"He used to be a Spanish priest, or a Spanish priest. He and he thought they ruled the island. They were the two of us who looked at us from the shore. You will see them in the morning."

That was Lucky's last sentence on this topic. He will separate and talk to him. Dingleg finds food for Li Huai, but refuses to talk. "No, no, my son, when Jesbro passes by us as a great bird, when it passes through the woods as a night beast, we don't talk about it anymore."

Li Badi urgently asked for more information, but the old man was stubbornly silent. Later, he found the sleeping place in Li Huai's own cabin. Li Huai gave the impression that he had been guarding the entrance all night.

But nothing happened overnight. In the morning, Laki was there, with painful bitterness, saying that it was time to meet Rozzeno and Unal on the cliff. Mercedes was pale, his mouth closed, his black eyes filled with hatred, and he was with him. So is Gorch. It doesn't look happy at all.

"What is biting you?" Li Badi said to Laqi.


"My impression is that things around you just scare you away."

"You're crazy!" Ludge's voice roared. "I am not afraid of anything around here-you-or anyone else." When he spoke, the man's face was a mask and his eyes were wild.

"Of course, yes, I understand." The pilot replied.

They moved along the cliff until they came to an upward sloping ledge.

"Let's go up," muttered.

When they walked up, they rose to the top of the tree. Glittering faintly in the morning sun, the sea came into sight. Winding about a mile around the coastline, a cloud of mist is visible. It also seems to be enclosed above them, covering the entire island like a thin, gleaming dome.

Li Badi said: "That is a strange fog."

"It's not heavy fog." Ludge replied. "I don't know exactly what it is, but when it is there, the island is invisible. If you are on the other side of it, you can't see anything."

"Well," Li Bad said. They continue upward. Curved, curved ledges surround the rising cliff. Li Huai slowly realized that the rising ledge was not formed naturally, but a passage cut into the cliff wall. [Page 140]

Realizing this, the pilot felt awe in his heart. This window sill is very old. It must have been cut into cliffs before Columbus sailed west.

Not far from the coast of California, misty beaches, sunny beaches, sun-drenched cities, and busy roads. In the distance there are orange groves and millions of people.

In the mist deep in this mist on the island, millions of people so close do not know it. This is something that does not belong to any century that Li Huai can imagine in the 20th century.

His back is cold. Somewhere in him, he was angry. This island, this place, is real. In the past, he made a terrible mistake, and now he can never correct it. He put this idea in his mind.

The ledge became a cliff, a tunnel carved into solid stone. The walls of the tunnel are as smooth as polished marble. In the past, what tools could one use to cut such a smooth wall in a tunnel that it looked like glass? Modern equipment is not doing well.

The wall on the tunnel wall allows light to enter and glimpse the island.

"Where will we find it, oh Pedro!" Rattle said. The Indian messenger from the previous night appeared in the tunnel. He waved to them. They followed him into a large room cut out of solid stone.

This is one of the cleanest and simplest rooms Li Wei has ever seen. It contains handmade chairs and a large table along the wall, which are also handmade. The light from the crack in the wall flowed into the room.

And sitting behind the table, illuminated by the light coming from the wall behind them. Lozzeno's nose is very thin, the narrow face of a typical high-breed Spanish. Urnar was short and squatting, his cheeks flat and his nose hooked. Both eyes can't understand at all.

The face is old, wrinkled, and kind. Li Bai looked at the pastor and immediately fell in love with him. When he glanced at it, he saw the kindness of that face, and he also saw the gun drawn from the corner of his eye.

At that moment, he knew why he laughed so violently the night before, when he said he would go to see peace with them.

Ludge planned to kill both of them; when they were sitting at that table, he shot them unarmed. Shoot them like a dog!

The gun is already in Ricky's hands. Li Badi's fist stretched out and connected to Raqi's chin. This blow made the pilot's full strength behind.

Ludge turned his head to one side. He got rid of Li Bad's blow. The roar from his lips is the roar of wild animals. When the gun hit the floor, the metal roared. Sound echoed in the room-Mercedes was screaming. Li Huai follows Laqi and becomes a dog with him [page 141] and a mouse. He caught a savage.

Luck stumbled against the wall, grabbed one of the handmade chairs, got up, and drove to Li Bai. The pilot encountered a charge. They are locked together.

Ludge was a tornado, and raging anger broke out. He threw Li Badi away and jumped up. Li Badi bent his knees. The fallen pistol lay in front of him. He grabbed it.

Latch was walking towards him. He hesitated and saw the gun in Li Badi's hand.

The pilot said: "I will kill you."

Latch caught himself. In an instant, he seemed to hang in the air, and a yellow light hung in front of Li Bad. He tried to make up his mind whether to succumb to the gun.

"Raise your hand," Li Badi said.

Slowly, the yellow color disappeared from Ricky's eyes.

"Raise your hand!" Li Huai repeated.

This time Latch obeyed him. Li Huai leaned him against the wall and took out the second pistol from his pocket, his own gun.

"Damn you!" Ludge growled. Li Badi saw that the person was not talking to him, but to Go Qi, and he also saw that Go Qi hadn't moved during the whole process. The man stood still. Dare not move.

Li Huai turned to the two people behind the table. They also did not move, although it seemed that he was about to stand up. Lozzeno sat very quietly. His face is full of sadness.

"Go away," he gestured. "You too, go away too."

"You mean we can catch up-" Hobbled.

Lozeno said, "I don't want to see you two again." There was actual pain in his voice. "go!"

"Wait," Li Huai said quickly.

"Yes, my son?" The looking face lost sorrow, and the animation suddenly came to life.

"Aren't you telling me that you want to let go of these two?" the pilot protested.

"of course."

"But Ricky tried to kill you."

"I know-"

"Then he will try again. Something here is driving him crazy. I don't know what it is, but he knows. If you let him go, I will let go of the rattlesnake as soon as possible, Johnny Ludge."

Li Bad's words are rigid, straightforward, and powerful. However, despite their various influences on the old priest, he had better not speak to them. Lozzeno smiled. "I don't think Laqi or Gucci will hurt us. They can't hurt us." He made a gesture with his hand and said a word: "!".

He left the room and walked quickly, just like a man who was very happy to be able to leave.

"I hope you know what you are doing," Li Hao said, seeing Luo Zeno not looking at him. The old priest is watching Mercedes-Benz.

Luo Zeno added: "You can stay here with us." [Page 142]

Mercedes' face expressed gratitude. "Thank you."

Luo Zeno turned his attention to Li Badi. "You are a newbie on our island, aren't you, my son?"


"How did you get here? Did your ship crash?"

"Yes. But, actually, we are looking for this island." Li Badi quickly explained what had happened.

"Lach is gone, did he hire you to take him back to the flying boat?" Lozzeno seemed a little uneasy.

Urnar made a grunting sound for the first time. Answered the quick words that did not understand. Urnar murmured again, and there was a fiery light in his eyes. "Kill him!" His fist fell on the table.

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