In Nordic mythology, musberheim means "country of fire". According to legend, Odin, the king of God, once collected the flames of the kingdom of fire and used them to make stars in the sky. The two largest flames became the sun and the moon. From this we can see how powerful this kind of flame is.

Berger's fame is also to defeat the alliance of ice giants at one stroke, relying on this move "the angry flame of musberheim".

However, such a powerful move turned into "his mother's flame" in Yun chongtian's mouth. This kind of makes hailike a little sad, but now this kind of environment is really not funny, too crazy or something, otherwise, it will really kill people.

Berger's anger became more and more intense. His palms were open, and strong smoke came out from behind,


A strong sea of fire was finally formed.

Looking at yunchongtian, they were surprised to find that the whole Canyon where they were was was full of flames. They hid far away, and Ren Mengxuan, who was on a distant hillside, was also affected.

She staggered up the mountain, trying to avoid the flame.

Hailike tried to use the power of frost to suppress the opponent's powerful power of fire. However, this practice was soon found to be futile. Under the attack of "the angry flame of musberheim", the power of the frost soon evaporated like dew in the hot sun.

"Run, young man!" Hailike dare not neglect, his frost matrix continues to operate, trying to let cloud chongtian take this opportunity to escape from Shengtian.

Cloud heavy day but did not put his words in mind. Escape? That's not my style.

Yunchongtian runs Zhenyuan in his body crazily, activates Lingqi, and tries his best to use this move to "freeze thousands of miles".

When the two palms were running, the white snow and ice could be seen everywhere. In the whole space, except for the strong fire, there was a situation of ice and cold alternation. The scene was as strange as it was strange.

"I'll fight back! Die

Berger didn't expect that Yun chongtian's move was so powerful. However, he didn't pay attention to it. He raised his hand and pushed it with his palms. Another strong flame, like a lion grabbing a rabbit, surged forward.

Yun chongtian didn't dare to neglect. The air-conditioning converged and collided with each other's firepower. "Boom boom" hit each other several times, but their situation was very different. Cloud heavy day was a crazy rush to the flame, the whole person quite a bit anxious feeling.

There is a burning smell on my body for many times. It's inevitable that I will get hurt.

And the air-conditioning rushed to the other side, but was instantly evaporated by the heat. This kind of feeling is really too uncomfortable.

For the first time, Yun chongtian has the feeling that monkey meets red boy. It's not that the force is not enough, and it's not that the skill is not good. It's the fire of the other side that really burns him to death.

What should I do? If it goes on like this, it's inevitable to be buried in the sea of fire.

"No, no, if it goes on like this, the boss will turn into coke." Liao Gewei, who has been staring at him through the computer screen, is extremely nervous. He wants to take the place of himself and go straight into the game to face the challenge.

"Where's Meng Xuan? Why doesn't Meng Xuan release her powers? " Mary is jumping around like a restless monkey.

"Here she is! It has already worked, but it doesn't seem to have any effect. "

While talking, Ren Mengxuan, who is hiding on the hillside, has already used her power to turn some water on the hillside into rain and keep falling.

However, the savings of the water are very limited, and the power of "angry flame" is too terrible. The ordinary water can not cause any fire fighting effect at all. Most of it is in the air and has been evaporated.

"Well, if it goes on like this, Brother Yun will become brother tan. I don't want a black brother tan. Do something Melly muttered.

Lu Xiaoci was also very anxious. She wished she was among them. With her Jiuyan holy body, it was not a problem to deal with the fire attack. However, in the face of such a wide range of fire attack, she still has no other way.

Moreover, according to Yun chongtian, the characteristics of the body will not be brought into the game. After all, it is only human consciousness that can enter the game.

What should I do? What shall I do?

At this time, Liao Gewei could not help shouting: "look, the giant seems to have a way. What did he take out for the boss? Is it the heart? "

People's attention was quickly attracted by the movement on the screen.

However, at this time, there was a roar from outside. It was the shrill roar of the vampire in the middle of the night. It seemed urgent to listen to the sound.

"No, there are foreign enemies coming!" Among all the people, Lu Xiaoci is most concerned about the safety of Yun chongtian. However, she is also the most rational one among the people. When she hears this unusual voice, she knows that it is the voice of Tian Xiyue after she has changed her body.

It's not easy for a vampire who can be promoted to the Duke realm to make such a sound.

She was the first to rush out, followed by Mary.

Who is it? At this critical moment, is the door raid coming?

In the game, the same is very nervous. Yunchongtian didn't expect that when he tried his best to release the air conditioner, hailike slowly pulled out a pearl like thing from his heart.

——In Malili's opinion, the giant is "digging out his heart".

Cloud heavy day was stunned: "Uncle hailike, you still don't go now, want to live with me?"

He shook his head and said, "young man, success or failure depends on this. Take it!"

Yun chongtian reaches for the Pearl like thing. When he looks at it carefully, it is not a pearl at all, but an irregular piece of ice.

This piece of ice glows silver and looks like a pearl.

However, holding it in hand, it was extremely cold, so cold that people were almost paralyzed.

What the hell is this?

"It's - permafrost," he said cautiously

"Permafrost"? Cloud heavy sky suddenly froze. He had heard the term more than once, and was curious about something that Berger was rather afraid of. Unexpectedly, this "permafrost" is hidden in hailike's body and can be directly taken out of his body?

It's really strange.

"I nourish it with my heart. Otherwise, its air-conditioning will leave the earth with only one season: cold winter... "

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