appeared in the top of the tower.

The interior of the tower seems to be falling apart, and everything is going up.

"You get out of here first." Lin Han looks at Qingjin.

They did not hesitate, especially the lightning, which had been flying through the exit.

"Be careful yourself." Qingjin said.

Qin Wentian is also here to get up and escape from the exit, "by the way, don't let him escape."

Lin Han will not forget that Qin asked the sky. If it had not been for the source stone of fortune, Lin Han would have died many times.

The outside of the tower is not very calm, the air is full of space cracks, it seems that it will collapse at any time.

The outside of the tower began to decompose, and all these forces were concentrated in the crystal formed by the crown of the Bauhinia. The soul of the ancestor of the void is completely purified and there is no consciousness left.

In the end, a crystal with infinite spatial fluctuations, which seems to be in the depth of forward space and time, appears similar to the appearance of the source rock.

Above it, it exudes a strong flavor of space origin.

This is the source rock of space.

Lin Han took a look at it and found that the source stone of space needs the soul of the ancestor of space to summon it out.

The ancestor of space itself is a part of the space source stone.

At this time, there was a change on the oven. There is another groove on the edge of the stone inlaid with the source rocks.

Groove molding, space source stone is actually not polite to inlay on.

As if the oven is a whole, so natural, natural.

At the moment when the space source stone and the oven were integrated into a whole, Lin Han's space Tao suddenly broke through to the tenth level, and then he mastered the complete way of space.

And the realm also broke through to the middle stage of void.

"What is the connection between the formula and the six source stones? Why can the oven bear the power of the two source stones?" Lin Han couldn't think of it.

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