Wu Yueling was stunned: "what?"

Zhang Zheng sighed and was about to repeat it from the beginning when someone knocked on the door.

The little girl jumped to open the door: "come!"

The door opened and there was a young man outside.

The little girl looked up and shouted seriously, "brother Zhao Jun, you're coming."

When he saw the little girl, Zhao Jun was stunned, but he still smiled and said, "it's you, where's Wu Yueling?"

"Zhao Jun?" Wu Yueling was curious. "Why are you here?"

Zhao Jun entered the house and saw Zhang Zheng and Xu Zihan sitting on the sofa. His expression was a little ugly: "Lingling, are you... Dating?"

Zhang zhengle said, "no, I don't know her. It's just something."

Zhao Jun nodded, his expression still smelly.

Wu Yueling met Zhao Jun and said something in his ear. Zhao Jun's expression was a little relaxed.

"It's all right." Wu Yueling, who calmed Zhao Jun, sat back again. "Where did you just say?"

Zhang Zheng took a deep breath and said, "little girl, she is a genius. She can program at such an old age and has been tricked into making a fraud website... You don't know that."

Wu Yueling frowned and nodded: "I don't know... I only know that the child is very smart. He usually uses my computer to program something. Others... I really don't know. I'm sorry for causing you trouble..."

"It's all right." Zhang Zheng waved, "we've cleaned up the leader behind the scenes. If we dare to make any more moves, we'll settle it for the first time. I believe..."


Before he finished, the cup in Zhao Jun's hand fell on the plush carpet. Zhao Jun was stunned. He scratched the back of his head embarrassed and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, my hand slipped."

"I'll come, I'll come!"

The little girl jumped up immediately and trotted all the way to get rags and mops.

Zhao Jun and Wu Yueling seem to have been used to the little girl's diligence and didn't say anything.

Xu Zihan looked at Zhao Jun with a strange expression.

Zhang Zheng glanced at Zhao Jun and then said to Wu Yueling, "those swindlers know the talent of the little girl, and then they will deceive her. However, they should not know, so now we are worried that some bad guys have an eye on the little girl. You usually pay a little attention to the child. At least don't let her stay outside for so long."

Wu Yueling felt very guilty: "this... Is my mistake, because she is too clever and reassuring, so sometimes I ignore her existence..."

"Don't blame mom!"

Holding a mop taller than herself, the little girl explained loudly: "mom is very nice! Give me a place to live, care about me, and give me pocket money! Mom is so good!"

"Yes." Xu Zihan opened a lollipop and put it into the little girl's mouth. "Go and do your homework."

Zhang Zheng looked at the little girl with bulging cheeks and couldn't help looking at Zhao Jun more.

From the beginning, Zhao Jun kept his head down and unconsciously clasped his thumb, as if he was very upset.

"Nothing, we'll go first."

Zhang Zheng got up and said with a smile, "I'm sorry to bother you."

Wu Yueling quickly got up and sent him off: "no, no, thank you for your reminder. I will be good to the child in the future. Take your time."

Zhang Zheng and Xu Zihan didn't go downstairs, but found a place to hide.

The two looked at each other and understood what the other was thinking.

"Do you doubt Zhao Jun?" Xu Zihan said.

"It's not just doubt," Zhang Zhengdao said. "I'm even a little sure."

The little girl is estimated to be a first-year child. Where does the first-year child have the opportunity to contact the computer and show his talent in school? The little girl is sensible and clever by nature. The possibility of being discovered outside is almost zero, so the person who divulges the little girl's talent can only be someone close to her.

The Zhao Jun, after hearing Zhang Zheng say that the fraud gang was cleaned up by him, was very flustered and unnatural. If he guessed correctly

"Come down."

Xu Zihan stared at the door of the unit building and whispered.

They immediately held their breath and hid behind the tree.

Zhao Jun lowered his head and kept looking around. He walked in a hurry, as if he were in a hurry to get there.

Zhang Zheng and Xu Zihan didn't intend to scare the snake, so they were ready to follow him in the distance and watch the change.

Not surprisingly, Zhao Jun did not go home, but went to a building under construction.

Watching Zhao Jun run into the dark building, Zhang Zheng, hiding behind the sand pile, hesitated: "do you want to follow up? I feel easy to expose."

Xu Zihan didn't answer, but pointed to the direction Zhao Jun ran away and said, "don't go in, they're out."

Zhao Jun retreated slowly, his legs trembling uncontrollably.

In front of him was a scar face approaching with a dagger.

"Scar... Brother scar..."

Zhao Jun hesitated and said, "if you have something to say, don't move the knife..."

"Say a fart." brother scar spat fiercely, "the 300000 he owes me. He said he would pay it back today. Where's the money?"

Zhao Jun's voice was trembling: "can... Can you allow a few more days?"

"Grace a few days?" brother scar hehe, "I saw you come to my field two days ago. It's more than 100000 games. Why? Tell me you don't have money?"

Zhang Zheng frowned and whispered, "is this Zhao Jun still gambling?"

Zhao Jun looks very gentle. Unexpectedly, he is a gambler in private.

Zhao Jun stammered, "brother scar, really, believe me, I didn't cheat you! Give me a few more days! I can really pay back the money!"

"I always recognize money but not people. If you want me to believe you, leave a finger as a guarantee!"

Then brother scar waved a knife and went forward to stab Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun stumbled and fell to the ground. Subconsciously, he covered his head with his arm and said loudly, "do you know why he earned so much this time? Do you know where his website came from?"

Brother scar was silent.

Even if his back is cheated by them, he can't get on the table. But during this time, he didn't know where to get an extremely professional and sophisticated website, so he also cheated more people. The money he cheated is getting more and more day by day. Other people in their area are very jealous.

"Tell me." brother scar said with great interest, "if you dare to deceive me, I will make you unable to see the sun tomorrow!"

Zhao Jun didn't dare. He hurriedly said, "my girlfriend picked up a little fart child. The child is a genius. He can write programs at a young age. The website on his back is written by the child! If you want, I can bring the little fart child to you tomorrow..."

"It's really you."

Zhang Zheng suddenly stood up and strode closer. He sneered and said, "you make me easy to find."

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