The high priest looked as usual and said, "but that's the best way to show God's will, isn't it?"

A Gu had to be silent. But it can be seen from her expression that she has some worries.

Lu Xiaoci couldn't help but ask, "what is this sacred tree sacrifice?"

"It's a ritual." AGU replied, "this ritual is the embodiment of God's will. Only by passing the test of the tree god can all problems be solved. "

"Is there any danger in the whole process?" Cloud heavy sky voice asks a way. After all, in this uncertain situation, he is most concerned about the safety of Lu Xiaoci.

A Gu said that in the middle of the ceremony, they had to go through a secret road called the shadow of the tree god. It has always been believed that only those who have passed the secret road have passed the test of God.

As for how many people have passed this secret path over the years?

"It's said that no one has failed in the past ten years," said a Gu

So the success rate is too high. Cloud heavy day this just put down a heart to come, way: "since so, that participate in Bai." If you forcibly take away a Gu, it is estimated that there will be some trouble. Since you come to other people's territory, you'd better act according to other people's will.

But a Gu said: "only, more than ten years ago, there were as many as 15 people who lost themselves in this secret way. No one knows where they are

This sacrificial ceremony was due to the fact that these 15 people were defeated and accepted the judgment of the tree god after they came back. As a result, all of them disappeared after they entered the secret road. Later, people went in to check, but did not find any clues. Not even a bone was left.

Since then, people have been more convinced that the judgment of this secret way is really the judgment of God.

All those who fail to pass God's judgment will be punished by God.

However, Yun chongtian and Lu Xiaoci didn't pay much attention to these stories. They are a generation brought up by science education.

Although after growing up, I have seen some things that science can't explain. For example, we met before, Siamese ghost door people perform the great method of shifting souls. It seems that it also indicates the existence of the soul, but Yun chongtian believes that it is just that science can not explain this phenomenon for the time being.

As for the God, he thought that it was just the ultimate cultivation, and then broke through the original constraints, and then "ascended the immortal".

Nine times out of ten, the real omnipotent god worshipped by the people is false.

With this in mind, Yun chongtian doesn't care about it. Sacrificial ceremony? Just do it. What's the point?

On the other hand, there are not many objections from the elder. Maybe they were awed by the majesty of the high priest, and they didn't dare to say anything.

When they were ready, they came to the tree.

Lu Xiaoci finally saw the big tree in her dream. To describe it as a "towering tree" is not realistic enough. It's like "blocking the sky and the sun". When you walk under the tree, you will feel that it's a huge dark cloud covering the whole world.

A Gu pointed out the mountains behind the big tree, where there was a winding path. She said, "Xiao Ci, you see, there is the shadow of the tree god. When the ceremony is going on, you just need to walk through that secret path to pass the test of God and return to heaven smoothly."

Many years ago, when Lu Xiaoci was born, a Gu, the candidate of Saint, could not help being deprived of the chance to become a saint, and even was directly locked up in a seclusion place. As for Lu Xiaoci, he was directly abandoned because of his blood relationship.

At last, the patriarch agreed to send Lu Xiaoci to the secular world and return it to Lu Guangzhi.

Now, according to the high priest's idea, whether Lu Xiaoci or a Gu, they must pass this test. Otherwise, they will continue to be punished, or they will not be accepted.

The ceremony began.

There is little difference between this ceremony and what Lu Xiaoci saw in her dream. She was extremely suspicious that this kind of ceremony, for the Tianfang people, was deep into the bone marrow.

In the middle of the ceremony, the high priest waved his staff. At this time, the staff spewed out a strong flame, and the fire burned all the way down the tree to the secret road.

After burning for a while, the high priest muttered a mantra: "the flame guides my heart! Blazing fire, opening up the world! Tianfang people, under the guidance of God, go all the way, under the guidance of God, sing all the way! Ah -- "

After reading this for a while, he picked up the wine bowl on the altar, took a swig, and then "poof" sprayed out. Strange to say, the liquor was sprayed by him and fell on the fire path like rain. Then, the fire dragon went out quietly.

Why? It's really a bit unreasonable. Shouldn't the fire burn more fiercely?

Immediately, the high priest said in a loud voice: "there is a claustrophobic man. Go along the way sealed by God! Only through the tree god's shade can we get God's forgiveness, God's forgiveness -- "

When he said that, he opened his hands and looked like he was crazy. Everyone knelt down and kowtowed.

Yun chongtian didn't kneel down among all of them. He looked on coldly and muttered in his heart: what's the idea of this high priest? Is it really just a pure, so-called "test of God"?

Gu looked back at Lu Xiaoci, and then said, "Xiaoci, I'm going. Don't worry, the tree god is so hard to let our mother and daughter meet again. Everything will be better. "

Lu Xiaoci nodded. However, there is still worry in the eyes.

A Gu calmly walked along the secret road. In all kinds of speculation, about ten minutes later, from the other side of the cave like exit, a figure appeared.

She came out safe and sound.

Lu Xiaoci was so excited that she rushed over and hugged her own mother tightly. A Gu is also very excited, constantly said: "small porcelain, it's OK, it's OK, I said, the tree god will protect us."

The people on the elder's side, seeing that a Gu came out safely, couldn't help looking bad.

At this time, the high priest called out: "here is Lu Xiaoci, a stray child from heaven. Go along the way sealed by God

Lu Xiaoci walked over slowly. Yun chongtian was excited. He stepped forward and asked, "excuse me, high priest, can I accompany you?"

As soon as this remark came out, people could not help but be in an uproar.

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