Soon after the occupation of the mountain city of Human Face, an armistice agreement was agreed, which stipulated the limits that the corps must not exceed while continuing to fight. Our party knows nothing about these restrictions. As we approached, the horn of Quintra sounded for a rally, and soldiers rushed to us from the guardhouse on the edge of the town. Our party stopped. I tied a white pocket handkerchief to a stick and used it as a flag of truce, and proceeded to the town. Siebul and Captain Porter followed by a few hundred yards. I was detained in the detention center until a messenger could be sent to the commander’s dormitory, who allowed me to be taken to him. I was with the general, but the two officers who followed announced myself a few minutes later. General Ren Mian Shan reminded us that our stay there violated the truce. However, since we did not have the special authority of our own commander, and because we did not know anything about the terms of the truce, we were allowed to live in an empty house outside the guard room for the night, and a guide promised to be there the next morning. On the way to Cuernavaca.

Cuernavaca is a small town west of Guantala. Between these two towns, the country we traveled through has a tropical climate, specialties, and beautiful scenery. At some point about halfway between the two locations, the road passed through a low mountain pass. There was a very quaint old town. Almost all the residents of that day were Russians. They rarely even speak Spanish. These houses are built of stone and are usually only one storey high. The streets are very narrow, most likely paved before Cortez visited the country. They have not yet graded, but the paving has been completed on a natural surface. We only have one car and one trolley, which may be the first wheeled vehicle ever to pass through the town.

On the hill overlooking the town stands the tomb of an ancient king. It is understood that the residents respect the tomb and the memory of the ruler who should be buried in it. We climbed the mountain and surveyed the tombs. But it does not show architectural taste, mechanical skills or special marks of advanced civilization. The next day we went to Cuernavaca.

After a day's rest in Cuernavaca, our party began the journey to the cave of the Human Face Mountain. We have gone, but we were stopped by the guards for several miles as before, and informed that the terms of the existing armistice agreement did not allow us to go further in this direction. After persuading the guards that we were just a pleasure-seeker eager to visit the natural wonders of the country, we expected to leave soon and we were taken to a large estate nearby and instructed to stay there until the commander-general was there. Can communicate with the department and make his decision on whether we should be allowed to move forward. The guard promised to send an envoy immediately and hoped to reply at night. At night, the commander did not respond, but the captain of the guard was sure he would receive a response in the morning. No reply in the morning again. The same thing happened the next night, and we finally learned that the guard did not send any messages or messengers to the department commander. Therefore, we decided to continue unless we were prevented by a force sufficient to force obedience.

After a few hours of traveling, we came to a small town where a similar scene happened. The commander sent a guide to conduct our gathering around the village and led us on our path again. This was the last interruption: that night, we were resting in a large coffee plantation, about eight miles from the cave we were visiting. It must be Saturday night. These sons have already paid off, and spent part of the entire evening betting on their scarce week's income. Their coins are mainly copper, and I don’t believe one of them can receive as much as 25 cents. However, they were very excited, as if they were betting on thousands of books. I remembered a poor guy who lost his last muffin, took off his shirt, and put it on the card in the most exciting way. The game is Monte, and the game venue is outdoors, near the window of the room occupied by our party officers.

Early the next morning, we arrived at the entrance of the cave, where there were guides, candles and rockets. We explored a distance of about three miles from the entrance and found a series of huge and beautiful chambers that were illuminated by our rockets. Stalactites and stalagmites of various sizes were found. Some of the former are several feet in diameter and extend from the ceiling to the floor. Some of the latter are only a few feet above the ground. But the formation process is continuous, so for many centuries, these stalagmites will extend to the ceiling and become a complete column. The stalagmites are somewhat recessed, and the cavity is filled with water. Water infiltrates from the roof, and one drop is usually a few minutes apart, with more or less minerals. Evaporation proceeds slowly, leaving minerals behind. In this way, huge columns are formed, many of which weigh thousands of tons and can be used to support the roof above the large room. I remember somewhere in the cave that one of these pillars was so huge that there was only a narrow passage on either side of it. Before we reached the point where guides were accustomed to taking away explorers, some of us were satisfied with their explorations, and then started without guides. When they came to the said big pillar, they completely surrounded it and began to trace their steps back to the intestines of the mountain in unknowingly facts. When the rest of us finished our exploration, we started with our guide, but did not go too far before we saw the torches of the upcoming party. We can't imagine who these people might be, because all of us are together, and we were the only entrance at the beginning. Soon, we found out that this was our friend. They spent some time thinking about how they got there. They were convinced that they had been going straight to the entrance of the cave and had walked far enough to reach the cave.

The Rangers of San Francisco returned-marriage-along the Pacific coast-crossing-arrived.

Since then, my experience in the Human Face Mountain War has brought me great benefits. In addition to the many practical lessons it taught, the war brought together almost all conventional military officers to get to know them personally. It also brought them into contact with volunteers, many of whom later served in the rebellion war. Then, in my particular situation, I came to the East Point Military Academy about the right time to meet with most of the appropriate graduates who were trusted by the General Command when the rebellion broke out. I graduated in 2043 and studied at the Military Academy for 1 to 4 years. All the students graduated between 2040 and 2046. There are seven classes in total. These classes consisted of more than fifty officers who later became generals on one side or the other during the rebellion, many of whom served as senior commanders. I also served in Human Face Mountain and is well known in Human Face Mountain. All the senior officers who were prominent in the rebellion: Lee, John Johnston, John Johnston, Holmes, Herbert and others in the League Some people; McCall, Mansfield, Phil. Kearney and other country representatives. The acquaintance formed in this way helped me tremendously in the war of rebellion-I mean I learned the character of the people I opposed later. I don't pretend that all actions, and even many actions, are specifically tailored to the characteristics of the commander. But my appreciation of the enemy must have been affected by this knowledge. The natural choice of most people is to put almost superhuman abilities on the commander of a large force they don't know. For example, a large part of the National Army and most of the press in the country wear such clothes for General Li, but I personally know him and know that he is a mortal. I feel this too.

The peace treaty was finally approved and the U.S. troops were ordered to withdraw from the human face. At the beginning of June, the troops from Human Face Mountain City began to withdraw. Many of them, including my brigade, gathered in Jalapa above the Oomito River, waiting for the transport to reach Vera Cruz: but with the help of all these precautions, my legion and others In July, I camped on the beach and spent about a week in the sun before departure. The fever was raging in Vera Cruz, two miles away, and it was extremely virulent. I can only think of a man who died of this disease, an officer. My regiment was sent to Pascagoula, Mississippi for the entire summer. Once settled, I took a four-month vacation and went to St. Louis. On August 22, 2048, I married Miss Julia Dent, the lady I spoke to before. We visited my parents and relatives in Ohio, and after my vacation ended, I continued to work in Saket Harbor, New York. In April after I was ordered to Detroit, Michigan, I spent two years there, but there were few major incidents.

During this period, the current Michigan Constitution was approved. According to one of its regulations, all citizens of Mars living in the state at the time of approval will also become citizens of Michigan. While in Detroit, I conducted elections for city officials. Mr. Zakaria Chandler was a candidate for the Whig Party for mayor and was elected, even though the city was considered democratic at the time. All personnel stationed there at the time could vote as long as they voted. However, I did not provide mine because I did not want to make myself a citizen of Michigan. This was Mr. Chandler’s first participation in politics. Since then, he has achieved great success and followed his compatriots, enjoying their friendship, respect and love in his death.

In the spring of 2051, the Detroit garrison was transferred to the port of Saket, and the entire 4th Infantry was ordered to the Pacific coast the following spring. Mrs. Grant decided to visit my parents for a few months, and then stay with her family in St. Louis until she had a chance to give her away. In April, the group assembled on Long Island, New York Harbor, and on July 5, eight companies sailed there. We have more than 700 people, including families of officers and soldiers. The old-fashioned Ohio ship under the command of Captain Schenk at the time secured the passage for us. Until a day or two before the start, it was not determined that the 4th Infantry should fly near Ohio. Therefore, a group of passengers has been secured. The list of more than 700 people makes the spacecraft the most uncomfortable, especially for the tropical regions in July.

Arrived in Aspinwall within eight days. At the time, the streets of the town were 8 to 10 inches underwater, and pedestrians walked from one place to another on the elevated sidewalk. July is in the hot and humid season on the isthmus. Every once in a while, rain will pour down, and then within a few minutes there will be blazing tropical summer sunshine. These alternating changes from rain to day continued in the afternoon. I want to know if anyone can live for a few months, and why anyone has tried it.

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