Li Qixi felt very strange. This kind of pure inner strength is often formed in her body bit by bit after painstaking cultivation. But I didn't expect that, just for a moment, yunchongtian had already transmitted this internal force through its own conduction.

This feeling is like throwing her into a pool of spring water, soaking in it, how comfortable, how comfortable.

Yun chongtian saw that she was distracted, and he said in a low voice: "don't be distracted, luck!"

Li Qixi came back to his senses and slowly introduced the internal energy into his body. After 12 weeks of operation, he stored it in the Dantian.

Her realm, with this introduction, has gradually been improved.

I don't know how long after that, Li Qixi slowly opened her eyes and felt the growth of her strength. She was glad to find that her whole life seemed to be transformed. With a slight jump, she almost hit the ceiling. With one punch, the sandbag was pierced by her

What kind of strength is it? That's too, too scary, isn't it?

"Your current state has been upgraded to the peak of gas refining. It's normal. Just consolidate yourself." From the early stage of gas refining, he suddenly crossed three small realms, which is a miracle in the martial arts and Taoism circles. However, Yun chongtian doesn't think so.

If the aura of this world is a little stronger, it's not difficult to cross to the level of easy tendon.

Unfortunately, in modern society, this kind of aura is too little.

Li Qixi is still feeling the growth of strength in his body, but he hears a cry from the other side. The two figures are separated and United, fighting together.

A moment later, with the sound of "Peng", a fire burst out in the middle. The nimble figure turned back and broke away from the battle circle, and said with a toot: "little porcelain sister, you can't use fire if you want to cheat me!"

Needless to say, they are Lu Xiaoci and Mai Lili.

After practicing for a few hours, they felt bored and began to compete.

In the days when Yun chongtian left, Mai Lili taught Lu Xiaoci all her fighting skills. Combining the heart formula of "Lihuo Dafa", Lu Xiaoci combines all kinds of martial arts skills without any teacher. At this moment, she can fight with Mai Lili in the early stage of Yijin.

On the contrary, Lu Xiaoci is more dominant in some attacks.

Li Qixi looks at all these, can't help but be startled to raise a tongue not to descend. She knows Lu Xiaoci. She has never heard that she knows martial arts before. Why did she suddenly become so powerful? You can set fire in the palm of your hand. It's amazing.

Mai Lili said so. She jumped over and looked at Li Qixi. She was so excited that she yelled: "Brother Yun, you are so awesome. This elder sister of police flower, she was just at the beginning of gas refining, and she was promoted to the peak of gas refining by you. That's great. You have to help me, too. "

Of course, Yun chongtian didn't want to, but looking at the time, it seemed that it was too late, so he said, "OK, let's go back to the villa. It's getting late. It's time to have lunch, isn't it? "

Lunch? Li Qixi looked at the time and was stunned.

Isn't it? When they got home, that is, midnight, the time of cultivation lasted from midnight to early morning, and then from early morning to noon.

This time, really too fast. What's rare is that it doesn't make people feel sleepy.

"I'll treat you to dinner. Help yourself." Li Qixi's state of mind has been greatly improved, and he is in a particularly good mood, he said with a big grin.

Before Yun chongtian spoke, Malili was about to jump up: "OK, I've been waiting for this sentence for a long time. Finally, someone invited me to dinner. What should I eat? Well, let me see - I want to eat spicy food, ha ha! "

Spicy? Lu Xiaoci flat flat mouth, said: "eat so much spicy, careful of your acne."

"What are you afraid of? Don't forget what Brother Yun's company does. "

Cloud heavy days of Mengtian company, is not selling this kind of anti acne products? Lu Xiaoci thought about it and nodded. She was not too cold to spicy since she was a child. Originally, she was worried about acne. Now, however, there seems to be no concern.

Li Qixi nodded and said, "well, there's a Sichuan family. The dishes are spicy. Let's eat there."

Several people cleaned up and drove to the Sichuan restaurant.

Plates of dishes with red peppers were served, and everyone enjoyed them. To Lu Xiaoci's surprise, when she was eating spicy food, she only felt delicious, but she didn't feel the eye and nose of spicy food at all. Is this change related to one's own cultivation?

At this time, the next person's eyes, can not help but aim to this side.

That's a pretty looking man. Yes, it looks similar to those "little fresh meat" on the screen. It looks like 20 years old, but it's very old.

His eyes looked at this side, but kept turning on the three of them. Any one of these people can be called a natural beauty. Lu Xiaoci's appearance, Mai Lili's figure, and Li Qixi's Sassou demeanor made the man have a kind of inexplicable intoxication.

He thought to himself, "shit, what am I doing in the mountains? Besides some of our female disciples, it's really hard to find a mother, but those female disciples... Hum, if only the school had let me down the mountain earlier. "

At the same time, he was extremely jealous of Yun chongtian. This man, unexpectedly, has three beauties. However, it seems that he is not the second generation of the rich. He is really envious of others.

The man thinks so, suddenly ha ha a smile, came over: "a few eat spicy can be very fierce, really admire, admire!"

Yun chongtian raised his head and looked at each other. A trace of surprise in his eyes was fleeting. This guy is a master!

In his heart, how can he meet an expert when he has a meal in the street?

Before he spoke, Millie had already laughed: "do you admire us? What do you admire about us? "

That man a Leng, where can someone ask so? If people admire you, they have to say what they admire you for? So he had to smile, said: "Er, admire you can eat spicy ah."

"How can it be like this?" she said suddenly? Admire us for eating spicy food? What is there to be proud of? No matter how well you eat, it's just a wine bag. You should admire the natural beauty of our women, admire Brother Yun for sitting on some beautiful women and enjoying the happiness of all. Right? "

This chick, is everyone here? Lu Xiaoci and Mai Lili couldn't help glancing at each other.

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