Vieira had some distress on his face. The advantage of the professor is that he can control the situation at any time, but the disadvantage is that he can't see the head and the tail. When he can't find him, many questions can't be solved at all.

Yun chongtian looked at the military map on the wall. The place where the base camp of Xiannu is located is called the kuzara area. It is a no matter area. Neither the Babylonian government nor the rebels can manage it.

To the west of kuzala, the tatalai mountains are the most active places for terrorist organizations in tarutu.

Scattered around the desert are the distribution of various small forces, including devil knives, desert lynx and so on.

Cloud heavy day frowned to see, in the heart calculating the interests of all parties, suddenly Leng God, pointing to a point on the map, asked: "here, what importance?"

It's a little bit green in the desert, obviously an oasis.

Vieira was stunned for a moment, and said: "this is Kara oasis. Three months ago, it was occupied by our people and has been used as the position of water supply. What's the problem?"

Just an oasis? This shouldn't be

At this time, Xiao Yaowu raised his head and said, "here, I know, there is a ghost city nearby. Are these guys interested in ghost city? "

Ghost city? Yun chongtian may not have come back for a long time. He can't turn around all of a sudden.

"It's the Luokai site." Vieira explained, "this place, which is said to be the site of a dynasty in history, has always been an unsolved mystery. The reason why this city is called the city of the devil is that as many as a dozen expeditions have been in it before and after, and none of them survived. As time goes on, this place will be called the ghost city. "

Yun chongtian frowned and looked at the military map. It's obvious that on the map, if the demon sword engulfs the surrounding forces, it will attack Kara oasis together with tarutu in the tatalai mountains.

Why is the enemy so keen on Kara oasis? Are you really interested in the nearby ghost city?

But anyway, Kara oasis is now in a rather dangerous situation

Cloud heavy sky thought of here, immediately ordered: "go, a large team with me to support Kara oasis!"

"Are you sure that the enemy will attack the oasis?" Vieira said

Before Yun chongtian spoke, the phone of the battalion rang. Xiao Yaowu took it and answered it. He quickly nodded and said, "OK, I understand!"

He looked back, waved his hand and said, "the professor ordered us to go to the oasis for support."

Sure enough, at this moment, Yun chongtian and Professor want to go together.

"Lao AI, you stay! The rest of you, follow me

The military situation is urgent, and Yun chongtian can't care to greet them any more. He directly takes a large group of people to the Kara oasis.

At this time, the Kara oasis has been playing hard.

The leader of the devil's knife, Schmidt, was a German. A head of golden hair, lion nose, a big mouth, appears extremely domineering. At the moment, he was standing on a high ground, looking through the telescope at the situation of the two sides against each other.

Under the cover of armored vehicles, several heavy machine guns kept firing, and the demon sword mercenaries hid behind the armored vehicles, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

The garrison of Kara oasis is only a small team of a-xiannu, with only about 20 people. However, these people are all experienced in many battles and rely on trenches and barbed wire to carry out effective strategic defense.

The fighting is quite fierce.

With a bang, a grenade exploded in the trench. A mercenary of ah Xiannu just wanted to stand up, but he was hit by the grenade and fell down.

Beside him, his teammate's eyes were split and he yelled, "two dogs!" Unfortunately, the dead are gone.

The team leader was also full of anger and yelled at the group behind him: "mortar, fire!"

"Whoosh, boom" continuous shells rose from the oasis camp, drew a death arc and landed on the opposite position“ Ah -- "with the sound of the explosion, the demon sword mercenaries in front of and behind the armored vehicle were blown to pieces and howled.

From the point of view of modern war, mortar, a small weapon, should have been eliminated long ago. However, this kind of weapon is still favored by all parties because it is simple to make and easy to use. In the current situation, even if the enemy takes armored vehicles as shelter, it still can't resist the "air attack" of mortars.

However, after all, ah Xiannu suffered from the lack of personnel. Occasionally, there was a counterattack, but he was still unable to give the other side a fatal blow.

The reason why we hold on is that we are just supported by a cavity of blood.

Schmidt's face is gloomy. It has been half an hour since the battle started, but the devil's knife hasn't taken down the opponent.

One of the adjutants, a Fusang man named Hetian, said, "don't worry, sir. In ten minutes, ah Xiannu will collapse."

"Really?" The two sides are still anxious. Why is Hetian so confident? Schmidt didn't really believe it.

Pointing to the front in the east of the oasis, Hetian said: "you see, after a round of bombardment, it is obvious that the counterattack force on this side is much weaker. The enemy's resistance should not last long. If we can focus on this side, we should be able to break through the enemy's line soon. "

"Mr. Hetian really has a unique vision!" Schmidt laughed, then said, "come on, send orders, focus on attacking the eastern front."

Seeing the victory in sight, Schmidt was already intoxicated: "ha ha, this time we have won the Kara oasis, and ashenu will certainly suffer a heavy blow. After we have annexed their territory, we continue to wave our troops westward to kill the kuzala area and destroy ashenu. So, in this Babylonian area, our demon sword is the largest mercenary organization. Ha ha -- "

"Sir, according to the requirements of tarutu, we should hold still after we occupy Kara oasis," he reminded

Schmidt, however, was dismissive and said, "tarutou? Fuck tarretu. They think I can control the devil's knife with a little manpower and weapons? Send their daydreams for thousands of years. Hum, my demon sword will eventually become the strongest mercenary in the world. How can I be easily controlled by others? "

"But..." Hetian was obviously afraid of tarutu.

"Nothing but, crane field, you just follow me, our future is bright, ha ha!"

At this time, the demon sword's mercenaries opened a gap in the East, and the tide of soldiers rushed in this direction. For a moment, the garrison of Kara oasis was completely unable to resist and quickly collapsed.

The situation is quite critical!

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