It goes without saying that the swordsman in the starry night makes Yun chongtian feel strange that even Chun Xiaoxi has come to join in the fun. "I'm going, too," she cried

"Well, stay with me. Don't leave me half a meter away." Yun chongtian is also very confident about Chun Xiaoxi's martial arts. The only thing he is worried about is his fighting experience.

Specifically, it should be the experience of fighting hungry wolves.

"You four, take charge of long-distance attack, pay attention to firepower suppression, and don't give each other opportunities." Cloud heavy day again tells he ye a few, at this time, Tian Xiyue also bit his teeth, way: "I also want to participate in!"

She took out a pistol, which looked valuable and should be the latest international model.

"You're going to join?" Yun chongtian is a little surprised. This miss Tian is really different from what she expected.

"I don't want to be your burden." Tian Xiyue light tunnel.

"All right, take your positions, get ready, let's go!"

With the order of Yun chongtian, he ye and Liao Gewei begin to attack first.

The flame from the mini submachine gun instantly covered the large area on the left side of the stage.

Under the fire, the hungry wolves fell to the ground one after another.

In the back, there was a continuous explosion of "bang bang" among the wolves, and the original bomb had been ringing constantly at this time. A stream of smoke straight up into the sky, the wolves to blow up, bloody.

Tian Xiyue also aimed at the wolves, her shooting is really good, every shot, almost can hit the wolf's forehead, the wolf with howling, a head down.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, several people who had stolen the door rushed to the periphery, throwing some abandoned wood on the ground and surrounded it, and quickly sprinkled some "gasoline essence water".

At the same time, on the right side of the stage, Yun chongtian and Chun Xiaoxi both rush to attack each other with daggers and soft swords. With each other's cooperation, wherever they go, it's like a meat grinder rolling, cutting all the way, there are wolf corpses everywhere, there are howls everywhere.

The so-called "one inch long, one inch strong, one inch short, one inch dangerous." Yunchongtian's dagger is quite short, but it doesn't mean that he will slow down or can't kill the wolf.

His action is quite quick, strong impact, more importantly, his accuracy is very high. Every time the dagger goes down, the artery in the wolf's neck is cut off. There's no extra strength, no extra movement.

This kind of feeling, like chopping melons and cutting vegetables, looks quite shocking.

As for chunxiaoxi, she looks much inferior. However, the soft sword is also unambiguous, and many wolves also die under her sword.

What's more terrifying is that in the process of continuous rolling, yunchongtian also launches Qingming silver needle from time to time. The silver needle directly shoots into the eyes of wolves, directly making them lose combat effectiveness.

The meat grinder rolled for about a quarter of an hour, and wolf carcasses piled up on the ground. Some wolves are afraid in their hearts, and they are already afraid.

Yun chongtian's eyes caught a glimpse of the ring of kindling objects ready, so he called out, "go!"

The dagger draws out again. After the end of the two wolves, he escorts Chun Xiaoxi back to the stage.

When the two men jumped back to the stage, all eyes widened: these two men were just two blood men, all of them were soaked in wolf blood. This situation is really astonishing.

Liao Gewei couldn't help joking: "I said boss, when did you change this cool red dress?"

Cloud heavy day not good spirit ground says: "roll thick! Hurry up and stop talking

"Boom" a flame rises, that circle of flame ignites quickly. Don't force the wolves who want to rush up.

On closer inspection, the wolves lost more than a third. There are also some who have been hurt by the heavy clouds and lost their combat effectiveness. There are not many of them.

Liao Gewei laughed and said, "boss, one third of the wolves died in this fight. Let's fight again and kill all the wolves."

Yun chongtian looks at him angrily, turns his head and asks he ye, "he ye, do you think what he just said is feasible?"

He Ye is still silent, and he says, "no!"

Why? Liao Gewei was surprised: "well, he ye, you dare to be against me. So you said, "why not?"

He ye said, "there are not enough bullets. It's too fragmented. "

Liao Gewei was stunned, and Yun chongtian asked, "do you understand?"

"Not enough bullets, I know. It's too scattered..." Liao Gewei scratched his head and finally figured out, "Oh, right, there are a lot of wolves just now, so it's easy to hit the target whether it's shooting or rushing. But now they're half dead. It's not so easy to rush. Great, the boss is the boss indeed. He is far sighted! "

Yun chongtian said, "the one you should praise is he Ye."

"Since we can't launch any more attacks now, what should we do?" Liao Gewei pretends not to hear and praises he Ye? Are you kidding? He ye, you have to learn from me.


"What are you waiting for?" Is it hard to rush out in the dark? You know, wolves are nocturnal animals.

Cloud heavy sky's voice low descend: "wait for a wolf."

Head wolf?

Yes, wolf.

In legend, more than five wolves must not be put together temporarily, but one of them must have a leader, it is the first wolf. The head wolf is the outstanding representative and symbol of the wolf pack, and also the core of the wolf pack; When the whole group is in trouble, it must step forward and lead the wolves to break through the difficulties.

Sure enough, after a while, with a roar, a huge wolf came out slowly from behind. This giant wolf, with golden hair and fierce eyes, came slowly with a kind of supreme dignity. It stares at Yun chongtian and grins, showing its sharp teeth.

"Ouch --"

The first wolf roared up to the sky, causing other wolves to roar with it.

The sound makes the whole ancient city vibrate. This kind of momentum makes people feel terrible.

Is this the wolf effect? Even if the wolves were beaten to pieces, after the first wolf appeared, the irresistible momentum also almost recovered at the same time.

This feeling is really terrible.

"Boss, who will win and who will lose when you fight with this wolf?" Liao Gewei is very curious.

"I don't know. But I have a better way to deal with him. "

"So powerful? What way? "

"Throw you to it first, feed it, and it will not be my opponent."


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