"You..." Ling Tianlang was angry to death, but there was no way. Who let you not be the team leader?

A captain's big hat makes him die.

The plane landed at a military airport in western Xinjiang. This scientific research operation kept a relatively low profile, so there was no one from the local military region to contact.

After a day's rest, they are ready to enter the lake area.

Yun chongtian, the team leader, is somewhat incompetent. Liao Gewei is responsible for the arrangement of his actions; He didn't interfere in the matter of the scientific examination at all, and let Li Xinmu arrange it by himself.

As for the security issue, he just said to Ling Tianlang: "keep an eye on it." The work outside the camp was handed over to several of them.

Ling Tian - lung was so angry that he could make complaints about smoking and Tucao with some companions.

"Team Ling, why don't we just go back? We are not happy to listen to this guy's advice here! "

"Yes, yes, this guy even brought a woman here. He thought it was a tour. That's too much! "

"Team Ling, no matter how you say it, you should be the team leader. Where will it be this guy's turn?"


Several people have Tucao, make complaints about the heavens.

After listening to everyone's opinions, Ling Tianlang said hypocritically: "Hey, don't say that. We are soldiers. We have to obey orders! If someone else can be a captain, maybe there's something extraordinary about it! "

"Well, is it amazing to pick up girls? Hum! I look at the boy, but I don't feel good! " There is growing discontent.

At this time, a figure appeared in front of them and said coldly, "are you guarding or chatting here?"

Looking up, it turns out to be he Ye. He Ye is different from Liao Gewei. The latter is a pistachio, jumping up and down, and having no fun. But he Ye doesn't laugh or talk at all. No matter who he sees, he has a face.

Several guys were not happy at all. When they heard him speak to them in this tone, they were even more unhappy. They stood up and angrily scolded

"Who are you? How can we use this tone to talk to our Ling team? "

"Team Ling? There is no Ling team here, only captain Yun. Do you think I'm wrong? Captain Yun asked you to guard the periphery, but what are you doing here? Chat? Do you want to give a pair of poker to fight the landlord? "

He Ye doesn't talk much on weekdays, but once he speaks, he has a sharp mouth.

"You are nothing! Guard the periphery, guard the periphery. What's wrong now? You have to be so fierce. Compete with Lao Tzu and see who is really qualified to tell me what to do! "

There is a guy named onion who is violent. He can't help rolling up his sleeve and challenging he Ye.

"You?" He Ye sneers. He doesn't speak any more. He stretches out his left hand and signs the other party to do it.

Onion a step forward, "drink" a, a punch straight Huanglong.

This fist is powerful and powerful. It is the essence of Neijia boxing.

Even Ling Tianlang could not help but take the lead in cheering: "onion, good fight!"

Other people follow to coax: "Cong elder brother, don't be merciful, beat this kid to doubt life!"

He ye did not expect a flash, and then a sharp knife light up and down, rustle sound, only a moment, the onion body clothes, the left sleeve, from the shoulder to the cuff, almost disappeared.

The image of a bare arm appears like this!

"The lancet!" How accurate is the sabre technique?

This time, even Ling Tianlang was surprised. He never dreamed that this guy, who looks a little honest and taciturn on his face, was so powerful when he used the knife.

It's just a little bit easier to cut off the big arteries of onions just a little bit off the side of the lancet.

Onion is also thought of this, the whole body trembled, dare not move.

Those who used to clamor fiercely now look as pale as the dead, and it's hard to talk any more.

Ling Tianlang finally couldn't help but jump out and said, "OK, let me learn your tricks!"

He Ye gives him a white look and says, "you? If you lose, don't you feel ashamed? "

This guy's words are still so simple and direct. Ling Tianlang suddenly thinks that he is just a subordinate of Yun chongtian. If he is not careful, even he can't win, isn't he really losing face?

No, it can't be done.

Ling Tianlang thinks of this and points to he ye and says, "boy, let captain Yun compete with me!"

Only the match with Yun chongtian is of the same level.

Unexpectedly, he turns around and goes away. He just says, "you? Not yet! "

"This asshole..." this guy who didn't seem to talk much, now, directly defeated the other party in language.

Ling Tianlang feel very angry, but just can't each other, to his hand? As he said just now, it would be disgraceful to win; But if you lose, you lose face and go to Java.

Ling Tianlang feels really depressed

Li Xinmu, who has been busy for a day, finally let people inform Yun chongtian that he has come.

"Dr. Li, you don't want to share your achievements with me? We're not leaving until tomorrow! " Yun chongtian pretends to be lazy.

"Hey, Captain cloud, don't put it on me. I know that you are also studying this problem, but you just don't want to admit it. "

When Li Xinmu spoke, he felt quite straight to the point.

Why? Yunchongtian can't help but be curious.

Li Xinmu did not continue to say, but pointed to the electronic map, said: "we will go in this direction tomorrow, and strive to enter the ancient city the day after tomorrow for scientific research."

Cloud heavy day looked at the location of the map, indifferent to say: "OK, I have already said, the matter of the scientific examination you decide!"

Li Xinmu said, "don't you think it's strange? Why do we have to go to the ancient city as our first step? "

"What should have happened there?" Yun chongtian shrugged his shoulders and said, "I remember Dr. Feng's visit to the ancient city."

"Don't you think it's strange for a doctor of biological virology to explore the ancient city?" Li Xinmu stares at him as if to read a different answer from his face.

"The only explanation is..." Yun chongtian shrugged and said, "is the rumor about zombie virus true?"

That matter, how to think of all feel a bit absurd ah? However, Yun chongtian is willing to believe that it is true.

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