He said briefly that the descendants seemed insecure to him, with no results. Moreover, after suspending further operations in the mine, we returned to a more familiar place in the mine.

For the rest of the day, the engineer seemed to be absorbed in some fascinating ideas. He was very reticent, and his eyes were full of fear and bewilderment, just like a person who saw a ghost. In the evening, when the two of us were sitting alone in the residence near the mouth of the mine, I said to my friend:

"Tell me frankly what you saw in that chasm: I am sure this is a strange and terrible thing. Whatever it is, it puts you in a state of suspicion. In this case, two heads Better than a head. Trust me."

The engineer tried his best to avoid my inquiry. However, when he spoke, he unconsciously got rid of the brandy bottle to some extent, which he was totally unaccustomed to, because he was a very restrained person, and his reserves gradually disappeared. Those who are willing to guard themselves should imitate stupid animals and drink water. Finally he said: "I will tell everyone. When the cage stopped, I found myself on a rock. Below me, the crack in this oblique direction was shot down to a considerable depth, and my lamp could not penetrate its darkness. . But, through it, I am infinitely surprised that it constantly emits a steady and dazzling light. Could it be a volcanic fire? Of course I should feel hot in that case. But if you have any doubts about it, clear it. It is paramount to our common safety. I checked the two sides of the descent and found that I could at least somehow risk believing the irregular projection of the ledge. I left the cage and climbed down. As I got closer and closer to the light, The gap grew wider and wider, and finally I saw an incredible surprise. A wide road at the bottom of the abyss illuminates the eyes that look like artificial gas.-Regularly place headlights, such as in large cities On the way; I heard the buzzing in the distance as chaotic as human voices. Of course I knew that there were no competitors working in this area. Whose voices might be? What kind of human hands could level the road and make Group those lights?

"For the miners, the superstition or the belief that the devil lives in the intestines of the earth began to grab me. I was shocked to descend further and face the inhabitants of this dark valley bravely. It is true that I can't do it without a rope, because from The moment I reached the bottom of the canyon, the two sides of the rock suddenly sank, smooth and pure. I walked back with some difficulty. Now I have told everyone."

"Will you fall again?"

"I should, but I don't think I'm stupid."

"A trusted companion will halve the journey and double the courage. I will go with you. We will provide ourselves with ropes of appropriate length and strength. Sorry, you can’t drink more tonight. Tomorrow we must keep our hands and feet. stable.


In the morning, my friend's nerves were rejuvenated, and his curiosity was no less than mine. Maybe more; because he obviously believes in his story, I doubt it. It’s not that he will tell an unreality on purpose, but I think he must be in an illusion. These illusions capture our illusions or our nerves in lonely, unaccustomed places, and in these illusions, we Shaped the invisible and silent sound. mute.

We selected six senior miners to observe our pedigree. Since the cage can only be placed one at a time, the engineer descended first. When he got the ledge before he stopped, the cage re-posed for me. I stood up soon. We provide ourselves with strong ropes.

Just like in the eyes of my friend the day before, my eyes shone in front of my eyes. The depression it passes through is diagonally inclined: to me, it seems to be diffuse atmospheric light, not like a fire, but as soft and silver as the Polaris. Due to the side protrusions, we withdrew from the cage and descended one after another until we reached the place where my friend stopped earlier, which was a projection spacious enough to allow us to stand side by side. From this place, the gap widened rapidly like the lower end of a huge funnel, and I clearly saw the valley, the road, and the lights described by my companion. He didn't exaggerate anything. I heard what he heard-there was an indescribable hum in the sound, and a boring sound from his feet. Looking into the distance, I clearly looked into the distance and saw the outlines of some large buildings. It cannot be just a natural rock, it is too symmetrical, with huge Egyptian-like heavy columns, and the entire interior is illuminated. I have a small pocket telescope. With the help of it, I can distinguish two human-looking forms near the building I mentioned, although I am not sure. At least they are alive, because they moved and disappeared in the building. Now, with the help of clips and grappling hooks, we fix the ends of the ropes we carry on to the standing ledges and provide them with the necessary tools. I obviously saw the outlines of some large buildings in the distance. It cannot be just a natural rock, it is too symmetrical, with huge Egyptian-style heavy columns, and the entire interior is illuminated. I have a small pocket telescope. With the help of it, I can distinguish two human-looking forms near the building I mentioned, although I am not sure. At least they are alive, because they moved and disappeared in the building. Now, with the help of clips and grappling hooks, we fix the ends of the ropes we carry on to the standing ledges and provide them with the necessary tools. I obviously saw the outlines of some large buildings in the distance. It cannot be just a natural rock, it is too symmetrical, with huge Egyptian-style heavy columns, and the entire interior is illuminated. I have a small pocket telescope. With the help of it, I can distinguish two human-looking forms near the building I mentioned, although I am not sure. At least they are alive, because they moved and disappeared in the building. Now, with the help of clips and grappling hooks, we fix the ends of the ropes we carry on to the standing ledges and provide them with the necessary tools. The whole is illuminated from the inside. I have a small pocket telescope. With the help of it, I can distinguish two human-looking forms near the building I mentioned, although I am not sure. At least they are alive, because they moved and disappeared in the building. Now, with the help of clips and grappling hooks, we fix the ends of the ropes we carry on to the standing ledges and provide them with the necessary tools. The whole is illuminated from the inside. I have a small pocket telescope. With the help of it, I can distinguish two human-looking forms near the building I mentioned, although I am not sure. At least they are alive, because they moved and disappeared in the building. Now, with the help of clips and grappling hooks, we fix the ends of the ropes we carry on to the standing ledges and provide them with the necessary tools.

We are almost silent at work. We work hard, just like men who dare not speak. Therefore, one end of the rope is clearly firmly fixed to the ledge, and the other end is the other end where we fixed a rock to it, resting on the ground about fifty feet below. I am younger and much more active than my companion. I have served on the ship since I was a child. This mode of transportation is more familiar to me than to him. I whispered the priority order, so when I stand firm, I might use it to stabilize the rope to prevent him from descending. I went underground safely, and the engineer now began to lower himself. But when the strong fixture we imagined was loosened, he barely finished the ten-foot descent. More precisely, the rock itself proved to be treacherous under this strain, and it was broken; the unhappy man fell to the bottom of the valley, fell under my feet, fell, and the falling rock fragments, one of the lucky ones was, But the small blow shocked me. When I regained consciousness, I saw my companions pervading lifelessly next to me, and life was completely extinct. When I bent over his body in sadness and fear, I heard a strange sound between sniffles and hiss close at hand. Turning to a quarter of it intuitively, I saw a huge and terrifying head protruding from a dark crack in the rock, with an open jaw and sluggish, terrifying, hungry eyes – similar to a crocodile or a snake Head of a huge reptile. Crocodile, but infinitely bigger than the largest creature I have ever seen in my travels. I started to stand up and escape the valley as quickly as possible. Finally, I was ashamed of panicking and fleeing, stopped and returned to the place where I left my friend's body. It is gone; there is no doubt that the monster has swallowed it and swallowed it. The ropes and struggling hooks still lie where they fell, but they prevent me from returning. It is impossible to re-fix them on the rock above, and the sides of the rock are too smooth to be climbed manually

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