The woman in the cap put forward a very new theory.

It seems that no one has thought about this before.

But his intuition told Li Xiaofei that what this woman was telling was probably the truth.

He had previously thought about why on Earth where he was, the Jie Peng and Igus people could control star beasts using so-called 'artifacts'.

That's a star beast.

A collection of monsters composed of countless strange tribes.

Moreover, high-level star beasts possess absolute combat power and super intelligence.

Logically speaking, they are not cannon fodder that can be fooled at will.

But it was controlled by an 'artifact'.

Moreover, the eldest lady also said at the beginning that she used the corpse language technique to control the dead star beasts and Igus warriors into immediate combat power very smoothly, but later, for some unknown reason, the bodies of the star beasts could not be transformed into corpses. .

This phenomenon puzzled the eldest lady.

Now it seems that there is a possibility that Eden has adjusted the 'gene lock' in the star beast's body and edited and added some new 'programs' so that Corpse Whisper can no longer control its corpse?

You came to me because you wanted my help, right?

Li Xiaofei looked at the woman in the peaked hat and said, Tell me, how can we control the star beasts on earth?

The girl in the peaked hat said, There are three methods. According to my previous research, the fastest is to release biological genetic toxins to destroy the original genetic lock. It is like implanting a virus into a computer program to regain control of the star beast's body. In addition, gene locks can also be used to release new encryption codes in the form of brain waves, making them escape from the control of the Garden of Eden. There is also a relatively long-term method, which is to use the newly cultivated star beasts of ours to interact with the planets on the earth. The star beasts mate and reproduce, and in this way, the genes in the star beasts are slowly changed.

Li Xiaofei nodded.

What is missing most in this world?


What kind of talents are most lacking?

Of course, they are those who can not only identify problems, ask questions, but also ultimately solve them.

And obviously, the girl in the cap is this kind of person.

It will take at least hundreds of years to change the genetic lock in the body of a star beast using the method of mating and reproduction, and it may not be fully effective. This method

It's theoretically feasible, but it's a drop in the bucket and meaningless in today's situation where the earth is not waiting for us.

Li Xiaofei directly rejected the last method, and then said, The method of biological toxins and brain computers is feasible. Tell me, what do you need me to do?

You are smarter than many extraordinary people I have met, and you are not as arrogant and domineering as they are.

The girl in the peaked cap expressed sincere appreciation and said, I need you to help me take over the Holy Light Settlement in Daxia and master the creation factory there. I must use the machines and resources there to create enough biological genetic toxins. Make the spread of viral brain waves more effective and faster.


Li Xiaofei nodded directly in agreement and said, However, the biological gene speed and viral brain wave technology you created must be shared with me.

If this technology is returned to our own earth, it may be able to turn the entire war situation around in an instant and allow the star beasts to help our side.

make a deal.

The girl in the cap extends her hand.

A white and delicate little hand.

There is a cold air when holding it.

The little girl Liwu on one side stood obediently, with a happy smile on her face when she saw the two shaking hands.

she is?

Li Xiaofei asked curiously.

My sister.

The girl in the peaked cap said firmly.

Li Xiaofei was thoughtful.

This little Lidou girl is clearly not a living person, but her thoughts, reactions, expression and appearance are exactly the same as those of a normal person.

There is a story here.

But since the other party doesn't want to say more, there's no need to ask anymore.

As a partner, I want to know your name.

Li Xiaofei said again.

The name is just a code name.

The girl in the peaked hat said calmly.

Even a code name is a sign of sincerity. As a collaborator, I need to get enough sincerity.

care and respect.

Li Xiaofei insisted.

The girl in the peaked cap hesitated for a moment, then gritted her teeth and said, My name is Liu Qiujiu...a very common name, but my parents gave it to me and I like it very much.

Li Xiaofei was startled.

Then he suppressed his laughter and said, Okay, okay, you don't need to explain so much, and I don't mean to laugh at your name.

But your expression tells me that you clearly want to laugh.

Liu Tutu said through gritted teeth.

The name is just a code name.

Li Xiaofei comforted her perfunctorily, saying, Don't worry so much, I'm just asking casually.


Liu Earthquake snorted coldly.

The little girl Li Guo on the side smiled and spoke proactively, Brother, my name is Liu Xisheng.

Oh, that's a pretty good name.

Li Xiaofei praised.

What do you mean?

Liu Diqiu's face suddenly turned dark, like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, his fur was a little angry, and he said angrily.

Haha, just say it casually.

Li Xiaofei laughed.

Liu Tutu rolled his eyes immediately.

She felt that the man in front of her was really hateful.

Then we'll leave in one day.

Li Xiaofei said.

The girl in the peaked cap shook her head, My suggestion is to set off at noon. Before the news about the Dayehai camp reaches the settlement area, we can attack by surprise. Otherwise, the other side will be prepared. Don't underestimate the armed forces in the settlement area. It’s very difficult to deal with.”


Li Xiaofei followed the good path.

After that, he called Ye Liuying and others back to the room. Without explaining too much, he began to discuss the plan to attack the Holy Light settlement in Daxia.

Finally sets the tone.

Sneak in, then assault.

This can avoid damage to the creation factory in the city to the greatest extent.

After that, everyone quickly got ready.

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