"He thinks Emisiak can also eliminate war, but he won't think like Boy Scouts. What he said is that all industrialized countries must work like an atomic bomb, like an atomic bomb, so let us assume that soon All the big countries will have more or less equal machines, well, there was a cold war between country A and country B, and soon entered the showdown stage, and then both countries inserted and let them calculate the start of hostilities Date; if the efficiency of these machines is the same, they will hit the same date; if there is a slight difference between the two, the two countries can negotiate a compromise date.

"The day arrives. It is located in the capital of CIMC. The citizens in each capital gather in their strategic machine, the official high hats and cut gifts are transferred out, there are speeches, beauty pageants, chorus, collective dancing-the ceremony can be pre-defined , And then, at the agreed time, the crowd retreated to a safe distance, and then a committee of high-level cybernetics experts appeared, they boarded the plane, took off, and – very beautiful – put all the atomic and hydrogen bombs on the machine. This is in two countries It happened at the same time, it was neat and it was called International Mushroom Day.

"Then, cybernetic experts in these two countries went back to their vacuum tubes and worked on the other, and nuclear physicists went back to their piles to make more atomic bombs, and when they were ready, they went back to There is another "Mushroom Day." In each Mushroom Day for several years, as long as the diplomatic strategic situation requires, no one has even fired a shot. Scientific warfare. Isn't this wonderful?"

After finishing this special lecture, I finally managed to bring him back to my car from the tavern. I started to send him back to the college, my ears still trembling with the hysterical voice of Armstrong's trumpet. I will never understand what I see in that kind of music. In my opinion, this expression is unhealthy.

"The fool is so stupid," I couldn't help saying. "What guarantee does he have that on your Mushroom Day, the country will not show good lethality and can eliminate one bomb and a set of bombs, and there are other hidden bombs? The chance to seize is too great-she may Will lose all her defenses and open her door to attack."

"Understand?" murmured. "You are a boy scout." Then he fainted without saying Marilyn. It is difficult to say whether he has seen her recently. However, he did meet some very strange people. I want to know more about this Steve Lundy.

November 2, 1959

I did it! Today, I divided the laboratory into two completely independent departments, namely and. I did it all by myself, and I haven't confided anything to the boss. This is my line of reasoning.

At the end, we can get the result, and fast: if it's just a work that builds a pro, like a real leg, no matter what makes it work, it's not a problem. However, if this work must be done by the brain through the spinal cord, it is almost impossible. Who knows whether we will have enough knowledge of nerve tissue to build our own physical, chemical, and electrical substitutes?

As I demonstrated in robotic moths and bed bugs, I can build electronic circuits that seem to repeat specific functions of animal nervous tissue-one robot is attracted to light like a moth, another is repelled by light like a bed bug-but I Don't know how to replicate all the functions of the organization itself. Before the reproduction of nerve tissue, there is no way to provide our limbs with a neuromotor system that can be connected to the central nervous system. The best I can do is get Jack Cook to kick and twist his big toe.

Therefore, the prospects are clear. In terms of machinery, sports, and sports, I can create a **** with thin legs. In general, it may take dozens of centuries to obtain a reasonable fax of the original, and it may never happen. This is not a project I am willing to devote my life to. If he has been engaged in this type of work, he will certainly not get his pictures on paper so frequently.

Therefore, based on this point of view, I divided the entire operation into two separate laboratories, namely-and -. I am responsible for it myself-because it arouses more interest in me, and I have these thoughts about using solenoids to achieve lifelike movements. With any luck, I will soon have a mahogany mechanical limb, which is driven by an electric motor and has a built-in power unit operated by buttons. I hope before Christmas.

Only the right person will take over the neurolab-my assistant Goldweather. Before I made up my mind, I weighed the matter from all angles, because he was Jewish, which made the situation very tricky: some people would take their noses and say that I chose him as a potential scapegoat. Well, Goldweather, no matter where he is from, is the best neurological man I know.

Of course, personally, although my personal feelings are not at all-I am just a little wary of the fellow when entering the picture. Since the first logging trip, he has started to talk about the need to relax in a special way, and then laughed so much at the jokes. Such conversations always show me your lack of respect for work: if something is worth doing at all, etc.

Of course, I am not saying that Goldweather's cynical attitude is related to his being Jewish. The attitude is the same, but he is not Jewish. Still, this afternoon, when I told him that I was going to lead the lab, he lowered his head a little and said, "That's a big promotion. I have always wanted to be God."

I don't like that sentence at all. If I had another neurotic person, he would be removed immediately. What I tolerate is his luck, nothing more.

November 6, 1959

Today I have lunch with Lun at my invitation. I bought him a few martinis, then took out Lundy's name and asked who he was. He sounded funny.

"Steve?" Lun said. "I lived with him in my first year in New York."

I asked Steve exactly what he did.

"Mainly reading. He became a habit when he was studying philosophy at the University of Chicago in the 1930s. When the Civil War broke out in Spain, he signed with Lincoln Brigade and went to fight there. It turned out that this was a serious mistake. His reading caused him a lot of trouble. You are used to asking all kinds of questions, so when the Moscow trial came up, he asked these questions. It started popping up all over Spain and he asked.

"His comrades, he discovered, do not like the questions that players have been asking. In fact, a couple of Steve’s friends who have also asked about the winning streak were found dead in the front, shot in the back, and Steve There is an idea that he is required to receive the same treatment. The people who asked the question seemed to be called saboteurs, Trotskyists or the like, and they died at an alarming rate.

I ordered another martini for Len and asked Steve how he managed to save himself.

Ryan explained: "He defeated the mountain into France." "Since then, he got rid of the cause. He occasionally goes to sea to earn a few dollars, drinks a lot, read a lot of things, and asks some of the smartest I know. Question. If he has anything, you can label it, I want to say he is Rousseau style, Tolstoy style, Voltaire style, think of it also Norbert Wiener, Wiener, you might still Remember, I once asked cybernetics some **** legitimacy questions. Steve knew Wiener’s book very well."

I suggest that Steve sounds like a very colorful guy.

"Yes," Lun said. "Marilyn used to think so." I didn't move my muscles when he said. The smile did not leave my face. Continued: "I have always wanted to talk to you about Marilyn. Now this topic comes-"

"I have forgotten all this," I assured him.

He insisted: "I still want you to stand upright." "It must be interesting to watch. After I moved down to New York, I started to give up work with Marilyn in the lab, two days later. But it doesn't matter what It seems that I have never done her a pass all the time in Boston, Ollie, that’s true, but she is a screw, scattered-headed lady, she decided to stick to herself, because I dabble in poetry and wait with artists in the village Living together, she thought it was so glamorous. She had nothing to do with the New York Chase, no kidding. You two were engaged, didn't you?

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