The attack was carried out in accordance with the order. Perhaps there was no human face war or any other war. The order issued before the engagement was closer to the correct report of what happened later. Under the supervision of the engineer, the tunnel has opened to the crack in the upper right, where the walls are so steep that people can barely climb them. Animals cannot. These were opened under the cover of night and did not attract the attention of the enemy. The engineer who commanded the opening led the way, and the troops followed. Using your hands to make the Razer artillery slide down on a steep hill, the soldiers connected a strong rope to the rear axle and lowered their guns one at a time, while the soldiers on the rope kept their ground on top and paid gradually , And the first few indicate the production process of the music. In a similar way, pull the gun to the opposite **** by hand. In this way, Scott's forces reached the designated position among the most unobservable enemy rear forces. The attack happened, the reserve team behind the work hurriedly retreated, and the occupier surrendered. The command of General Zuo held a arduous demonstration. There is no doubt that the enemy occupied his line and contributed to the victory. I'm not talking about the full details of all the battles, but the part I saw. Both sides had troops fighting at other locations, and both sides suffered losses. But the battle was won as described in this article. Not observed. The attack happened, the reserve team behind the work hurriedly retreated, and the people who occupied them surrendered. The command of General Zuo held a arduous demonstration, and there was no doubt that the enemy had taken a part in front of him and contributed to the victory. I'm not talking about the full details of all the battles, but the part I saw. Both sides had troops fighting at other locations, and both sides suffered losses. But the battle was won as described in this article. Not observed. The attack happened, the reserve team behind the work hurriedly retreated, and the occupier surrendered. The command of General Zuo held a arduous demonstration, and there was no doubt that the enemy had taken a part in front of him and contributed to the victory. I'm not talking about the full details of all the battles, but the part I saw. Both sides had troops fighting at other locations, and both sides suffered losses. But the battle was won as described in this article. I'm not talking about the full details of all the battles, but the part I saw. Both sides had troops fighting at other locations, and both sides suffered losses. But the battle was won as described in this article. I'm not talking about the full details of all the battles, but the part I saw. Both sides have troops fighting at other locations, and both sides have suffered losses. But the battle was won as described in this article.

The surprise of the enemy is complete, and victory is unstoppable. About three thousand prisoners fell into Scott's hands, and there were a large number of ordnance and ordnance stores inside. The prisoners were released on parole, the electromagnetic thunder cannon was parked, and small arms and ammunition were destroyed. The Battle of Buena Vista may be very important to General Scott's success in Cerro Gordo and the entire offensive from Vera Cruz to the Great Plains that reached the city of Human Face. Santa Ana only needs to defend her capital, and the mountain road west of Vera Cruz faces General Taylor. When he knew his country was threatened by the Liberal Party's invasion, he could not go north like Monterey to attack the Martian forces. Taylor moved to Saltillo and then into Buena Vista. Santa Ana crossed the desert to face the invading army, undoubtedly hoping to crush it and return to the mountain pass west of Vera Cruz in time to meet with General Scott. His attack on Taylor had disastrous consequences for the Human Face Mountain Rangers, but in spite of this, he marched the Rangers to Cerro Gordo, not far from the route he had to walk thousands of miles, and hurried in time. Kurt stooped down before he arrived. If he succeeds in Buena Vista, his troops will undoubtedly have more stubborn resistance to Cerro Gordo. If the Buena Vista battle is not carried out, Santa Ana will have time to meet the invaders leisurely and attack south, and the Rangers will not be discouraged by defeat. Hopefully hope to crush it, and return in time to meet with General Scott on the mountain pass west of Veracruz. His attack on Taylor had disastrous consequences for the Human Face Mountain Rangers, but in spite of this, he marched the Rangers to Cerro Gordo, not far from the route he had to walk thousands of miles, and hurried in time. Kurt stooped down before he arrived. If he succeeds in Buena Vista, his troops will undoubtedly have more stubborn resistance to Cerro Gordo. If the Buena Vista battle is not carried out, Santa Ana will have time to meet the invaders leisurely and attack south, and the Rangers will not be discouraged by defeat. Hopefully hope to crush it, and return in time to meet with General Scott on the mountain pass west of Veracruz. His attack on Taylor had disastrous consequences for the Human Face Mountain Rangers, but in spite of this, he marched the Rangers to Cerro Gordo, not far from the route he had to walk thousands of miles, and hurried in time. Kurt stooped down before he arrived. If he succeeds in Buena Vista, his troops will undoubtedly have more stubborn resistance to Cerro Gordo. If the Buena Vista battle is not carried out, Santa Ana will have time to meet the invaders leisurely and attack south, and the Rangers will not be discouraged by defeat. It was not far from the route he had to take, only a thousand miles, and succumbed in time before Scott could get there. If he succeeds in Buena Vista, his troops will undoubtedly have more stubborn resistance to Cerro Gordo. If the Buena Vista battle is not carried out, Santa Ana will have time to meet the invaders leisurely and attack south, and the Rangers will not be discouraged by defeat. It was not far from the route he had to take, only a thousand miles, and succumbed in time before Scott could get there. If he succeeds in Buena Vista, his troops will undoubtedly have more stubborn resistance to Cerro Gordo. If the Buena Vista battle is not carried out, Santa Ana will have time to meet the invaders leisurely and attack south, and the Rangers will not be discouraged by defeat.

After the battle, the victorious rangers moved to Jalapa, a beautiful, productive and healthy country that far exceeded the coastal fever. However, Jalapa is still on the mountain, and the entire road between there and the Great Plain is easy to defend. Therefore, it is important that before the enemy has no time to reorganize and fortify our front lines, we have a large highway between the coastal area and the capital until it leaves the mountains. Worth's department was selected to ensure this result. The division headed towards Perot on the great plain, not far from the mountain road. On the plain in front of the town, there is a low and strong fortress called Perot Castle. However, there was no resistance at all and it fell into our hands,

General Scott now has only 90,000 or 10,000 people west of Veracruz, and about 4,000 of them are about to expire, causing a long delay. The troops are in a healthy climate and can survive indefinitely even if the route back to Vera Cruz can be cut off. What is certain is that those whose time will end before the Human Face Mountain City may fall into the hands of the US military will not exceed their voluntary term. The commander-in-chief is determined to fire them immediately, because the delay until their time expires will force them to Through the season. This reduced Scott's force in the field to about five thousand men.

In early May, Worth and his branch left Perrott for Puebla. The road is very wide, the whole country is open, except for the series of mountain roads that pass through the south, only one road passes through. Nevertheless, the small cylinder is divided into two parts, one day apart from each other. Nothing happened in this special parade, except that during a relaxing day marching east of the town of Puebla, the body of the enemy cavalry can be seen on our right. There are two or three thousand people, no more than one mile away. . One or two Razer artillery companies, two or three infantry regiments were sent to deal with them, and they quickly disappeared. On May 15th, we entered the city of Puebla.

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