A sudden attack caused heavy losses to Eden.

Several secret Eden strongholds lurking within the Stargate base were quickly removed by the military.

And also captured many masters in Eden.

Among them, Zheng Daoyuan, a strong man in the Six Gods Realm of Eden codenamed Qiangui, is the representative.

On the surface, Zheng Daoyuan is a small quartermaster in the military within the Stargate Base, but in fact he has joined Eden for many years and is the fifth-ranked figure in the Eden organization in the entire Xiao Kuang Star District.

He has been lurking in the Nok alien gate base for more than 120 years. After his arrest, many people still did not believe that he was from the Garden of Eden and interceded for him. .??.

But in the face of absolute evidence, all struggles evaporated.

The military's special ruling court immediately interrogated Zheng Daoyuan unexpectedly.

At such a critical moment, Zheng Daoyuan's confession will play a decisive role in the subsequent military operation.

People from all sides who know the inside story are paying attention to this interrogation.

During the interrogation, it was said that Zheng Daoyuan was assassinated and almost died.

The interrogation lasted only six hours.

Then it ends hastily.

The officials of the Special Adjudication Court who participated in the interrogation left in a hurry and went to the Supreme Military Headquarters to report.

Immediately some gossip spread.

It is said that Zheng Daoyuan still did not survive the torture of the special adjudication court and chose to confess.

Its information will cause a fatal blow to the Garden of Eden.

Li Xiaofei didn't pay much attention to these gossips.

As an officer who participated in the snatching the snake operation and even had a head-on confrontation with Zheng Daoyuan, he was immediately commended by the highest military headquarters.

Subsequent military activities did not end.

Li Xiaofei and his soldiers from the ‘Bolide’ special team were still working in an orderly manner.

carry out follow-up tasks.

At this time, the Stargate Base is in a state of looseness on the outside and tightness on the inside.

Some strong people with keen senses have already noticed something is wrong.

That afternoon, a strange energy fluctuation suddenly came from near the subspace anchor point.

Then, a new war broke out.

The Reaper army from behind the subspace wormhole shuttled down and launched an attack on the Stargate base.

Instantly, the alarm sounded throughout the base.

But there was little panic.

Because in the past long time, sudden wars like this have happened countless times.

The battle always comes suddenly and repeatedly, but gradually dies down and ends.

But what I didn't expect was that this time the reaper's attack was very violent.

The twelve-fold formation near the anchor point was completely broken through and destroyed in less than two hours.

The military's twenty-one shower-level artillery fire matrices were also removed one after another.

Sixty-six Six God Realm ‘Twisted Star Desolate Beasts’ forced their way out of the wormhole and launched a suicidal attack on the Star Gate Base.

The 'Twisted Star Wild Beast' is a giant space beast, originated from the cultivation of the Reaper camp's wild sect, the Mother of All Animals. It looks like a space squid, is huge in size, and has endless star-devouring tentacles that stretch out. It can reach tens of thousands of kilometers. It likes to directly entangle the hunting planet, and then crush it with brute force, absorbing the energy of the planet's shattering and explosion. It is an extremely terrifying starry beast.

In the previous battles, members of the royal family of the Wild Faction had also appeared.

But not in such large numbers and not so crazy.

The battle lasted for three full days and nights.

After the battle, the damage to the Stargate base reached about one-tenth.

There are broken remains of warships floating everywhere in space, and the corpses of the dead ‘Star-twisting wild beasts’ are like ancient broken stars.

Large chunks of solidified animal blood rolled and collided like little stars.

Both the Stargate Base and the Nox military have experienced too many wars, and seeing the embers of such a battlefield, they can't help but sigh with emotion and awe.

Logistics troops quickly clean the battlefield and repair positions and damaged bases.

Everything went smoothly.

Inside the Stargate base, the tense atmosphere gradually dissipated.

The military's special operation has come to an end.

Benefiting from Zheng Daoyuan's confession, the military was extremely powerful in the subsequent arrest operations, and many spies who had been lurking deeply were dug out.

Cheers could be heard from time to time in the office of the Supreme Military Headquarters.

At this time, Li Xiaofei also received the order. Their team's operations were temporarily ended, and they were allowed to take a 24-hour temporary rest and standby inside the Star Gate Base. If there were no new orders later, they could return to the Blue Mountain Defense Line of Nok Planet. .

Liu Fang took the team members to the bar for entertainment.

Li Xiaofei took the time to meet Brother Dog and Black Emperor again.

Our operation is temporarily over.

Brother Dog said, But according to the news from the staff, the Reapers will soon launch a large-scale battle. This group of bastards want to completely occupy the Nox anchor point. Their commander is called the Eye of Death. Delta, a very formidable opponent, a big figure in the Reaper camp’s wisdom school...

Li Xiaofei drank while listening.

Suddenly, his military bracelet vibrated.

He stood up and said, I'm going to leave early.

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