Buzzing, flowing with dynamic light, emitting light around the small image. Slowly, the statuette began to glow with silver. The shining light moves on it, moves, changes, this is a moment, the next moment is another thing. It looks like a moth emerging from its cocoon and turning into a butterfly. The tiny wings loosened and the head moved.

The sleepy bird groaned in the room.

With a sound, a burst of cold in the deepest seemed to have swept Li Badi. This is magic that the mind cannot understand. But this is not magic, but the highest level of scientific achievement.

When she heard the hoarse voice, her fingers moved quickly on the control panel, bouncing a symphony that only she could understand. The kitty moved out of the slot, spread its wings, they flapped, and then moved up into the air in the room.

As the room circled, it became bigger. The hoarse voice became louder, and now there was a little harp music. 'S fingers move on the control panel like lightning. The growing eagle seems to have picked up its control device. It hovered, hovered, through the open gap, out of the room, and into the outdoors. It's Jebro now.

Its image appears on the screen. It flew high into the air, still growing. The scene on the screen shows a miniature of the entire island, with the sea beating against the shore and boats moored at anchor points. The fingers moved frantically on the controls. "This is one of the hardest things. When they were released for the first time, they seemed to be attracted by the sun. They struggled desperately to escape into space—there! I've got it under control."

The scene changed and a group of people climbed onto the ledge. When Li Huai saw these people realizing Jezblo, he suddenly raised his head to the sky. He can imagine the fear through them. They have seen Johnny Ritchie destroy Jebro, but Jebro reappears here.

From their perspective, it miraculously resurrected and jumped from the sky again. The gun was shot upwards. But these people don't have the calmness, nervousness, and the eye for shooting of Johnny Lach. They missed it. Jebro jumped into it.

They dispersed and screamed. The two got off the ledge and the three raced down [page 153]. A harp mounted in the air leading to Jezbro's victory.

Li Badi felt relieved for a while. In Jezblo, this is actually the most powerful weapon, a means to stop the attack. "Girl! You did it!"

After a second, he was in trouble. "But Johnny Lackey is not there. He must be on the cliff already."

A gun roared three times in the mountains. The sound of footsteps teetered in the corridor outside. Pedro stumbled into the room. His face is a **** mask.

"He is inside." When he coughed, he vomited blood and life. He stumbled, fascinated himself, stumbled again, fell like a dead man, and never stood up again.

"I am feeling the happiest-who is in heaven -" the voice whispered in the room. The only voice.

Urnar moved slowly, standing next to Pedro. They used to be masters and servants, but in the past, they guarded treasures together and came out of Mexico. Urnar moved to the wall and took the heavy battle axe hanging there. He said: "Time is up to me." "When my chief goes to see Cortez, I will go to meet the man!" His eyes flickered.

"Wait!" Lozzeno called. The priest stood up. "I have resolved the conflict in my heart. Sometimes even good people have to fight evil forces." He took a spear from the wall.

Li Huai said, "I will go with you two." "A moment." He took one of the two pistols from his jacket. He passed it on silently. "As a last resort, please use it."

"But, Bill, there is still time-"

Li Badi did not hear her voice. He is moving to another place with He. "At least," Lozzeno said. "We have this advantage. We know our way out here."

They walked silently through the passage beside the room. "Get it back," Li Huai whispered over and over again. "He is the heart and core of this business. With him, we can handle other matters."

"Did you see anyone,?" Ludge's voice came from somewhere.

"No. I think I'm a bit old, but he hides somewhere and can't see it."

"Latch is on the other side of the corridor," Lozzeno said softly. "The last speaker is in the next room."

They slipped to the opening and stared at the next room. A man there squatted on the wall, looking at the opening to the corridor. In that man's sight, Urnar was crazy. This is the man who killed Pedro.

A sharp battle sound exhaled from his lips, raised the huge axe, and rushed into the gate.

The squatting man turned around. Smoke and thunder rolled down from the gun in his hand. Ulna was killed before crossing half of the room. But regardless of death or injury, he persisted.

The heavy axe fell on the head of the man desperately trying to block it. The man [page 154] went downstairs. In an instant, Urnar's victory, wild, savage and fierce battle cry roared in the buzzing of the passage, and then remained silent with Urnar forever.

"Hey, what the **** is going on?" Raqi's startled voice came.

"We have to walk through the corridor to deal with him," Li Badi said softly. "There are others here."

"Listen!" Lozzeno whispered.

A sound came from behind them, crackling.

"People in the village." Luo Zeno whispered. "When they no longer feared Jebro, they mustered up the courage to come here."

The noise is getting stronger and stronger. Running feet move along the corridor. Lacky yelled somewhere, but the words disappeared.

The cry of one woman is higher than the other voices-Evra.

Li Badi cursed loudly as he ran. At the side entrance of the large room, the mercury pool turned, and he stopped, shocked.

The room seemed overcrowded. He recognized that some of them were from the village, while others had never met. From their appearance, he judged that they had come on board. Latch was walking through the door leading to the main corridor. The gun in his hand was aimed, and the latter squatted on the keyboard of the huge machine. A smile appeared on Ludge's face.

"Bad Lee!" Raqi's voice shouted. "Bad Lee! I have your girl. Come out and give up on yourself, otherwise I will let her own it."

This is the moment of his victory, this is the moment of his victory. Li Bai stared at the edge of the door, now he knew he had nowhere to go. If he entered the room and tried to shoot, the man would definitely be killed when he shot the pilot.

"Bad Lee!" Ludge shouted again. With a smile on his face, he waited for the answer.

Moves your finger on the control panel. Mercedes stood up slowly. The people in the room were silent, waiting for an answer to Laqi's order. Li Bai hesitated and stood outside the door. No matter what he does, it seems to him that there is only one answer.

Behind Luck, coming in from the corridor, something was moving. Seeing it, Li Badi felt a burst of piercing cold over him.

This is a mountain lion-giant mountain lion. As its head swung from side to side, its chin dangling in the corridor and killed the body of a man.

That is a Jebro mountain lion.

Once upon a time, it was a small image in the niche market next to the machine. Then life entered its own life, and now it wanders in the room like a huge beast, where there used to be a small image.

The first person who saw it died Bai Bai and passed out. Others saw it almost at the same moment. Swept the entire room. No one's nerves can prove that there is no such sight. The screaming person suddenly tried to get rid of the suddenly troubled place.

The cougar flows into the room. Like Lucky, its eyes are yellow. There was a gleam in their eyes. This Puma is vague, but there is also physical reality.

Ludge turned to face the threat from behind him. The gun in his hand spits out flames and anger.

He destroyed the Jebro hawks. He will also destroy the Jazbro Jaguar.

The cougar threw the man off his chin. Squat down. It rushed directly to the muzzle. Pull and slide to the side. The cougar missed it. When a crazy girl moved a button on the keyboard, it slid to the floor and tried to turn.

The floor is smooth and the feet have no grip. The jaguar's tail touched mercury. The tail smoked, as if suddenly on fire.

The cougar screamed. It seems to be pulled into the swimming pool. It seems that something in the pool grabbed Puma, grabbed it, and pulled it into mercury.

It disappeared, disappeared. There was no flame afterwards. The life that makes it full of energy comes from this swimming pool. Now, life is back to the source.

The dazed Ludge put down his smoking gun.

Li Bai walked forward silently.

"Put down the gun!" he said.

Ludge seemed stiff. His back turned to Li Bad. He did not try to turn around.

"You call me," Li Huai said. "I'm here. Put down the gun!"

Ludge roared, whirled, and fell where he turned. His eyes widened. They glared at Li Badi like yellow flames of hatred. He tried to raise the gun.

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