Super Star Martial Arts

0624. A new ruthless person is born.

I am loyal to you and have worked for you through life and death. I am just a protector. If I continue to hang out with you like this, when will I be able to stand out?

How much immortal jade do you give me a month? I can do some part-time work outside, but I still have to be reprimanded by you in public...

I've been with you for ten years, and it's not as much as the Twin Shadow Tower gives me in one month.

Wei Xiaotian, you still have the nerve to say that you are not mean to me? Hahaha.

If you don't let your brothers get rich, then don't blame them for starting a new business.

Ma Tuo gave up treatment completely. .??.

He roared loudly.

It seems that he wants to vent all the dissatisfaction in his heart to justify his betrayal.

Wei Xiaotian sighed lightly.

He had eleven thousand reasons to refute Ma Tuo's complaints.

But it's not necessary.

Adults should always be responsible for their own choices.

The arguments afterwards were not only pale, but also ridiculous.

But Brother Gou, as an absolute fan of the gang leader, couldn't bear it anymore.

Bah, old dog, do you know what you are talking about?

The position of protector is already below that of two or three people, but above ten thousand people. Among the two deputy gang leaders, and the supreme elder, which one has been in the gang for a shorter period of time than you?

Which one has done less meritorious service for the gang than you?

Before you joined the Bomb Star Gang, who were you?

He's just a down-and-out beast hunter. His life is precarious. Even his wife was snatched away by others. He's sleeping in a bridge in District 8...

If the gang leader hadn't promoted you, why would you be where you are today?

An unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

The more Brother Gou scolds, the angrier he becomes.

Ma Tuo didn't expect that a low-level gang member would dare to insult him like this.

Promote me? What I am today is all due to my own efforts. What does it have to do with him, Wei Xiaotian?

He argued loudly.

But he couldn't control his guilty conscience.


Donkeys don't know how to look.

You're such a big joke.

You are where you are today entirely because of the gang leader and the platform of the Explosive Star Gang. Otherwise, who are you in Chongque City?

Twin Shadow Tower attracted you because you sit in the position of the left guardian of the Bomb Star Gang.

“Without that identity, you’re worthless.”

It's a shame that you flatter yourself every day and claim that you are as smart as a scheming person. Even a little kid like me can't understand such a small truth.

You're so damned good.

The gang leader was really blind when he promoted you.

The more the dog brother scolded him, the more excited he became.

When Wei Xiaotian heard the last sentence, he immediately stared at Brother Dog, and a note burst out from his nose: Huh?

Brother Gou suddenly got excited.

He, who was originally as excited and excited as a fighting husky, immediately withered, lowered his head and shrank his neck, and retreated behind Li Xiaofei again.

On Ma Tuo's face, there was a wave of

White and green for a while.

He wanted to retort.

But there are no words.

Being scolded by a little person who was like an ant, but unable to refute, made him angry and frightened.

Wei Xiaotian spoke slowly, If you feel that you don't get enough from the Bomb Star Gang to display your talents, you can choose to leave. I will never force others to do anything, but you are greedy for profit, collude with outsiders, and poison your own robe. You really deserve death. , I can’t spare you today.”

A compelling power radiated from the body of this beautiful man in white.

You are the same as me. Today I will personally send you on your way. Letting you die without seeing blood is my last gift to you.

Wei Xiaotian said.

Ma Tuo looked miserable.

Whenever there is the last chance, he is more willing to kneel down and beg for his life.

But he knew that the gang leader would not give him a chance.

Facing this almost perfect man in front of him, for a moment, Ma Tuo had a picture of himself wandering on the run in Chongque City more than sixty years ago, sleeping under the cold rail car bridge hole.

Outside the window, the snow is as white as jade.

The first time he met Wei Xiaotian was on a sunny morning after snow.

The sunshine that day was not blinding.

But it's extremely beautiful.

It's as beautiful as new life.

But it is a pity that no matter how beautiful the sunshine was that day, it could no longer illuminate the snowy scene today.

bring it on.

Ma Tuo took off his black-rimmed glasses and said, My gang career starts with you and ends with you. Gang leader Wei, I will call you this for the last time. I will never show mercy in the final battle.

Wei Xiaotian sighed in his heart.

It's time to take action.

Li Xiaofei suddenly raised his gun to intercept.

Gang leader, give him to me.

Li Xiaofei said, I must kill the murderer of my brother with my own hands before I can be reconciled.

Wei Xiaotian said, He is not weak.

This was a gentle reminder to Li Xiaofei.

I am stronger.

Li Xiaofei's answer was simple and direct.

Wei Xiaotian looked around.

Thousands of elite disciples from the Bombing Star Gang gathered inside and outside the Wanli Hall. Not only the Wanli Hall, but also the entire Shenyin Tower was surrounded.

Countless eyes are focused on this.

You are Yiyun's younger brother, I will give you this opportunity.

Wei Xiaotian made a decision quickly.

He admired Li Xiaofei.

I am also willing to give this young man a chance to become famous.

At most, I'll help him secretly for a while.

Don’t say anything else.

The loyalty that this little fat man showed just now is worth the investment.

Li Xiao

Don't come forward with a gun.

A wry smile appeared on Ma Tuo's face.

At this time, many scenes from the past suddenly appeared in his mind, remembering the times when Wei Xiaotian gave him opportunities again and again to help him become famous...

Just like it was to Li Qingchen at this time.

It's a pity that those memories were originally lost in the deepest part of my heart, and were completely buried by the accumulation of sixty years of memory dust.

But I don’t know why it suddenly appeared in an instant.

Time inadvertently pushes away the dust.

The past has become a memory.

Ma Tuo looked at Li Xiaofei.

Want to step on me and get the upper hand?

His face showed murderous viciousness, Then you have to be prepared to be trampled to death. Hehe, I have been in the gang circles of Zhongque City for a long time, and I am not a soft persimmon who can be manipulated by others.

Li Xiaofei just smiled coldly.

He pointed his spear diagonally at Nie Yuntao, who was silently pretending to be dead, and said, Master and disciple, please come together.

Nie Yuntao's left arm was destroyed by Li Xiaofei's previous shot. At this time, he had almost recovered. He also took the healing elixir and regained the strength to fight.

Hearing this, without saying a word, he raised his swords again and stood beside his master Ma Tuo.

Brother is in the sky, watch me avenge you and Hall Master Ou.

Li Xiaofei looked up to the sky and roared.

Continue to flesh out your personality.

Wei Xiaotian suddenly said, Wait a minute.

He took out an old-fashioned silver spear from the storage space, sent it to Li Xiaofei in the air, and said, This gun is called Feixue. It is a trophy I got after killing a stellar star. I give it to you.

Li Xiaofei stretched out his hand to catch it.

I just felt the gun body was cold, as if I was holding a handful of ice and snow. In an instant, my whole brain cleared up and my combat status improved.

This is a stellar weapon.

Thank you, leader.

Li Xiaofei shook Feixue's spear and felt more comfortable than ever before. He couldn't help but praise it, What a spear.


Ma Tuo took the lead.

As expected of a veteran planet-level powerhouse, the light of the power of the Four Laws instantly surrounded his body, which were exactly the four laws of gravity, light, water and fire.

As the protector of one of the five major gangs in Chongque City, Ma Tuo has never died in the mysterious gang world. Ma Tuo's strength is unquestionable. At this time, in order to survive, he tried his best to take action, and suddenly the entire Wanli Hall was crumbling.

Nie Yuntao waved his swords and supported them from the side.

Although he is also at the planet level, there is a gap in the same realm, and he is naturally far inferior to Ma Tuo.

Li Xiaofei thrust out the silver spear in his hand.


With just one shot, Nie Yuntao was defeated.


Rain of blood exploded.

The ambitious leader of the Red Shield Hall turned into a fragment of limbs and completely disappeared from this world.

His beloved disciple died tragically, but Ma Tuo didn't show any shock on his face.

He is still playing steadily.

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