"Zhang Zheng, you have a clear idea! I and several senior executives here have 20% of the company's shares! You have only 15% in your hands. What do you take to fight us!"

Gang crime, right?

It seems that these people colluded before the meeting.

Huang Hui hehe: "you regret it now..."

"I remember there is a provision in the articles of association that the chairman has the right to forcibly buy back the shares held by other shareholders, right?"

When Zhang Zheng finished, Huang Hui burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, buy back? It's a 20% share. Do you know how much it's worth? Hahaha, you want to buy it? OK! We'll give it to you as long as you can afford it!"

The initial issue of shares was one yuan per share. After so many years of operation, the company's share price has risen to more than ten yuan.

After changing the new chairman, filling the debt, announcing the new articles of association and declaring war on Shenggao group, the share price soared to 20 yuan a share overnight.

extortionate price!

"Come on, buy it if you can! We're waiting for you to give us money!"

Huang Hui and others looked at each other, picked up their mobile phones, raised their share prices to 25 yuan a share and listed for sale.

Without any good news, it is against the market rules to directly and roughly raise the stock trading price.

If no one buys, Zhengxing group is driving up the stock price. If things get big, it is not only easy to cause the investors to rebound and cause the stock price to collapse, but also the chairman should bear legal responsibility.

However, Zhang Zheng knocked several times on his mobile phone.

"Yes, go on."

Isn't it money? Zhang Zheng is now poor and has only money left!

The meeting room upstairs is full of dark tide, but the hall downstairs is full of joy. The invited guests intentionally or unintentionally approached he Bingbing and tried to get close to her.

Just a few minutes ago, someone broke a big news.

The chairman of Zhengxing Group invested 800 million yuan to acquire 5% of Shenggao group and sent a threat letter to Shenggao group.

audacious in the extreme!

To everyone's surprise, the mysterious chairman mentioned a small logistics company and predicted that he Bingbing, the general manager of the small company, would become the richest man in Yunhua city in the future.

He Bingbing doesn't know what happened. Suddenly, everyone is so enthusiastic about her, just like relatives.

"Sister he, are you hungry? Look, there are egg cakes!" Xu Zihan took two egg cakes and dragged her to an empty corner.

They were eating. He Bingbing received a text message from Zhang Zheng: "Mr. He, buy the shares of Zhengxing group."

He Bingbing was confused. He opened his mobile phone and glanced at it. He suddenly froze in place.


Five minutes ago, Zhengxing's share price suddenly began to soar.

Xu Zihan saw her in a daze and came over to have a look, but she couldn't understand the complex curves on he Bingbing's mobile phone: "sister he, what are you looking at?"

"Oh, nothing."

He Bingbing took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and quickly called his assistant: "buy the shares of Zhengxing group immediately, the more the better!"

In the conference room.

The share price has risen to 35 yuan a share. There are few stocks left in the hands of Huang Hui and others. Zhang Zheng still casually lights his mobile phone.


Huang Hui's hand was shaking. He tried to see a trace of panic on Zhang Zheng's face. Unfortunately, he didn't. Zhang Zheng was really calm.

After biting his teeth, Huang Hui said to several people around him, "he's just holding on! Keep lifting! I don't believe it!"

If you buy it at this price, even if there is a bank loan, he will go bankrupt!


He Bingbing was stunned.

In this short time, the money she made from buying those stocks has exceeded the profits of the company's ten-year operation!

Still rising!

"He Zong?"

Someone nearby saw he Bingbing in the corner and quietly came to chat up. He Bingbing focused on his mobile phone and didn't move. He didn't hear it at all.

Xu Zihan doesn't understand what she's looking at. What's good about the pictures that are all lines?

"Miss, what's the matter with Mr. He?"

"I don't know either." Xu Zihan scratched his head and said suspiciously, "what did sister he just say... Zhengxing's stock rose..."

Xu Zihan's words caused an uproar. One spread ten, ten spread a hundred. Everyone took out their mobile phones and began to look, and then they were stunned.

"My God!"

"Who can tell me what happened?"

"Buy it! Buy it!"

"Oh, I feel like I missed 100 million!"

Finally, the fierce confrontation ended. Zhang Zheng bought the last stock in the hands of Huang Hui and others at the price of 50 yuan per share.

The hall is full of people. Isn't the new chairman really a God?

In the corner, he Bingbing looks down at his mobile phone. The whole person seems to be stunned.

Conference Room.

Zhang Zheng put away his mobile phone and smiled: "you don't have the shares of Zhengxing group. What else do you take to fight me? You lost!"

Huang Hui shook and almost fell to the ground.

This wave of operation stimulated the whole stock market, and investors began to buy the shares of Zhengxing group crazily. The confrontation in the conference room is over, but the stock price surge is not over.

Zhang Zheng will not lose money, but can make a lot of money. Zhengxing group can also go to a higher level and usher in leapfrog development.

"How could this happen?"

Huang Hui couldn't bear the blow. Things didn't develop as he expected.

He is the second in the family. He is usually pressed by his big brother everywhere. These shares are the biggest chips in his hand. Now they are all gone.

Moreover, when Zhengxing stock soared and everyone bought wildly, he sold it. Those elders of the family will scold him, and it will be more difficult for him to turn over at home in the future.

What do you mean a good hand is badly played?

This is it.


Suddenly a loud slap in the face.

Huang Hui yelled at another shareholder nearby:

"Didn't you say that Shenggao group has prepared everything? Didn't you say that Goldman Sachs Group's plan is flawless? Didn't you say that Zhang Zheng, a poor student, can't fight us at all? Why is it like this? You've hurt me badly!"

"How do I know this will happen? You blame me, who do I blame? I also sold my shares, and now I have nothing!"

The two men wrestled together.

Zhang Zheng motioned to Li Yan: "call security and throw these two people out."


After the site is cleared, everyone is seated again.

Li Yan glanced at Zhang Zheng and said, "everyone has seen that our chairman is young and promising, brilliant and dignified..."

"Cough!" Zhang Zheng coughed.

Li Yan quickly stopped: "Oh, I announce that the meeting will continue. Next, let's talk about the next topic..."

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