"Hateful woman..." Yun chongtian's anger, of course, must vent on the crescent princess.

Before that, he had been relying on the battle of mentality, so that the other side fell into a passive position and seized the opportunity. But what I didn't expect was that the other side caught hold of his weakness and gave him a powerful blow.

Although relying on the power of "contrarian Xuangong", Yun chongtian still managed to block the opponent's move. However, there are still many wounds on him.

I'm afraid the whole person will be zoomed out if you pop it up again.

What shall I do?

Cloud heavy day so think, but experienced crescent princess, how can he have so much time to recover? A quick turn, like a hungry eagle to rabbit, straight over.

Cloud heavy day heart in a Lin, had no choice but to use "monkey body method", up and down flying, dodge. In his calculation, he intends to avoid the other side's edge first, waiting for an opportunity to give the other side a hard blow.

It's a pity that once "Qinglei corpse crushing skill" is used, its power can't be underestimated. In front of and behind him, Yun chongtian feels like he is shrouded in the light net of lightning.

One is not careful, but a flash of lightning comes from behind. This lightning strike is accurate and hateful, which makes yunchongtian almost dizzy.

He couldn't help it. Suddenly he burst out and yelled: "wind blade is splitting"!

Waiting for this moment, he has come too long. When he used "three illusions like the moon" before, his internal strength has not recovered, so he has not been able to use this trump card.

However, with the successive blows and persistent resistance, he slowly recovered. It's a rush, a split——

Wind blades, big and small, exploded around.

As if in the whirlpool of the crescent princess, suddenly feel a strong wind rolling feeling, this feeling, let her feel a panic for no reason.

When did the boy learn such a powerful Kung Fu move? Under the sudden change of heart, the New Moon Princess also did her best:

"Qinglei corpse crushing skill"!

The thunder all over the sky suddenly flashed. In this small tomb, there are two great forces of nature: wind and thunder.

With the continuous splitting of thunder and lightning and the crazy rolling of wind blade, the two forces collided and blasted each other. Finally, the smoke and dust dispersed. In the fierce collision, they each stepped back more than ten steps. If you look at each other again, it's really ugly.

Yun chongtian's clothes were torn by thunder and lightning, and most of his skin was rolled up, revealing a lot of flesh and blood. The whole person is black, as if from Africa, only the teeth are white. What about the hair? It's all fluffy, like electricity.

Crescent princess is not much better, her clothes have been torn off a lot, revealing the white skin. The veil fell directly, and a face full of hatred and distortion appeared in front of the public.

"You, this... Asshole!" Crescent Princess really can't find any adjectives to describe Yun chongtian for a moment. She is so angry that she uses her inner strength again and is ready to give the other side another blow.

At this time, the cloud heavy sky, if you bear another blow from the other side, will undoubtedly die here.

After all, in the previous attack, although both sides suffered similar injuries, the problem is that Yun chongtian has already suffered more injuries than injuries.

Perhaps it is to see such an opportunity, the New Moon Princess just spared no effort to attack.

Looking at this opportunity, Chun Xiaoxi suddenly and quietly hit: the sword light, like lightning, stabbed at Princess crescent's vest.

This blow, quite suddenly, fully reflects the temperament of Chun Xiaoxi, a nine grade killer.

Tian Xiyue opened his mouth and finally suppressed his excitement. Isn't it? After this sword, this evil woman can't be killed on the spot?

It's a pity that they all look down upon Princess crescent. How can this powerful wuzun be so easily defeated?

Only willing to see the crescent princess a side body, then cold hum, a electric palm, straight to pure small Xi. If this palm is solid, chunxiaoxi, a silly girl, will say goodbye to the world.

Cloud heavy sky see eyes Yi do crack, angrily shout: "do you dare?" He flew over.

However, the crescent princess is waiting for this moment, she sneered, a reverse palm, a record of "corpse breaking skill" horizontal split out.

"Boom" of a, thunder light wave, this palm, center cloud heavy sky's chest, beat him to defeat grass to fly out, draw an arc, fall not far away, but already can't stand up.

Chunxiaoxi picked up a life and jumped back. Looking at the scene in front of her, she was so anxious that her tears would fall: "yunchongtian, what's the matter with you?"

Princess crescent sneered: "what's the matter? He's dead. Ha ha -- "

It's said that people can't step into the same river, but today, the New Moon Princess pinched the dead rib of yunchongtian and did the old trick again, and killed the strong hand at once.

Hum, let you not be cruel enough, let your girl more ah, this time, you are not dead?

The cloud heavy sky seems to move, but he seems to have no strength to struggle. Yun chongtian is dying

Is Yun chongtian dead? He has been unable to struggle, the pain of the injury, bursts of, like waves, the whole son cloud heavy sky to drown.

Cloud heavy day took a breath, vomited blood, found a round ball on the ground. This is... Xuanmen Zhenyuan pill? Since Yun chongtian snatched this pill from Fusang people, he hasn't taken it. At that time, according to the Fusang ninja, Xuanmen Zhenyuan Dan can improve one's accomplishments at least.

That is to say, if he takes it now, it is likely that it will be from the middle period to the later period. of course. This kind of elixir is usually taken in the intensive training. If you take it in the battlefield, you will be possessed by the devil, or your internal strength will not be properly guided, and your whole body will burst to death.

Yun chongtian used up his last strength and picked up the pill with his fingers, without hesitation in his heart

"Gudu" sound, the whole pill was swallowed.

A fiery Qi rose rapidly from the elixir field and swam all over his body, making him feel like he was in the fire.

This is the power of Zhenyuan

For a moment, Yun chongtian felt that his inner strength was surging up like a river, and he felt that he was out of control. He had the feeling of burning himself with fire. The surging power seemed to burst out at any time.

On weekdays, he can also make these internal forces digest in his body through guidance. However, at this moment, he can only let his own internal forces wreak havoc mercilessly

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