"Negative what?" Li Badi said. "You mean leading it?"

"Yes," the voice said.

"What is he doing?" Li Bad asked.

"Negative," the voice said.

Li Bai exploded. "If you mean you don't know, why don't you say that? Who is this?"

"This happens to be Major Johns, Sergeant, if you know what is good for you,"

Li Huai stopped listening, because a man in a combat uniform was obviously attracted by his voice. He stood on the green, looked down at the bunker where Li Huai was, and pointed his carbine at him.

"I must hang up now, Major." Li Badi said quietly. "I just happened to something negative. I was caught."

The man riding a carbine yelled to Li Badi: "Well, your hand is raised above your head."

Li Badi did this. He hopes he is sure enough. He did not want to be shot by a senator's man, regardless of whether the man was authorized or unauthorized.

Senator Sebold sat on a desk in the office of the manager of the Raleigh Country Club. He is wearing a leather trench coat and fur hat. The wing commander's badge gleamed on his shoulder, and a bullet belt was buckled on his belt. The holster hung on it, but there was a heavy 0.45 on the table. He motioned Li Huai to sit down. Two guards stood at the door.

"Name?" Boldly snapped.

Li Huai decides to use his own name, but pretends to be the local York.

"Lee bad Nad Kurt."

"What are you doing out there?"

"I saw the light."

"Who are you talking to in the sandpit?"

"No one. I sometimes talk to myself."

"Oh, you know. Have you ever talked to yourself about a man named Osbert Garrett or Hector Sevik?" Looked at a large map fixed on the wall to benefit from His strong image.

Lee Bad said: "Hector is now king." "Before that, things got very bad, but now we have enough food."

"Where does the food come from?"

Li Badi shrugged.

Use your fingers to play drums on the table. "You are not exactly the source of information, are you? What do you do?"

"I used to work in a chewing gum factory, but was later fired."

"Do you know Geneva Jervis?"

"Who is he?" Li Huai said naively.

The bolder stood up. "Bring this man to...," he said to one of the guards. "We have to start somewhere. Are there other places?"

"Four or five," the guard said.

"Give me the brightest one. Give this and the rest of the meal, then go to class, then let go of them. It doesn't seem to cause us any trouble right away, and we don't have much to do before daylight. "

The guard led Li Wei out of the room and fastened the buttons to the lapel. It says: Bobby bold in peace and war.

"What? Me." Li Huai asked him.

"Direction and integration. No one will hurt you. We are here to end the partition, nothing more."

"End partition?"

"It's like being in Ireland. Keeping excellence in America. They will tell you everything. Then you tell your friends. Want more buttons?"

As promised, Li Huai was fed, spoken, and then released.

Early the next morning, after having coffee with him in the Cavalier Restaurant, he returned to the golf course. Aris went with him with a frugal mood.

A glimpse of the plan obtained from .&. is being put into practice. Rayleigh Street provides a dividing line between the Raleigh Country Club and the Gum Factory and has now been converted into a middle road.

The troops stringed colorful flags on the south side of the street and set up stalls. Hector's soldiers were obviously relieved and realized that the battle was psychological, not physical, and they hurriedly prepared rival attractions for them. More and more people crowded the center of Riley Street. Some people wear buttons. Some people wore other buttons, which were twice as large as they were, and also had photos of Hector I’s smiling. Some people wear it.

The sun is shining, but the air is slightly cool. As a result, one of the most popular stalls was on the Hector side of the street, where the cheeky McPherson presented seemingly inexhaustible hand warmers. Shamelessly urged everyone to take two, one in each pocket, and then throw a handful of bubble gum.

Two of Hector's men put up a ladder and hung a banner across the two shops. It said with high feet: a superior kingdom, a rich land.

A group of troubleshooters observed, then rushed out, and brushes and paint reappeared. They modified a billboard to read in two-foot-tall letters: American Superior, Freedom House.

Vendors on both sides rushed to deliver hot dogs, boiled ears of corn, steaming coffee, hot chocolate, candy bars and popcorn.

"There is a wise man." pointed out a sign of the territory. It said "" in a vacant store. The senator’s personnel have set up tables and chairs inside, and they have lined up.

Obviously, a strong complaint was one of the first to be registered because a man was motivated to take action. He ran out of the store, and a few minutes later the sign painter started working again. Their new banner was hung in the sun to dry, proclaiming: Airship Mail.

Below, it says in lowercase letters: How long have you heard from my dear people on earth? Will carry your letter and small package. Direct daily contact with the U.S. Postal Service.

"You must admire them," Aris said. "They are truly organized."

Li Badi said: "One is as bad as the other." To be fair, he was eating Hector's hot dogs and drinking coffee. "Did you notice the gun in the window upstairs?"

"No. You mean on the side of the Senator?"

"Both. Don't stare."

"I see it now. Do you see any Gizil sticks? Did Hector use it on his body?"

"No. Just regular old rifles and shotguns. We hope no one can start anything."

"Look," Aris said, grabbing Li Baden's arm. "Didn't Ed Clark enter?"

"Of course it is. I want to collect material for another powerful editorial."

But within a few minutes, Clark's visit sparked another event. Two of them rushed out of the renovated store and rushed to the country club. They returned with the senator himself, and the senator made his first appearance.

The bold man strode along halfway, wearing his soft pilot helmet, his goggles raised his forehead, and the silk scarf fluttering behind him. A group of young boys followed him, imitating his confident walk, occasionally scrambling for the buttons he threw at them. The senator entered the grapple room.

Aris said: "It looks like Ed interviewed this great man."

"You didn't talk to Clark about our conversation with Gizl, did you?"

Aris said, "I did mention it to him." "Is that bad?"

"I would say no half an hour ago. Now I'm not sure."

The speaker's platform has been set up on the side of the senator and can now be canned, but a sensational band music is emitted from the speakers. Come out and install the platform. A large crowd was waiting for him.

Raised his hands as if he was still turbulent. The music disappeared and the talk was gone.

"My good friend and American," the senator began.

Then, the hectorite sound equipment started to catch fire directly across the street. As workers began to build competitor's speaker platforms, the hammering sound exacerbated the interference. Then, the music on the north side of Riley Street turned into a triumphal parade, and Hector I entered his ranks.

Speak stubbornly. From time to time, I heard a sentence from Li Huaien. "...Reunion with the United States... ends this non-American, this literal division..."

But many people in the crowd turned to watch Hector, who was wearing his robe, magnificent and enthusiastic.

Hector said: "My superiors, loyal subjects, I warn you not to listen to this outsider who has been involved in our affairs." "What can he offer your king does not provide? You have security and inexhaustible food supply , Especially independence!"

Increased his volume and flourished:

"Ah, but you must be independent, my friend? Ask your puppet king who provides this food and at what price? How does its safety do you think your whip passes through an atmosphere like a guided missile? You are in the Atlantic Ocean Who knew the control device might disintegrate in a few seconds and dump us all into ice water?"

Hector pushed his crown back over his head, as if it were a Derby hat. "Who is here to ask the senator? Let me remind you that he does not even represent our former Ohio representative. I emphasize the former Ohio. We all know he is a political adventurer, but he has never tried to interfere in American affairs. . Another country!"

Sebred said: "And you know places outside Western Europe." "Eastern Europe and Russia. Atheism, communist red Russia. Is that where you want to drop? Because that's where you want to be in Hector Sivik The so-called place to advance under the leadership. King Hector proclaimed himself. Let me remind you, friends, if the Soviet Russians hate anything other than democracy, it is the monarchy! I don’t want to consider if you come. Kremlin, what will your chance be. Remember what they did to the Tsar."

Then Senator Bobby Seybird played his trump card:

"But, my poor poor friends, there is a worse possibility. It made the creature behind Hector Sivik decide to go home-and enter outer space. Hector told you Are these creatures? He didn’t. Did he tell? Are you an alien from another planet? He didn’t see-creatures like kangaroos, for their own evil purposes, made Hector what he is today Look like.

"But, my friends, these are not cute and harmless kangaroos all over the land of our friendly ally Australia. No. These are clever aliens. These things are not useful to us at all, and they secretly Stole American territory and is now delinking from it."

There was a murmur from the crowd. They looked up at Hector. His speech was almost over. He seemed unsure of how to answer.

"Yes, my friends," continued, "you may be wondering how your destiny will be affected by the crazy former mayor. A few thousand feet above the sea level will run out of air. Then, You will truly get rid of the beautiful America of the past, because you will suffocate to death. That is my friends,"

Someone shot at the Senator at that time. It missed him and broke the second window behind it.

Immediately, the man behind the window smashed the rest of the glass, then jumped over the crowd and fired at the street.

People screamed and ran away. Li Bai seized Aris and withdrew her from the fire zone. They looked back from the back of the truck, and until a minute ago, the truck had been distributing hot buttered popcorn.

Aris said: "The hostilities seem to have begun." She smiled nervously. "I guess it's my rudeness to Ed Clark."

Li Badi said: "This is bound to happen sooner or later." "I hope no one gets hurt."

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