When Yun chongtian finally left, he was depressed and worried. Now, the problem that the professor is facing is not simple at all. The role of these supermans in the battlefield is far from comparable to that of a thermal weapon.

That's a real super weapon.

You have to find a way to destroy these guys before you leave.

Yun chongtian thought so, but he had no idea for the moment, so he had to leave first with other officers.

The dinner was rather sumptuous, and then tarutu arranged for the residence of these American officers and scientists. Rows of apartments are like hotels. In the mountains, they are more comfortable.

These apartments are shared by two people. They live with Yun chongtian. The guy's name is Samat, a lieutenant who doesn't like to talk. However, he didn't come back until after a long time.

It is very rare that Samat should take the initiative to speak to Yun chongtian.

"Wester, do you remember that time when you were shooting at a target, you were embarrassed. You fired ten shots in a row, but you didn't get a shot. It's so funny."

According to Yun chongtian's information, this West is a sharpshooter. He once failed to hit ten shots? Yun chongtian was not sure, so he had to say vaguely: "don't talk about accidents. Yes, yes, they are accidents..."

"What's the surprise?" said Samat? We made heavy bets at that time, so ah, you did it on purpose. The purpose is to win money by betting on the periphery, right? You are a thief, you little boy. "

This West, and this operation?

Yun chongtian was still not sure whether this guy had such a thing or not, so he had to say: "ha ha, you are really funny... Ha ha..." no positive response, that's the best.

Samat looked him up and down with a smile, and suddenly said, "actually, I admire you. You imitate very much. It's a pity that you met me, Samat, eagle eye Samat. Will I have a false reputation? "

Eagle eye Samat? A good imitation?

Cloud heavy day in the heart clapped Deng for a while, listen to the tone of the other party, oneself already exposed. But what went wrong?

Samat seemed to see through his mind and said, "I doubt you a long time ago. Because, after you enter tarutu, your performance is still slightly different from that in ordinary days. For example, your walking is a little imitative. For another example, although West's temper was bad, he was not brave enough to fight with the guards. This guy is the one who cherishes his life most. I know -- "

Yun chongtian was relieved that he found the problem from these small problems. This guy really deserves the name of "eagle eye".

Samat continued: "of course, I'm just doubting all this. That's why I had the words I just tested."

Testing? This kid is really a thief. Cloud heavy day suddenly feel some head big.

Samat said: "West is a real sense of sharpshooter, and is the kind of sharpshooter who wants to lose face. He has never tried to hit ten shots and then missed one. This is the first doubt; The second doubt is that Vester is the most averse to gambling. He can't make external bets at all. If you're really West, he'll go crazy to hear me say that. But you, ha ha, even if a few times, it must be a Xibei goods, fake

There are ten thousand grass mud horses galloping away in Yun chongtian's heart. It's such an important information. How did the professor miss it?

Samat quickly helped him solve his doubts: "this is the secret of West. If it wasn't for me, it would not be easy for others to know."

Yun chongtian is a little depressed. It's unexpected that there is such a secret in this West.

Samat looked at him with eyes dripping, and then said, "so the question is, who are you? Why pretend to be West? "

Yun chongtian feels that the other side is not good. It seems that he underestimates the strength of Meidi. Such an ordinary Lieutenant also has extraordinary strength. No wonder this guy is called eagle eye. He really has some real material.

Yun chongtian was thinking about the countermeasures and didn't say anything, but Samat didn't intend to let him go. He continued: "I guess... You should be... A Xiannu's person."

It seems that we can't do without it. Yun chongtian's shoulder moved slightly, but he was already seen by Samat. He continued:

"There are no more than five people who can kill West quietly and sneak in here. Think about it. If I don't have any defense, can I talk to him so confidently in the face of five possible masters?"

Cloud heavy sky sink a way: "you exactly want how?"

So far, cloud heavy day or guess each other's intention, but there is a kind of each other led by the nose. It made him very unhappy.

Samat put up a finger and said, "don't get excited. I don't have any hobbies. I just like money. You give me this, and I'll shut up in a minute. "

It seems that this guy is really greedy for money. Yun chongtian looks at his fingers and says, "how much is it? Ten million? "

Samat shook his head and said, "no, it's a hundred million. Still, the dollar! "

Shit, this guy, is this a robbery or something? One hundred million dollars? Cloud heavy day almost to scold, however, he still barely controlled his mood, light way: "OK, you give me account, I'll transfer it to you right away."

Samat laughed, took out his cell phone and burst out a series of numbers.

Cloud heavy day pretends to remember, suddenly hands like the wind, a pinch each other's neck, and one hand snatched each other's mobile phone“ No one has ever threatened me, not before, nor ever after. Go to hell! "

This Samat, he thought he could threaten himself if he had his own evidence? That's naive.

It doesn't matter that the identity of West can't be maintained. The important thing is that he can successfully assassinate this time. The whole tatalai mountain range is so big, and the barracks in tarutu are also full of dragons and snakes. Yunchong is not worried that he will be exposed.

After saying this, conveniently a pinch, directly to crush the other party's throat.

But at this moment, the door was suddenly slammed open.

At the moment of the crash, Yun chongtian suddenly understood that this Samat was not a fool, and he would not be so stupid as to threaten himself with this secret.

He's just procrastinating. Before that kind of comments, they just want to prove that Yun chongtian is an undercover.

This bastard is too cunning.

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