Xiao Jingcheng was unwilling to let Zhang Zhengxin's Internet giant company fail.

When hearing that niucha headhunting company said that Zhang Zheng was also asking them to recruit talents, Xiao Jingcheng moved his eyebrows and took care of it:

"Mr. Ji, don't return the money of that contract to me. I'm not in breach of contract. Well, I have a friend who is a famous master in the mobile phone industry. You're responsible for arranging him to Zhang Zheng's Internet giant."

Xiao Jingcheng's request is what the headhunting company is looking for. When he was originally given to dig people for Xiao's group, Zhang Zheng mentioned the need for such talents.

In this way, anyone who makes double money will happily agree.

Xiao Jingcheng's other heartfelt plan began naturally.

Luo Yongsen is indeed a famous master in the mobile phone industry, but he signed an employment contract with Xiao's group. Frankly, he is an employee of the Xiao family.

Xiao Jingcheng asked the headhunting company to arrange Luo Yongsen to Zhang Zheng's company. It is uncertain how much bad water has been held up?

Moreover, Luo Yongsen has mastered the core technology of Xiao's electronic products, not to mention his business ability.

When Luo Yongsen, a bearded and artistic man, was introduced by the headhunting company, Zhang Zheng took a fancy to him at a glance:

"Mr. Luo, where did you work? Why did you come to our small company?"

Luo Yongsen, appointed by Xiao Jingcheng, pretended to be extremely pious, respectful and dignified. For fear that Zhang Zheng might see something:

"Ah, Mr. Zhang, after all, most of my work is confidential core technology. It's inconvenient to disclose this resume, but I can accept a longer probation period to show you my real ability.

What's more, I heard from the headhunting company that President Zhang is a big company. I'm very impressed by the fact that his salary is only ten times that of the industry. Hehe "

Luo Yongsen has already recited these lines at home. Now, it's natural.

"Look what you think of me Zhang Zheng. Where did you get the probation period for high-end talents like you? In the future, you can be more than half of the home for this Internet company. Now we are poor in R & D solutions. Look..."

Before Zhang Zheng finished, Luo Yongsen immediately continued his words: "Mr. Zhang, leave this to me. I dare not say anything else about professionalism. I haven't convinced anyone in the industry in terms of R & D solutions.

However, I attach great importance to high-value and high-taste things. Can this idea be in harmony with President Zhang? "

Luo Yongsen is ready to dig a trap for Zhang Zheng. Before digging, first explore the details of each other.

"Co shooting, as long as it is conducive to the development of the company, you can think boldly. You are not afraid of being big, not afraid of being wide, and you are afraid of not thinking. Ha ha.

If your R & D plan makes my company grow and become the leader in the industry and throw the Xiao family out of a few streets, you can study how to become a senior partner of this Internet giant company in the next step. "

After Zhang Zheng said these words, Luo Yongsen's saliva almost flowed out. He secretly complained:

"I knew I wouldn't sign a three-year contract with the Xiao family. It's good this time. There's such a good fat difference in front of me. Leng is not the food in my hand."

Luo Yongsen was distracted, but Zhang Zheng was anxious to ask for his plan:

"You come to work today. When will you give me the plan?"

"Oh, I'll send you an electronic version tonight."

In order to deceive Zhang Zheng, Luo Yongsen's premeditated plan has already been prepared, waiting for general manager Zhang, who he thinks has little strength, to take it.

That night, Zhang Zhengzhen received a wechat from Luo Yongsen, and he Bingbing also came to see it curiously:

"God, what nonsense is this? Who will invest so much money in R & D for 500 million? Is he insensitive to numbers and wrong?"

He Bingbing sees Luo Yongsen's plan and thinks it's just a fantasy.

"Didn't people make it very clear that a big company like us should take the high-end route from the beginning. I think it's good. It's over."

Zhang Zheng said and immediately gave Luo Yongsen a second: "the money will be in place tomorrow morning and will be officially implemented according to your plan."

Luo Yongsen, who received Zhang Zheng's wechat, covered his mouth and stole fun: "ha ha, it's on so soon. After investing this time, we'll see what money you can take to buy the raw materials for making mobile phones. Since it's a high-end product, it's unreasonable to make it with some low-end things. Hum."

He Bingbing didn't understand why Zhang Zheng believed a man who had just taken office and invested so much money in the research and development of new mobile phone products.

There are two main plans for Luo Yongsen's next step.

One is to bewitch people, walk rumors, and say bad things about Zhang Zheng and the company to new and old employees of Internet companies everywhere.

The second is Luo Yongsen's firm determination that Zhang Zheng's money has invested in the most expensive R & D projects. Next, he must have no money to buy mobile phone accessories and other related products.

At that time, Luo Yongsen will get some fake and shoddy products for manufacturing.

As soon as the relevant departments investigated and the media exposed, Zhang Zheng must be taken by him.

President Huang of the personnel department had just successfully interviewed a business elite, and Luo Yongsen took aim at this person.

"I said you were the new sales manager, right? What's your name?"

Luo Yongsen shook his head and ran to the sales manager's office and asked.

"Hello, I don't need your name bag. I'm satisfied with the bag."

The sales manager is also a humorous person. He is best at observing words and colors. Seeing that Luo Yongsen is not good at coming, he deliberately makes a little humorous.

"Manager Bao's speech is interesting. I'm from the R & D department. My surname is Luo. My office is on the fifth floor. I'll see you honest. I just want to give you a friendly hint. Do you know our company's products?"

As soon as Luo Yongsen said that his office was on the fifth floor, manager Bao immediately guessed that he was a senior manager of the company.

"Ah, Mr. Luo, nice to meet you. Please take care of it in the future.

I already know about the company's products when I came here. It's needless to say that President Zhang's conduct is also well-known in the industry... In addition to the existence of a master leadership like president Luo, our products will sell well. "

When manager Bao first arrived, he didn't know that Luo Yongsen was a spy. His remark made the other party sneer more than:

"Hum, what's true? The plan of my R & D department is true, but whether the goods are true or not, let's say otherwise. If you sell the defective products at that time, I'm afraid your future career will be affected. Don't say I didn't remind you."

Luo Yongsen's words made the sales manager angry immediately. He was really suspicious. After all, he said this to him, but the top management of the company?

So manager Bao launched a thorough search. For a time, he said that Zhang Zheng had no money to buy parts with good quality and high price because of his high investment.

Therefore, the high-end mobile phones produced are made of parts that do not meet the standards.

The employees talked about it one after another, and rumors spread everywhere.

When Zhang Zheng finally knew where the rumor came from, he held a new product promotion meeting at the senior high level of the company.

The meeting was chaired by he Bingbing and had two agendas.

"I'll call you here today. There are two main things to announce. Please follow them.

First of all, I would like to commend Luo Yongsen, general manager of our R & D department. Since he went to work, he has repeatedly made practical new plans, which are reasonable and operable. Everyone is grateful for his hard work. "

After Zhang Zheng finished, he took the initiative to clap his hands first. Since the leader applauded, others knew that Luo Yongsen spreading rumors was not a good thing.

I had to hide in my heart and applaud.

"Next, I have asked the legal department to draw up a contract to promote president Luo Yongsen to be a quasi senior partner of the company, and then determine him as a formal senior partner after an assessment on a later date."

As soon as Zhang Zheng said this, not only Luo Yongsen's jaw was about to fall off, but also he Bingbing, Cheng Shi and others were surprised. In particular, the package manager of the sales department whispered in his heart:

"Didn't you say you were a very smart boss before? I think it's too much. Why aren't you serious?"

Luo Yongsen was happy. He was not happy because he was about to become a senior partner. He felt that Zhang Zheng was fooled by him. He unconditionally believed that he didn't say it, and now he even promoted himself.

At the same time, Luo Yongsen secretly regretted that if he didn't sign the contract with the Xiao family, he would really become a senior partner of the company, he might be half of the family.

However, there is nothing rare, because this rising Internet giant company is not far from going bankrupt under the operation of Luo Yongsen.

"The second thing, because the graduation ceremony of the school is coming soon, I have to go back to school for a few days. During this time, everyone listens to all the business of the company. What's the general arrangement?"

When Zhang Zheng finished, he gave he Bingbing a tender look of pity.

"Cut, who said there would be no pie in the sky? Didn't Luo Yongsen hit it at me?"

When he heard that Zhang Zheng was going back to school, Luo Yongsen made up his mind again.

After the meeting, he hurried back to the office and sent a wechat to Xiao Jingcheng:

"Xiao Shao, Zhang Zheng's return to school tomorrow is a good opportunity for us to start. You immediately contact the relevant departments. The mobile phone parts and other things they bought must be unqualified. They must be sealed up this time. I'll go home soon. Hey hey"

Xiao Jingcheng on the other side was in a hurry. He received a message from Luo Yongsen. He jumped three feet high and completely became a Chinese non-human kangaroo.

He immediately called to report. All the relatives were leaders of relevant departments who had contacts and made friends with the Xiao family.

Xiao Da Shao reported it. They must take it seriously. It was the next day that they had time to check it. They took action this afternoon.

When Zhang Zhenggang entered the school gate, he Bingbing called him in a hurry:

"That Luo Yongsen is certainly not a good thing. Are you crazy to promote him?

In addition, the quality supervision department just called and said that it would enter our factory for investigation. It is suspected that the company is shoddy and uses fake and shoddy parts to make high-end products. What should we do? "

He Bingbing was anxious to cry, but Zhang Zheng laughed and comforted her on the other end of the phone:;

"Wife, you're still in a hurry when the company comes. You don't have to advertise. What a good publicity opportunity.

Later, I told Xu Zihan to call the news God country coffee and let him report at the same time. Now we must have too many orders for our products. Please arrange more people quickly.

I have my own consideration and decision on why to promote and raise Luo Yongsen. Trust me, I'll tell you slowly when I go back, and you'll understand it immediately. Hehe "

He Bingbing just got off the phone with Zhang Zheng, and the leaders of the quality supervision department and relevant departments came to the scene for investigation.

Luo Yongsen is the most enthusiastic. He acts as a guide spontaneously and actively, regardless of his own identity.

Kowtow and directly led the senior officials to the company's plant and warehouse for inspection.

Senior officials certainly won't come in vain. They mainly received a report call from Xiao Jingcheng and naturally brought some professionals.

One of the professional engineers is the most upright and serious, and his voice is particularly loud:

"Oh! These product accessories are amazing. They are expensive things from Siemens of country D. the price is very high. They are made of real materials.

After working for so many years, it's the first time I've seen that Huaxia has spent a lot of money on such good parts. Even those same things of Shaw group can't be compared with this. "

As soon as this remark was made, it surprised everyone. Guoka is the best at catching hot spots. The report was uploaded immediately, and the orders poured in like snowflakes as expected by Zhang Zheng.

For a time, the marketing and sales department used several phones that day, making the sales phones like happy in the new year.

Luo Yongsen wanted to become a mouse immediately. Even if he crossed the street, at least he could get into the hole to avoid shame.

Seeing the news that has made the headlines, Zhang Zheng's Internet giant company is not only not bankrupt, but also in a mess.

Xiao Jingcheng has crooked mouth and eyes, stiff face and facial paralysis!

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